jQuery Plugin for Input Field Time Format and Spinner - Time Entry

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jQuery Plugin for Input Field Time Format and Spinner - Time Entry

Time Entry is a jQuery time plugin that enables your input field to accept a time value using a spinner or the keyboard.


  • Morning/Evening markers suppoted
  • Quick insert the current time
  • 24 hour time supported
  • Simple and easy to use
  • 20+ localisations

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Basic Usage:

1. Include jQuery library and jquery.timeentry.js on your page

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.timeentry.js"></script>

2. Markup

<input type="text" id="demo" size="10">

3. Call the plugin

$(function () {

4. Options

    show24Hours: false, // True to use 24 hour time, false for 12 hour (AM/PM) 
    separator: ':', // The separator between time fields 
    ampmPrefix: '', // The separator before the AM/PM text 
    ampmNames: ['AM', 'PM'], // Names of morning/evening markers 
    // The popup texts for the spinner image areas 
    spinnerTexts: ['Now', 'Previous field', 'Next field', 'Increment', 'Decrement'], 
    appendText: '', // Display text following the input box, e.g. showing the format 
    showSeconds: false, // True to show seconds as well, false for hours/minutes only 
    timeSteps: [1, 1, 1], // Steps for each of hours/minutes/seconds when incrementing/decrementing 
    initialField: 0, // The field to highlight initially, 0 = hours, 1 = minutes, ... 
    noSeparatorEntry: false, // True to move to next sub-field after two digits entry 
    useMouseWheel: true, // True to use mouse wheel for increment/decrement if possible, 
        // false to never use it 
    defaultTime: null, // The time to use if none has been set, leave at null for now 
    minTime: null, // The earliest selectable time, or null for no limit 
    maxTime: null, // The latest selectable time, or null for no limit 
    spinnerImage: 'spinnerDefault.png', // The URL of the images to use for the time spinner 
        // Seven images packed horizontally for normal, each button pressed, and disabled 
    spinnerSize: [20, 20, 8], // The width and height of the spinner image, 
        // and size of centre button for current time 
    spinnerBigImage: '', // The URL of the images to use for the expanded time spinner 
        // Seven images packed horizontally for normal, each button pressed, and disabled 
    spinnerBigSize: [40, 40, 16], // The width and height of the expanded spinner image, 
        // and size of centre button for current time 
    spinnerIncDecOnly: false, // True for increment/decrement buttons only, false for all 
    spinnerRepeat: [500, 250], // Initial and subsequent waits in milliseconds 
        // for repeats on the spinner buttons 
    beforeShow: null, // Function that takes an input field and 
        // returns a set of custom settings for the time entry 
    beforeSetTime: null // Function that runs before updating the time, 
        // takes the old and new times, and minimum and maximum times as parameters, 
        // and returns an adjusted time if necessary 
$.timeEntry.setDefaults(settings) // Set default values for all instances 
$(selector).timeEntry('option', settings) // Change the settings for selected instances 
$(selector).timeEntry('option', name, value) // Change a single setting for selected instances 
$(selector).timeEntry('option', name) // Retrieve a setting value 
$(selector).timeEntry('destroy') // Remove the time entry functionality 
$(selector).timeEntry('disable') // Disable time entry 
$(selector).timeEntry('enable') // Enable time entry 
$(selector).timeEntry('isDisabled') // Determine if field is disabled 
$(selector).timeEntry('setTime', time) // Set the time for the instance 
$(selector).timeEntry('getTime') // Retrieve the currently selected time 
$(selector).timeEntry('getOffset') // Retrieve the current time offset

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by unknown. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.