Create Windows Like File/Folder Views With jQuery - Desktopify

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License: MIT
Create Windows Like File/Folder Views With jQuery - Desktopify

Desktopify is a jQuery plugin to create a Microsoft Windows like desktop containing shortcut, file, and folder views using HTML, JavaScript, and CSS.


  • Draggable windows.
  • Reorder files using drag and drop.
  • Multi-item selection.
  • Delete items with a confirm dialog.
  • Move items (files or folders) between windows and folders.

How to use it:

1. Load the Desktopify plugin and other required resources in the HTML page.

<!-- Stylesheet -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./index.css" />
<!-- jQuery -->
<script src="/path/to/jquery.min.js"></script>
<!-- Desktopify Plugin -->
<script src="./lib/desktopify.js"></script>
<!-- Draggable Plugin -->
<script src="./lib/draggable.js"></script>

2. Initialize the Desktopify on a container element where you want to generate the Windows desktop.

<div id="desktop">
  Shortcuts & Windows Here
  // options here

3. Add shortcuts to the desktop.

<a class="ui-icon" href="#">
  <div class="icon-fb"></div>
<a class="ui-icon" href="#" data-kind="folder">
  <div class="icon-docs"></div>
<a class="ui-icon" href="#" data-kind="folder" data-moveable="false" id="icon-trash">
  <div class="icon-trash"></div>

4. Add file explorer to the desktop.

<div class="window explorer" id="explorer-1">
  <div class="ui-title-bar"><span>File Manager 1</span></div>
  <div class="ui-folder-view"></div>
<div class="window explorer" id="explorer-2">
  <div class="ui-title-bar"><span>File Manager 2</span></div>
  <div class="ui-folder-view"></div>
// enable draggable
  handle: '.ui-title-bar'

5. All possible options to customize the plugin.


  // parent element
  element: '',

  // exclude elements
  exclude: '',

  // default CSS classes
  iconClass: 'ui-icon',
  ghostClass: 'ui-ghost',
  selectedClass: 'ui-selected',
  selectingClass: 'ui-selecting',
  dropTargetClass: 'ui-drop-target',
  ghostContainerClass: 'ui-ghost-container',

  // default HTML
  rectangleHtml: '<div class="ui-rectangle"/>',
  indicatorHtml: '<div class="ui-indicator"/>',

  // config autoScroll here
  autoScrollSpeed: 6,
  autoScrollPlay: 30,
  autoScrollGap: 5,

  // offset in pixels
  ghostOffset: 10,

  // enable/disable reorder
  reorder: true

6. Callback functions.


  onReposition: function (items) { },
  onBeforeDelete: function (items, callback) { },
  onDelete: function (items) { },
  onBeforeHover: function (target, items) { return false; },
  onHover: function (items) { },
  onBeforeMove: function (items) { return []; },
  onMove: function (items) { },
  onDragOver: function (data) { return false; },
  onDropItems: function (target, items) { },
  onDropData: function (data) { }

7. You are also allowed to pass the options globally as follows:

$.fn.desktopify.defaults.onDropData = function (data) {

$.fn.desktopify.defaults.indicatorHtml = '<div class="ui-indicator"><div></div><span></span></div>';


More Resources:

To build a retro Microsoft Windows experience on the web page, here are a few more resources we found on the web: 

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by midasw. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.