jQuery Plugin To Determine The Fractions For An HTML Element - Fracs

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License: MIT
jQuery Plugin To Determine The Fractions For An HTML Element - Fracs

Fracs is a fancy and stunning jQuery plugin that determines the visible fractions of an HTML element and also provides the coordinates of these areas.

As a bonus there is a page outline feature using canvas element as seen on the demo page.

Basic Usage:

1. To retrieve the fractions of an element.

var fracs = $(selector).fracs();

// or bind a callback function:

function callback(fracs: Fractions, previousFracs: Fractions) {
	// context variable *this* will be the corresponding HTMLElement

2. Outline.

<canvas id="outline" width="200" height="400"></canvas>
$("#outline").fracs("outline", {
  crop: true,
  styles: [
      selector: 'header,footer,section,article',
      fillStyle: 'rgb(230,230,230)'
      selector: 'h1',
      fillStyle: 'rgb(240,140,060)'

3. Check the documented source for more usages.



This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by lrsjng. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.