Protect Email Address In Source Code - jQuery mailIt

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License: MIT
Protect Email Address In Source Code - jQuery mailIt

mailIt is a jQuery plugin to prevent spambots and email harvesters that have the ability to convert the obfuscated strings into REAL email addresses on the webpage.

How to use it:

1. Load the minified version of the mailIt jQuery plugin after loading jQuery.

<script src="" 
<script src="src/jquery.mailIt.min.js"></script>

2. Use obfuscated strings (dummy/at/dot characters) to encrypt your email addresses.

<span class="email">anEmailAddress[at]</span>
<span class="email">anotherEmailAddress[at]domain[dot]com</span>
<span class="email">yetAnother<del>-REMOVE-THIS-</del>EmailAddress[at]domain[dot]com</span>

3. Attach the function mailIt to the email addresses. That's it.

$(function () {

4. Customize the dummy/at/dot characters.

$(function () {
    dummy: '-REMOVE-THIS-',
    at: '\\[at\\]',
    dot: '\\[dot\\]'

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by gar-cad. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.