jQuery plugin To Visualize Connections Between Elements - jqSimpleConnect

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jQuery plugin To Visualize Connections Between Elements - jqSimpleConnect

jqSimpleConnect is a jQuery plugin that allows you to connect two block elements with a fully configurable line.

See also:

How to use it:

1. Add jQuery library and the jqSimpleConnect jQuery plugin to your html page.

<script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.3.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/jqSimpleConnect.min.js"></script>

2. The JavaScript to draw a default line connecting block elements '#el-a' and '#el-b'.

<div id="el-a">Element A</div>
<div id="el-b">Element B</div>
jqSimpleConnect.connect("#el-a", "#el-b", {/*OPTIONS*/});

3. Parameters and options.

// elementA: A CSS selector or a jQuery's object for select the first element.
// elementB: A CSS selector or a jQuery's object for select the second element.
jqSimpleConnect.connect(elementA, elementB, {

  // the color of the line
  color: 'green',

  // the width of the line
  radius: 10,

  // a boolean indicating if the corners must be round
  roundedCorners: true,

  // the anchor type of the first element
  anchorA: 'horizontal'

  // the anchor type of the second element
  anchorB: 'vertical'

4. API.

// Repaints an specific connection from the page.
// connectionId: The connection's unique identifier.
// Returns true if the connection was repainted or false if no connection with that identifier was found.
jqSimpleConnect.repaintConnection = function(connectionId)

// Repaints all the connections in the page.
jqSimpleConnect.repaintAll = function()

// Removes an specific connection from the page.
// Returns true if the connection was removed or false if no connection with that identifier was found.
jqSimpleConnect.removeConnection = function(connectionId)

// Removes all the connections in the page.
jqSimpleConnect.removeAll = function()

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by jfmdev. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.