Free jQuery background image Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'background image' are listed here.
jQuery Plugin To Resize Background Image To Fit Screen
- Layout - 4024 ViewsBackground Fit is a jQuery plugin for responsive design that resizes the background image to fit your screen/container.
Reveal Blurred Image With A Magnifying Glass Effect
- Other - 1838 ViewsA small jQuery script that enables a CSS based magnifier to reveal the blurred background image on mouse move.
Dynamic Slideshow Background Plugin - backstretch
- Slideshow - 17673 Viewsbackstretch is an easy to use jQuery plugin that enables you to add awesome background images with slideshow effects to your webpage or any HTML element.
Get Information About The Background Image - bg-image.js
- Other - 395 Viewsbg-image.js is a super tiny jQuery plugin for developers that returns an object containing the information about your background image: width, height, and source.
Create Infinite Scrolling Backgrounds With jQuery - scrolly.js
- Animation - 1916 Viewsscrolly.js is a really small (~1kb minified) jQuery plugin to create horizontal scrolling backgrounds on the webpage.
Convert Image Into Background Image - convertToBackground.js
- Other - 2057 ViewsYet another jQuery Image To Background plugin which converts the original images into CSS background images in their parent containers, while maintaining the original aspect ratios.
Add Inline Background Images Using Data Attribute - jQuery EasyImg
- Other - 1425 ViewsEasyImg is a dead simple and cross-browser jQuery plugin which adds inline background images to container elements using HTML data attributes.
Convert Images Into CSS Backgrounds - jQuery jfImgToCSS
- Other - 1077 ViewsjfImgToCSS is a jQuery plugin that turns regular images into CSS backgrounds to make the images fit within their parent containers no matter how you resize the browser window.
Cool Background Image Transition Effects - jQuery bgChange
- Slideshow - 9058 ViewsbgChange is a small jQuery background slideshow plugin that automatically switches between background images with a cool configurable transition effect.
Auto Swap Background Images Based On Screen Size - swapBackground
- Other - 1242 ViewsswapBackground is a jQuery plugin for responsive, cross-platform background images that automatically swaps the background image sources on different screen resolutions.
Create Responsive Fullscreen Backgrounds With jQuery
- Other - 2900 ViewsA simple, lightweight jQuery plugin for creating a responsive fullscreen background that will auto resize to fill the screen on window resize.
jQuery Plugin To Create Cross-container Background Image - Shared Background
- Other - 503 ViewsShared Background is a lightweight fancy jQuery plugin that makes multiple containers share the same background image.
Simple jQuery Plugin For Background Parallax Scrolling Effect - Fallings
- Animation - 11903 ViewsFallings is a new, lightweight jQuery parallax effect plugin used to parallax position-absolute background images as you scroll down/up the web page.
jQuery Plugin To Make IMG Act Like A Responsive Background - makeCover
- Other - 685 ViewsmakeCover is a jQuery plugin that makes your img tag behavior like a background with background-size:cover property.
jQuery Plugin To Load Background Images On the Right Viewport - lazysizebg
- Other - 1031 Viewslazysizebg is an ultra-light jQuery responsive image solution which automatically delivers correct solution background images at specified breakpoints.
jQuery Plugin To Insert Background Images Without CSS - Bgimg
- Other - 871 ViewsBgimg is a really simple jQuery plugin that adds background images to specific container without writing any CSS.
jQuery Plugin To Create Auto Scrolling Background - backgroundScroll
- Animation - 5828 ViewsAutoBackgroundScroll.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin to automatically and continuously scroll your background image with specified speed and direction.
Create Blurred Image Background Using jQuery And Canvas - blurIt
- Other - 3326 ViewsblurIt is a jQuery plugin for blurring image that loads a specified image onto an HTML5 canvas, blurs it and then uses the blurred image as a background on your webpage.
jQuery Plugin For Creating Blurred Image Backgrounds - Background Blur
- Other - 5288 ViewsBackground Blur is a lightweight and cross-browser jQuery plugin for creating a blurred background from a give image using SVG filters.
Simple Background Image Parallax Effect with jQuery and HTML5
- Animation - 7651 Viewsparallax.js is a very small jQuery plugin which helps you apply background image parallax scrolling effects to your website using html5 data attributes.
Basic Background Parallax Effect with jQuery - laxicon
- Animation - 2857 Viewslaxicon is a dead simple jQuery plugin which allows you to add a parallax scrolling effect to your background images with one JS call.
jQuery Plugin To Animate Background Images - jwtextureswim
- Animation - 1402 Viewsjwtextureswim is a jQuery plugin for creating animated backgrounds that allows you to animate the x and y positions of an element's background image.
Background Image Switcher with jQuery - ChangeBackground
- Other - 1392 ViewsChangeBackground is an Html5 localStorage based jQuery plugin that allows the user to switch the background images of your webpage.
Simple Fullscreen Background Image Plugin with jQuery
- Other - 1407 ViewsA cross-browser jQuery plugin that automatically stretches an images to fill the full window while preserving aspect ratio and maintaining centering.
jQuery Plugin For Background Image Lazy Loading - bglazyload.js
- Loading - 1601 Viewsbglazyload.js is a super simple jQuery plugin used to delay loading of images until container is scrolled more than 33% in viewport.
Flexible & Responsive jQuery Background Image Plugin - Wallpaper
- Layout - 6366 ViewsWallpaper is a tiny jQuery plugin that has the ability to scale a background image to fill and fit a div container while resizing the browser.
Reveal Part Of Background Image Using jQuery and CSS
- Other - 2897 ViewsA scope/spotlight effect made with jQuery and CSS that allows you to reveal part of fix positioned background image using jQuery mousemove() function.
Simple and Touch-Enabled jQuery Draggable Background Plugin
- Other - 3994 ViewsA simple and touch-enabled jQuery plugin that allows you to make the background of a html container draggable.
jQuery Plugin To Animate Background Image - Coverrr
- Animation - 2861 ViewsCoverrr is a fancy jQuery plugin which allows to animate background-size:cover background images with infinite 'Back and Forth' scrolling effects.
jQuery Plugin For Creating Blurred Background Image - Blurr
- Other - 2809 ViewsBlurr is a jQuery plugin that takes advantage of SVG filter to create modern blurred images for containers' backgrounds.
jQuery Plugin For Auto Background Image Switcher - easybg.js
- Slideshow - 8962 Viewseasybg.js is a simple easy jQuery plugin which allows you to automatically & periodically change a set of specific background images like a slideshow.
jQuery Plugin To Create Animated Background - Background Animate
- Animation - 2731 ViewsBackground Animate is a minimal JQuery plugin to animate the background by Infinitely moving the background image in a certain direction.
Interactive Mouse Hover Parallax Effect with jQuery - Mouse Parallax
- Animation - 55085 ViewsMouse Parallax is an extremely lightweight jQuery plugin to add parallax effects to given elements that respond to mouse movement.
jQuery Plugin To Change Text Color Based On Background Image - invertImgText.js
- Text - 9432 ViewsinvertImgText.js is a smart jQuery plugin used to change the font color according to its background image dominating color.
Creating 3D Interative Parallax Background Effects with jQuery - Simples 3D
- Animation - 11438 ViewsSimples 3D is a jQuery plugin that creates a 3D parallax effect on your container's background by moving the background images or Html objects at different speeds when user mouse moving.
Interactive Parallax Background Image with jQuery and CSS3 - Interactive BG
- Animation - 6456 ViewsA simple and fast interactive background image parallax effect that moves in response to the mouse, built with jQuery and CSS3 transitions & transforms.
Super Simple jQuery Based Parallax Scrolling Effect
- Animation - 5511 ViewsA super simple and lightweight jQuery solution to apply a cross browser parallax scrolling effect on your background images.
jQuery Plugin For Randomly Swtiching Background Images - Random Wall
- Other - 2887 ViewsRandom Wall is a simple jQuery plugin that randomly and automatically switches background images of an Html container at a certain delay time.
Minimal jQuery Background Parallax Scrolling Plugin
- Animation - 7335 ViewsJust another jQuery plugin for easily and quickly creating a simple background image parallax scrolling effect on your page.
Fullscreen Background Image Slideshow Plugin with jQuery
- Slideshow - 10023 ViewsJust another simple yet customizable jQuery background slideshow plugin that enables you to automatically switch the background images of your page at a certain speed.
Simple Parallax Scrolling Effect with jQuery and CSS3 - Efecto Parallax
- Animation - 8233 ViewsYet another Parallax plugin based on jQuery and CSS3 to create background image parallax scrolling effect when scrolling down/up the page.
Simple Background Parallax Effect Plugin For jQuery - parallaxDiv.js
- Animation - 2545 ViewsparallaxDiv.js is a super tiny jQuery plugin for applying a parallax scrolling effect on the background image of a container that reacts the position of the cursor or the orientation of a smart device that has gyroscope or motion detection h
jQuery Plugin For Random Background Image of An Element - Aurora
- Other - 1716 ViewsAurora is a lightweight jQuery plugin for displaying a random background image of an element that fetches a randomly selected image from Flickr by tags.
jQuery Plugin For Fullscreen Background Image - Backgroundcover
- Other - 1140 ViewsBackgroundcover is a jQuery based CSS3 background-size:cover polyfill/shim that scales the background image as large as possible to cover the background area.
jQuery Plugin For Parallax Scrolling Background Image - qpScroll
- Animation - 2672 ViewsqpScroll is a simple and easy jQuery resolution to move background images with a subtle parallax scrolling effect when scrolling down the page.
jQuery Plugin For Random Background Image - randomBackground
- Other - 15852 ViewsrandomBackground is a small jQuery plugin that change background image of you page/container randomly on page load or refresh.
jQuery Plugin For Dynamic Random Background Color & Image - Bgran
- Slideshow - 2301 ViewsjQuery Bgran is a simple jQuery plugin that dynamically changes the background of your container with a random color or image. Also can be used as an image slideshow.