Simple Countdown Timer With Custom Rendering Template

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License: MIT
Simple Countdown Timer With Custom Rendering Template

A really simple jQuery plugin that lets developers generate a plain and customizable countdown timer from template strings you specify.

How to use it:

1. Insert both jQuery JavaScript library and the countdown-timer.js script into the document.

<script src="jquery.slim.min.js"></script>
<script src="./js/jquery.countdown-timer.js"></script>

2. Create a placeholder for the countdown timer and define the rendering template using the following tokens:

  • {day}
  • {hour}
  • {min}
  • {sec}
  • {ms}
<div class="countdown">{day}days{hour:00}:{min:00}:{sec:00}.{ms:00}</div>
<div class="countdown">{hour:00}:{min:00}:{sec:00}.{ms:00}</div>
<div class="countdown">{min:00}:{sec:00}.{ms:00}</div>
<div class="countdown">{sec:00}.{ms:00}</div>
<div class="countdown">{day:00}days{hour:00}:{min:00}:{sec:00}.{ms:0}</div>
<div class="countdown">{day:00}days{hour:00}:{min:00}:{sec:00}.{ms:00}</div>
<div class="countdown">{day:00}days{hour:00}:{min:00}:{sec:00}.{ms:000}</div>

3. The JavaScript to enable the countdown timer and define the datetime you'd like to countdown towards to.

$('.countdown').countdownTimer('2029/11/12 12:00')

4. Execute a function when the countdown is finished.

$('.countdown').countdownTimer('2029/11/12 12:00', function() { 
  // do something

// or
$('.countdown').countdownTimer('2029/11/12 12:00')
.on('countdownTimer:end', function() { 
  // do something

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by hirorinao. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.