jQuery Other Plugins
Download Other Uncategorized jQuery Plugins at jQueryScript jQuery Other Plugins section Page 4 .
Cookie Consent Settings Modal With jQuery And Bootstrap
- Other - 13447 ViewsShow a Privacy Settings modal popup that informs users how your site collects/uses their privacy data and allows them to accept/reject specific cookies.
Parse URL In jQuery - ddUrl
- Other - 1355 ViewsA jQuery based URL parser for developers that parses the current page URL or a link you provide and returns its components similar to the PHP's parse_url function.
Responsive Dynamic Quiz Plugin With jQuery - quiz.js
- Other - 4172 ViewsA jQuery plugin that lets you create responsive and beautiful quizzes on the page.
Material Design UI Component Library Based On Bootstrap 5/4
- Other - 1344 ViewsA responsive, beautifully crafted, Material Design styled UI component library built using jQuery library, Bootstrap 4 framework, and Material Icons.
Canvas Based Interactive Image Map In jQuery - Pictarea
- Other - 7585 ViewsPictarea is a jQuery plugin that helps you draw interactive, configurable, selectable markers/notes on your image using image map and HTML5 canvas.
Simplify Bot Prevention For Your Web Apps with EasyCaptchaJS
- Other - 2060 ViewsQuickly add spam and bot prevention to your site form using the EasyCaptchaJS jQuery plugin for smooth reCAPTCHA integration.
Clone Web Elements In A Snap With The pcsCpElement jQuery Plugin
- Other - 93 ViewsQuickly clone any element on a page with the minimalist pcsCpElement jQuery plugin. Perfect for duplicating tables, forms, and other repeatable elements.
Minimal Dashboard Skeleton Based On Bootstrap 5/4
- Other - 4027 ViewsA tiny dashboard skeleton that helps developers to quickly create a minimal clean back-end dashboard and admin panel using jQuery and Bootstrap 5/4 framework.
Simple Step By Step Site Tour Plugin - Intro.js
- Other - 25777 ViewsIntro.js is a simple and fast js library that makes it easier to create Step By Step website tour guide with keyboard and mouse support.
JSON Data To HTML Table Converter - jQuery FlexiTable
- Other - 1846 ViewsA jQuery plugin that easily convert complex JSON data into an HTML table with a single JS call.
Easy Leaflet Location Picker In jQuery
- Other - 5386 ViewsAn easy-to-use yet fully configurable location picker that gets the coordinates (longitude and latitude) of any place when you click on the Leaflet Map.
Embed A Powerful PDF Viewer Using The jQuery.pdfviewer Plugin
- Other - 5187 ViewsA simple, lightweight jQuery plugin that lets you embed a fully functional PDF viewer in your document.
Streamline Copy and Share Actions with The CopyShareify Plugin
- Other - 342 ViewsA tiny yet useful jQuery plugin that adds customizable copy and share functionality to buttons on your website.
Generate SVG-based Arrows Between Elements - jQuery arrows.js
- Other - 1237 ViewsA simple jQuery plugin that generates styleable SVG arrows along with accompanying text tags between HTML elements on your webpage.
Minimal Music Player With Audio Visualizer - jQuery jsRapAudio
- Other - 8887 ViewsThe jsRapAudio jQuery plugin lets you dynamically render a minimal clean, music player from any HTML5 audio files, for example Ogg, Mp3, Wav.
Responsive Background Video & Image Plugin - Anamorph.js
- Other - 1425 ViewsA tiny JavaScript plugin that makes it easy for you to use HTML5 or Youtube videos as backgrounds on your website, instead of regular images.
Capture Video Frames And Convert Them To Images - jQuery videoCapture
- Other - 726 ViewsA jQuery plugin that extracts images from videos without displaying them on the page.
jQuery Plugin To Initialize Matched Elements Dynamically - initialize.js
- Other - 1714 Viewsinitialize.js is a jQuery extension/alternative to the jQuery.each() API that allows to execute a function for each matched element, no matter how and when the element is added into your document.
Cookie Consent Notice Plugin For Bootstrap 5/4 - cookieAlert.js
- Other - 36671 ViewscookieAlert.js is a JavaScript Cookie Consent Notice plugin which allows your web app to comply with the EU cookie law by alerting users that your site has cookies.
Nice Tags Manager with jQuery and Bootstrap - Bootstrap Tags Input
- Other - 29569 ViewsBootstrap Tags Input is a jQuery plugin that allows you to add, remove, and categorize tags in Twitter Bootstrap 5/4/3/2 projects.