jQuery Other Plugins
Download Other Uncategorized jQuery Plugins at jQueryScript jQuery Other Plugins section Page 7 .
Easy Customizable Reading Progress Bar Plugin - jQuery Page-Progress
- Other - 326 ViewsA lightweight, easy-to-use, fully customizable, and fixed-position reading progress indicator plugin written in jQuery.
Animated Expandable Message Box In jQuery
- Other - 422 ViewsAn animated and expandable message box written in jQuery that allows users to quickly preview a message before diving into the details.
Highly Customizable Custom Overlay Scrollbar Plugin With jQuery
- Other - 24387 ViewsThe jQuery OverlayScrollbars plugin provides a simple way to create customizable, themeable overlay scrollbars on any scrollable element while preserving the native scroll functionality.
Accordion-style Multi-image Comparison Plugin - jQuery Imagecompare
- Other - 1086 ViewsA super small and fully responsive jQuery image comparison plugin that lets you compare multiple images in an accordion-style interface.
Lightweight Alert & Confirmation Popup Plugin - jQuery Stack Alert
- Other - 1269 ViewsA lightweight yet customizable jQuery alert plugin for those who need to display error messages or ask for confirmation on web applications.
Animated Sticky Bottom Notification Bar Plugin - jQuery Hat Tip
- Other - 554 ViewsA simple jQuery plugin for creating an animated notification bar that always stays at the bottom of the web page.
Easy Hex Color Picker jQuery Plugin - color-picker.js
- Other - 1918 ViewsA lightweight and easy-to-implement jQuery plugin that allows you to add a HEX color picker to your web pages.
Breakpoint Detection In jQuery - rwdKit
- Other - 1309 ViewsA breakpoint detector that detects breakpoint changes and creates a debug bar to display the current media/device type and viewport size after window resize.
Customizable Material Design Snackbars In jQuery - mSnackbar.js
- Other - 948 ViewsA lightweight and customizable jQuery notification plugin for creating Material Design inspired snackbars on the page.
Dark Mode Toggle Button Plugin For Bootstrap - bs-darkmode
- Other - 1040 ViewsA jQuery/Vanilla JS dark mode plugin for Bootstrap 5/4 framework, which enables a toggle button to switch between Dark Mode and Light Mode on your webpages.
Simple Customizable Step Wizard Plugin For jQuery - steps
- Other - 34839 Viewssteps is a lightweight yet customizable jQuery plugin that converts any grouped elements into a step-by-step wizard with navigation buttons and callback functions.
Get The Deepest Children Of A Node - jQuery Deepest.js
- Other - 511 ViewsA super tiny (less than 1kb) jQuery plugin that enables developers to get the deepest children of a DOM element.
Encode JavaScript To Japanese Emoticons - jQuery Aaencode
- Other - 291 ViewsA jQuery-powered JavaScript encoding library converts your JavaScript code into a series of ASCII characters that can be displayed as emoticons
Show Element Based On Scroll Position Or Time On Page - jQuery showElement
- Other - 387 ViewsA jQuery plugin that shows an element on your webpage based on the user's scroll position or the amount of time they've spent on the page.
Create Floating Ads That Move Across The Screen - jQuery bay-window.js
- Other - 455 ViewsA jQuery plugin that creates floating popup windows from any DOM elements and makes them move around over the web page.
Detect Which Page Section Is In The Viewport - jQuery sectionInView
- Other - 391 ViewsA tiny jQuery is in viewport plugin that detects if a section of your page is visible in the viewport or hidden below the fold.
Accessible Animated Focus Box Plugin With jQuery - FocusOverlay
- Other - 1266 ViewsAn accessible, animated focus overlay plugin for jQuery that highlights the current focused element with a highly customizable focus box (focus border) when switching between elements with Tab key.
Advanced Alert Popup Plugin With Sound Effects - jQuery Pexxalert
- Other - 1923 ViewsA robust and customizable jQuery notification plugin to help create alert/confirm/prompt/progress/incoming call notification popups on websites and web applications.
Generate An Accordion Tree View From JSON - jQuery ACL
- Other - 4704 ViewsA lightweight and easy-to-use jQuery tree view plugin that creates a collapsible tree structure from any hierarchical JSON data.
Easy Show/Hide/Toggle Plugin - jQuery Autohide.js
- Other - 388 ViewsA lightweight, flexible, multipurpose jQuery content reveal (show/hide/toggle) plugin that allows you to manage the display visibility of any HTML element easily.