Free jQuery Vimeo Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'Vimeo' are listed here.
jQuery Based Youtube/Vimeo/HTML5 Video Controller - Video.js
- Other - 6729 ViewsA jQuery video plugin that provides useful methods and events to control Youtube, Vimeo, and HTML5 videos from JavaScript.
Minimal Youtube/Vimeo Modal Plugin For jQuery - modal-video
- LightBox - 25170 ViewsA simple, accessible, customizable jQuery video lightbox plugin that allows to play Youtube/Vimeo videos in an animated modal window as you click on the video link.
HTML5 Background Player For Vimeo Videos - mb.vimeoPlayer
- Other - 14624 Viewsmb.vimeoPlayer is a jQuery HTML5 video background plugin which allows you to insert a fully controllable Vimeo video player as the background of any container element.
jQuery Plugin To Lazy Load Youtube Videos Until Needed - LazyTube
- Loading - 4353 ViewsYet another jQuery Youtube video lazy load plugin that displays the thumbnail images of Youtube videos on the webpage and then plays them when clicked.
Easy Youtube & Vimeo Video Embeds With jQuery - VideoBox
- Other - 6914 ViewsVideoBox is a lightweight jQuery plugin that makes it easier to embed Youtube, Vimeo, or Kaltura videos with custom player parameters into the webpage.
jQuery Plugin For Fluid Youtube & Vimeo Videos - tinaciousFluidVid.js
- Other - 2580 ViewstinaciousFluidVid.js is an extremely light jQuery plugin that automatically resizes Youtube & Vimeo iframe players to fit your responsive web layout.
Load Youtube/Vimeo Videos On Demand To Improve Performance - Js-load-video
- Other - 2295 ViewsYet another jQuery plugin that dynamically loads Youtube and Vimeo videos on demand to boost page performance. Licensed under the BSD-3-Clause.
jQuery Plugin To 'Turn Off The Light' When Playing Videos - LightsOff
- Other - 2860 ViewsLightsOff is a very small jQuery plugin that brings the 'Turn Off The Lights' experience to your webpage when watching HTML5 videos and/or Youtube/Vimeo videos.
jQuery Lightbox Plugin For Youtube Videos - Video Lightning
- LightBox - 70496 ViewsVideo Lightning is a highly customizable jQuery lightbox plugin that allows you to play youtube / vimeo videos in a stylish lightbox interface.
Load And Play Youtube/Vimeo Videos When Needed - embedvideos
- Other - 5509 Viewsembedvideos is a jQuery plugin that gets/displays thumbnails(posters) for Youtube/Vimeo/Kaltura videos and then fetches the heavy iFrame video players only when the thumbnails are clicked.
Lightweight Vimeo/Youtube Video Popup Plugin For jQuery
- Other - 16723 ViewsYet another jQuery based video popup plugin used to place your embedded Youtube & Vimeo videos in a customizable overlay that covers the entire webpage.
Progressive Enhancement Vimeo Video Player - jQuery vimeoplayer.js
- Other - 847 ViewsA fast, progressive enhancement jQuery vimeo video player plugin that parses and converts the Vimeo link within the document into an iframe embbed Vimeo video player.
Fast Responsive Video Gallery Plugin For jQuery - speedvault.js
- Gallery - 10826 Viewsspeedvault.js is a jQuery plugin for creating a responsive, performant video gallery to lazy load and play videos from Youtube, Vimeo, and DailyMotion.
Responsive Youtube & Vimeo Video Lightbox Plugin - YouTubePopUp
- LightBox - 40673 ViewsYouTubePopUp is a jQuery plugin that displays Youtube and Vimeo videos in a responsive, fullscreen, retina-ready modal window with or without autoplay.
Custom Vimeo Video Background Plugin with jQuery - Vimeofy
- Other - 2155 ViewsVimeofy is a simple, lightweight jQuery plugin which uses a Vimeo video as the background of any container element.
jQuery Plugin For Custom Vimeo Cover Placeholder - vimeo-cover.js
- Other - 1299 Viewsvimeo-cover.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin that helps embed a Vimeo video with custom cover image into your webpage.
jQuery Plugin For Easy Vimeo Video Controller - Vimeo.API.js
- Other - 7573 ViewsVimeo.API.js is a lightweight jQuery wrapper around the Vimoe video API which allows you to control Vimeo videos embedded in your webpage with custom jQuery methods and events.
jQuery Plugin For Youtube & Vimeo Video Previews - PreVideoLoad
- Other - 4084 ViewsPreVideoLoad is a super tiny jQuery plugin that gets and displays thumbnail previews of the Youtube or Vimeo videos on the web page.
jQuery Plugin For Fullscreen Vimeo Video Background - Vimelar
- Other - 7631 ViewsVimelar is a jQuery plugin that allows Vimeo videos to be used as fullscreen backgrounds on your websites.
Tiny jQuery Youtube/Vimeo Video Lightbox Plugin - Lightbox Video
- LightBox - 27493 ViewsLightbox Video is a super tiny jQuery plugin to display Youtube or Vimeo videos in a nice-looking lightbox interface.
One-Click Social Button Plugin - ClassySocial
- Social Media - 6971 ViewsClassySocial is a jQuery social media plugin that make it easy to let your site visitors easily see what networks you belong to and visit them in a click of a button.
Easy jQuery Video Controller Plugin
- Other - 4299 ViewsVideo Controller is a jQuery plugin that allows you to control video players and providers (like youtube, HTML5 video, etc) via external methods.
jQuery Plugin To Embed Vimeo Videos with Thumbnails - Smart Vimeo Embed
- Other - 5099 ViewsSmart Vimeo Embed is a jQuery plugin that makes it easy to embed the Vimeo videos with thumbnails on your website, just by adding their id to the data-vimeo-id attribute.
Social Feed Plugin with jQuery - SOCIALIST
- Social Media - 13383 ViewsSOCIALIST is a flexable jQuery Social Media Plugin that enables you to creates a social stream (or social "wall") using AJAX from multiple social media feeds in one place.
jQuery Plugin To Embed Videos with Lightbox Effects - Video Lightbox
- Other - 6746 ViewsjQuery Video Lightbox plugin allows you to add flv, mp4, 3gp videos from popular 3rd services (Youtube, Facebook, Google Video, Vimeo, MySpace) with cool popup lightbox effects and a lot of gorgeous gallery themes.