Generate SVG-based Arrows Between Elements - jQuery arrows.js

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License: MIT
Generate SVG-based Arrows Between Elements - jQuery arrows.js

arrows.js is a simple jQuery plugin that generates styleable SVG arrows along with accompanying text tags between HTML elements on your webpage.

It is designed to create a visual connection that helps illustrate relationships, hierarchies or sequences between the linked UI components. Ideals for infographics, flowchartsinteractive tutorials, and more.

See Also:

How to use it:

1. Download the plugin and load the jquery.arrows.js script after jQuery.

<script src="/path/to/cdn/jquery.slim.min.js"></script>
<script src="/path/to/jquery.arrows.js"></script>

2. Initialize the plugin and specify the origin and destination elements.

  from: '#node-from', 
  to: '#node-to'

3. Add custom text to the SVG arrow.

  from: '#node-from', 
  to: '#node-to',
  name: 'i am an arrow',

4. Assign a unique ID and/or CSS class(es) to the arrow. OPTIONAL.

  from: '#node-from', 
  to: '#node-to',
  id: 'arrow-id', 
  class: 'arrow-class',

5. Specify the container that hold the SVG arrows.

  from: '#node-from', 
  to: '#node-to',
  within: '#container',

6. Specify the tab name of the SVG arrows.

  from: '#node-from', 
  to: '#node-to',
  tag: 'arrow',

7. API methods.

// remove arrows

// update arrows



  • minor changes

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by alejp1998. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.