Free jQuery input Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'input' are listed here.
International Telephone Input With Flags and Dial Codes
- Form - 546198 ViewsInternational Telephone Input is a useful JavaScript plugin that turns the standard input into an International Telephone Input with a national flag drop down list.
Nice Clean File Input Plugin With jQuery and Bootstrap 5/4/3 - Bootstrap Fileinput
- Form - 86555 ViewsAn Html5 file input enhancement built with jQuery, Bootstrap 5 (or Bootstrap 4, Bootstrap 3) for creating a nice-looking file uploader that allows you to select multiple files with image & file preview.
Easy Number and Currency Formatting Library - autoNumeric
- Other - 79258 ViewsautoNumeric is a useful JavaScript library for international currency formatting as well as numbers formatting.
Powerful Multi-Functional Form Validation Plugin - jQuery Validation
- Form - 21380 ViewsjQuery Validation is a javascript based plugin that helps you implement a powerful client side validator to your form elements that validate the value ( name, email, address, etc..) your user input when submitting.
jQuery Ajax Autocomplete Plugin For Input Fields - Autocomplete
- Form - 36427 ViewsjQuery.Autocomplete is a jQuery based autocomplete plugin that attaches autocomplete/autosuggest drop down list with ajax lookup to text input fields when your users input.
Touch-Friendly jQuery Input Spinner Plugin For Bootstrap 3/4 - TouchSpin
- Form - 30734 ViewsTouchSpin is a jQuery plugin for Bootstrap 3 to create a touch-friendly spinner widget that wraps a text input with two buttons to increment and decrement the current value.
Simple & Easy jQuery Autocomplete Plugin - Autocompleter
- Form - 11527 ViewsAutocompleter is a simple, easy, customizable, cache-enabled jQuery plugin which allows you to select an item from a dropdown list populated with suggestions.
jQuery Plugin For Email Address Auto Complete - mailtip
- Form - 6181 ViewsA useful jQuery plugin that popups a suggestion box with email addresses from the autocomplete list while a user types into the email input field.
jQuery Plugin For Input Field Auto Hiding - Auto Hide Input
- Form - 1094 ViewsA jQuery form security plugin that auto hides the information entered by the user when the input field's focus is lost, just as the password input type.
Credit Card Validator Plugin with jQuery
- Other - 12298 ViewsAn easy, fast Query Plugin for detecting and validating credit card numbers in your checkout form.
Toggle Password Visibility With jQuery - hideShowPassword
- Form - 33017 ViewsjQuery hideShowPassword is a cross-browser and touch-friendly jQuery plugin that allows your user to toggle password field text visibility on click.
Easy Rare Characters Writing Plugin - Long Press
- Text - 974 ViewsLong Press is a jQuery plugin that make it as simple as possible to insert accented or rare characters on any device like iOS and Android.
User-Friendly Select Box Plugin For jQuery - Chosen
- Form - 15470 ViewsChosen is one of the most popular select box replacement plugins that make your select element much more user-friendly.
jQuery Plugin for Simple Virtual Keyboard - keypad
- Other - 13002 Viewskeypad is a simple jQuery plugin that adds a customizable virtual keyboard next to your input field when focused on.
Automatic Input Field Data Formatting Plugin - jQuery mask
- Form - 7221 ViewsjQuery mask is yet another jQuery mask plugin that automatically format input field data with regular expression.
jQuery Plugin To Highlight Text In Text Fields - highlightTextarea
- Form - 6137 Viewshighlighttextarea is a jQuery plugin used to highlight text (words, sentences, strings, etc...) defined in a JS array object for your text fields like textarea and input.
A jQuery Plugin To Restrict Characters In Text Field - Alphanum
- Form - 15864 ViewsAlphanum is a small yet useful JQuery plugin that allows you to restrict a text field to only accept specify characters (alphabetic, numeric or alphanumeric characters).
jQuery Plugin For Drag and Drop File Input Field - ezdz
- Form - 26896 Viewsezdz is an easy-to-use jQuery File Input plugin for creating a drag & drop zone that allows the visitor to drag and drop multiple files into the file input.
jQuery Plugin For Enhancing The Standard Html Search Input - Search Input
- Form - 6513 ViewsjQuery Search Input is a fancy and user-friendly jQuery plugin that turns the standard html input field into HTML5 search input field.
Simple jQuery Email Autocomplete & Suggestion Plugin
- Form - 11334 ViewsA user-friendly and mobile-friendly jQuery plugin that suggests and autocompletes the domain suffix from a list of predefined email domains while a user types into the email input field.
jQuery Currency Input Filed Mask Plugin - maskmoney
- Form - 54696 Viewsmaskmoney is a super simple jQuery plugin that make it easy to mask input filed text in the form of currency.
jQuery Plugin To Auto Copy Text From One Field To Another - autofill
- Form - 8170 Viewsautofill is a fast, easy and useful jQuery plugin that automatically copy and fill out text input fields from another text input fields.
jQuery Plugin for Typing In Input with Amazing CSS3 Effects - Fancy Input
- Form - 7794 ViewsFancy Input is an amazing jQuery form plugin that adds fancy CSS3 effects to your input fields when users typing in.
jQuery Plugin For Selecting and Replacing Text - textrange
- Text - 5038 Viewstextrange is a jQuery text control plugin that allows you select a range of text in input field and textarea and replace the selected text with given text.
Price Format jQuery Plugin - Price Format
- Form - 8894 ViewsPrice Format is a jQuery plugin that allows you to format input text fields as prices. For example, if you type 123456, the plugin updates it to US$ 1,234.56. It is costumizable, so you can use other prefixes and separators (for example, use
jQuery Plugin To Transform Radio Buttons Into A Sliders - Radios To Slider
- Form - 16731 ViewsRadios To Slider is a jQuery plugin to transform radio buttons into a nice styled value slider that allows you to pick a option with a simple sliding effect.
jQuery Plugin For Text Field Float Label - floatlabels.js
- Form - 4347 Viewsfloatlabels.js is a jQuery plugin to create an animated text label floating within the input text field when the user starts typing, inspired by Matt D. Smith's float label concept.
jQuery Credit Card Form Formatting Plugin - Payment
- Form - 13755 ViewsjQuery Payment is an useful and simple jQuery plugin for E-commerce website to format and validate credit card form input field.
Multi-purpose jQuery Autocomplete & Autosuggest Plugin - Completer
- Form - 3624 ViewsCompleter is a simple yet robust jQuery plugin which allows to autocomplete input fields (emails, domains, custom strings, etc) from a dropdown suggestion box.
jQuery Table Based Autocomplete Plugin - tAutocomplete
- Form - 12693 ViewstAutocomplete is a jQuery autocomplete plugin that provides suggestions from a multi-column table in a dropdown list while the visitors type into the input field.
Input Number Spinner with jQuery and Bootstrap - Spinner
- Form - 89427 ViewsSpinner is a jQuery spinner plugin worked with Bootstrap 3 (OPTIONAL) that allows you to create input spinner components using number inputs.
Easy Real-time Form Validation Plugin With jQuery - walidate
- Form - 6730 Viewswalidate is a powerful and user-friendly jQuery plugin that quickly adds form validation functionalities to your form elements, without changing any existing code of your web page.
Simple jQuery Plugin For Search Suggestion Box - Tipue Drop
- Form - 3868 ViewsTipue Drop is a simple jQuery plugin that automagically provides custom suggestions as you type into the search box.
jQuery Plugin to Save Form Fields Values To localStorage - phoenix
- Form - 7948 ViewsPhoenix is a human-friendly jQuery form plugin that makes use of HTML5 Web Storage API to save form values your users input into local storage and restore the data when needed.
Easy Number Formatting Plugin with jQuery - number
- Other - 24286 Viewsnumber.js is a jQuery plugin that easily converts input elements your users input in the correct format for further using.
Form Address Verification Plugin for jQuery - liveaddress
- Form - 6903 Viewsliveaddress is a jQuery plugin which takes advantage of LiveAddress API to add a powerful and real-time address verification to your form when submitting.
jQuery Plugin For Auto Tab Form Fields - autotab
- Form - 10821 Viewsautotab is an useful and human-friendly jQuery plugin that automatically set focus to the next form field once the length of the field has reached the maxlength.
jQuery Plugin For Beautifying Form Elements - Fancy Fields
- Form - 4767 Viewsfancy-fields is a jQuery and jQuery UI based plugin that allows you to beautify/custom your html form elements like input, text field, select list, checkbox, radio button, etc.
Lightweight jQuery Email Input Autocomplete Plugin
- Form - 1175 ViewsYet another jQuery email autocomplete plugin to display a dropdown suggestion list which helps you quickly insert an email address.
jQuery and jQuery UI Based Input Element Enhancement - Input-O-Saurus Text
- Form - 2022 ViewsInput-O-Saurus Text is an input field enhancement plugin that makes use of jQuery and jQuery that allows a text input field to have multiple values.
jQuery Autocomplete Input Field with Tab Key - Tab Complete
- Form - 4889 ViewsTab Complete is a simple jQuery plugin that makes the Tab key able to select multiple items from a preset autocomplete list while typing into an input field.
jQuery Plugin For Better SubDomain Name Input - ghostInput
- Form - 1821 ViewsghostInput is a simple jQuery plugin for creating a custom text suffix (like a sub domain name) appending to the entering text in the input field.
jQuery File Input Replacement Plugin with Image Preview - File Picker
- Form - 10722 ViewsFile Picker is a jQuery plugin for file upload control that allows you to style the default file input with Bootstrap, jQuery UI or custom CSS styles.
Powerful jQuery Text Input Mask Plugin - MeioMask
- Form - 16932 ViewsMeioMask is a powerful and useful jQuery plugin for creating customizable Input Masks that allow you to control how data being entered into your text input fields is formatted.
Useful jQuery Contextual Help Plugin For Form - FormHelp
- Form - 2488 ViewsFormHelp is a small yet useful jQuery plugin that provides contextual help on input fields in a standard html form.
Mobile-Friendly HTML5 Input Number Validation Plugin For jQuery - NumBox
- Form - 1296 ViewsThe NumBox jQuery Plugin helps ensure that a numeric keyboard will pop-up on mobile devices when a number is entered.
Simple jQuery Plugin For Cross Browser Number Inputs - Stepper
- Form - 8609 ViewsStepper is a simple and cross-browser jQuery plugin for number input fields, which will will automatically detect the minimum, maximum and increment values based on the min, max and step attributes.
jQuery Plugin For Auto Scalable Input & Select Elements - Fitput
- Form - 652 ViewsFitput is a jQuery plugin designed for responsive layout that automatically resize your input and select elements to adapt any screen size.
jQuery Plugin To Resize Text As You Input - Liquid Input
- Form - 428 ViewsLiquid Input is a small and user friendly jQuery plugin used to resize the text size of an input field based on the filled content you input.
jQuery & jQuery UI Plugin For Simle Tokenized Autocomplete - Autocomplete Multiselect
- Form - 41987 ViewsAutocomplete Multiselect is a plugin for jQuery & jQuery UI that turns a standard text input filed into a tokenized autocomplete box.
jQuery Plugin To Navigate Cells In The Table Using Keyboard - tablenav
- Table - 8030 Viewstablenav is a lite yet useful jQuery plugin that allows the user to use arrow keys to navigate the cells in the Html table with input fields in an Excel-like way.
iOS-Like Plain Text Input of Password with jQuery mobilePassword Plugin
- Form - 4930 ViewsmobilePassword is a jQuery plugin used to show the last character of password in plain text while typing.
Auto-Complete Email Addresses with jQuery Auto Email Plugin
- Form - 7086 ViewsYet another jQuery plugin designed for email fields that autocompletes email addresses from a pre-defined domain list.
Creating An Expandable Search Bar with jQuery and CSS3
- Form - 11205 ViewsIn the post we're going to create an animated search bar that will expand to a search input when focused and collapse to a search icon when lose focus, based on jQuery and CSS3 transform.
jQuery Plugin For Easy Credit Card Inputs - Creditly.js
- Form - 14319 ViewsCreditly.js is a jQuery plugin for creating an input masked form with input validation for your customers that makes it easier to input credit card information.
jQuery Plugin To Expand and Collapse Input Field - Expandable Input
- Form - 8511 ViewsExpandable Input is a minimal jQuery plugin to smoothly expand the width of a input filed when focused/clicked and collapse it when lose focus.
HTML5 Placeholder For All Browsers With jQuery - placeholder
- Form - 4959 ViewsjQuery.placeholder is an useful jQuery plugin that adds a default value to an empty input field for All Browsers.
Pretty Input Type=File Replacement with jQuery - FileInput
- Form - 5551 ViewsFileInput is a jQuery input replacement intended to style and customize the button and input filed of the standard input type="file" elements.
Input Based Table Data Filter With jQuery - multifilter
- Table - 8639 Viewsmultifilter is a lightweight (~2kb) and user-friendly jQuery plugin that enables you to filter table data using jQuery and multiple input fields.
jQuery Text Field Notes with Regular Expressions - Input Notes
- Form - 2071 ViewsInput Notes is a jQuery form plugin used to add real-time notes attached to textareas and input fields based on regex patterns.
Simple jQuery Plugin For Inplace Input Labels - LabelinPlace
- Form - 1296 ViewsLabelinPlace is a simple fully customizable form enhancement plugin for in-field label support.
jQuery Animated Input Field Label Plugin - Label Better
- Form - 2899 ViewsLabel Better is a jQuery plugin for creating a nice, clean and readable form with animated input labels
jQuery Virtual Keyboard For Input and Textarea - jkeyboard
- Other - 9714 Viewsjkeyboard is a lightweight and cross-browser jQuery plugin that attaches a virtual keyboard to the text input or textarea when typing.
Dynamically Add / Remove Html Elements with jQuery Duplicate Plugin
- Other - 27309 ViewsDuplicate is a jQuery plugin which allows you to dynamically add or remove html elements (e.g. Form Input Fields) when needed, by using data-* attributes.
Simple jQuery IPv4 / IPv6 Addresses Input Mask Plugin
- Form - 27295 ViewsA simple jQuery plugin that applies an IP Address input mask on the text field to help your users with the IPv4 or IPv6 addresses input by ensuring a predefined format.
Placeholder Patch for Older Browsers - jQuery placeholderpatch
- Other - 523 Viewsplaceholderpatch is a jQuery plugin that enables Older Browsers to support HTML5 Placeholder attribute.
jQuery Plugin For Input Field Position Indicator
- Form - 942 ViewsA smart and dynamic plugin for jQuery and Zepto that creates an animated underline in an input field to indicate the current cursor position and how much text is occupying it.
jQuery Plugin For Formatting User Input with Specified Pattern - formatter.js
- Form - 9409 Viewsformatter.js is an useful and flexible jQuery plugin used to format user input to match a specified pattern with custom formatted characters.
jQuery Based Inline Calculator Inside Input Field - Calculadora
- Other - 3283 ViewsCalculadora is an useful yet lightweight jQuery plugin that turns an number input field into a inline calculator to make some simple calculations using keypad keys.
jQuery Plugin For Resizing Ranged Number Inputs - powerRanger
- Form - 856 ViewspowerRanger is a jQuery plugin that automatically resize number inputs based on the length of characters.
jQuery Plugin For Simple RGB / Hex Color Converter - rgbHex
- Other - 1502 ViewsrgbHex is a simple and smart jQuery plugin that converts colors from HEX to RGB and RGB values to hexadecimal code.
Lightweight & Cross-Browser jQuery Input Hint Plugin - Coolinput
- Form - 860 ViewsCoolinput is a lightweight jQuery input hint plugin that adds a default value to the input filed with a lot of custom options, mimics html5 placeholder attribute for old browsers like IE7, IE8, etc.
jQuery Plugin To Filter A Table Based On Input Field - Table Filter
- Table - 2977 ViewsTable Filter is an extremely simple and lightweight jQuery plugin that automatically generates an input field to filter table rows.
Nice jQuery Html File Input Field Plugin - Nice File Input
- Form - 2873 ViewsNice File Input is a lightweight and clean jQuery plugin for styling the standard html file input filed with some useful options.
jQuery Plugin For Windows 8 Password Reveal Feature - Sauron
- Form - 1257 ViewsSauron is a simple jQuery plugin inspired by windows 8 password reveal options that adds a password reveal button to existing password input field.
Fluid and Mobile-Friendly Search Bar On Click
- Form - 6720 ViewsIn this tutorial written by MARY LOU we're going to create a Fluid and Mobile-Friendly Search Bar that can be opened on click.
jQuery Custom Form Elements Plugin - Handsome
- Form - 955 ViewsHandsome is a lightweight jQuery plugin that makes your default html form elements handsome. It currently supports custom check box, radio button or select drop down list styling.
jQuery Plugin For Selecting Multiple Files - multifile
- Form - 25264 Viewsmultifile is a simple jQuery plugin for creating multiple file inputs which allows to select more than one files from different directories at a time for uploading.
Natural Language Form with Custom Input Elements - nlform.js
- Form - 3057 Viewsnlform.js is a javascript library that turn a standard html form into one that uses natural language to obtain information from the user.
jQuery Plugin For Numeric Input Filed - NumericInput
- Form - 6731 ViewsNumericInput is a simple jQuery plugin that makes your input field or textarea only accept numbers as entering.
jQuery Plugin For Checking Length of Input & Textarea - inputMeter
- Form - 1388 ViewsinputMeter is a lightweight jQuery plugin that adds a progress bar-like indicator next to the input or textarea field to display the length of characters user input.
jQuery Plugin For Stylable User Modifiable Combobox - MomboBox
- Form - 1432 ViewsMomboBox is a jQuery plugin that attaches a select drop down list with preset items to your input box when focused on.
Event Based Bootstrap Form Validation Pluin with jQuery - formalerts
- Form - 3828 Viewsformalerts is an event based form validation plugin that displays bootstrap form alerts attached to the input field when your user clicks the submit button.
jQuery Plugin to Restore User Previously Entered Values - Remember State
- Form - 4137 ViewsRemember State is an user-friendly and fast jQuery plugin that allows your users to restore they previously entered values in a form using localStorage.
Customizable jQuery Client Side Validation Plugin - Verify.js
- Form - 2651 ViewsVerify.js is a highly-customizable jQuery plugin that helps you implement extendable client side validation with asynchronous rules to your form elements.
jQuery Plugin for Input Field Date Format and Spinner - Date Entry
- Time & Clock - 3249 ViewsDate Entry is a jQuery time plugin similar to jQuery Time Entry that enables your input field to accept date/month/year values using a spinner or the keyboard.
jQuery Plugin for Input Field Time Format and Spinner - Time Entry
- Time & Clock - 12497 ViewsTime Entry is a jQuery time plugin that enables your input field to accept a time value using a spinner or the keyboard.
jQuery Plugin for Easy HTML5 Form Validation - Validatr
- Form - 1780 ViewsValidatr is a simple, easy-to-use and Cross Browser jQuery plugin for native form validation by using modern HTML5 input attributes.
jQuery Plugin for Custom Form Elements - Custom Forms
- Form - 3445 ViewsCustom Forms is a fast and lightweight jQuery Plugin that helps you create accessible and beautiful custom form elements like select, input, radio and check box on your website.
Simple Form Validation Plugin with HTML5 and jQuery
- Form - 1971 ViewsA simple and easy to use jQuery Form Validation plugin for validating data in HTML forms using HTML5 data- attribute before submitting.
jQuery Arrow Increment/Decrement Input Fields Plugin
- Form - 5653 ViewsA simple but useful jQuery form plugin that allows using UP and Down arrows to increase or decrease the values within the Input fields your users type.
Versatile HTML5 Form Verification Plugin - html5form
- Form - 1242 Viewshtml5form is a versatile and fast jQuery Form plugin that easily implements HTML5 form verification functionalitys to your form elements.
jQuery Plugin for Adding Custom Value to Dropdown List - Custom Combo Box
- Form - 10936 ViewsCustom Combo Box is a lightweight and useful jQuery plugin that allows your users to add custom values to dropdown list according to their practical requirements.
Clone Input Boxes with One Click - clonebox
- Form - 2608 Viewsclonebox is a simple but useful jQuery plugin that clone input boxes easily with add/remove button.
Simple Char Counter For Inputs and Textareas
- Form - 1260 ViewsA simple jQuery plugin that attachs a character counter to your form input or textarea elements to limit the maximum length of user input.
Pinterest Like Glowing Input Fields with CSS3
- CSS3 & Html5 - 3132 ViewsIn this tutorial, we will create a Pinterest Like login form that adds a glowing effect to the boder of input field on focus.
Beautify Your Form with Amazing Effects - Living Form
- Form - 1467 ViewsLiving Form is a jQuery Plugin that enables you to create special forms that are guaranteed to impress you visitors.
Automatically Persist Text Field Values Locally - Garlic
- Form - 2006 ViewsGarlic is an useful jQuery Plugin that helps your users don't lose any precious data type in the form's text field if they accidentally close their tab or browser.
Input Box Auto-Completing Plugin - AutoSuggest
- Form - 926 ViewsAutoSuggest is a lightweight (~6KB Packed) and useful jQuery Plugin that makes it easy to add Auto-Completing functionality to your project. It will dynamically create all the HTML elements that it needs to function.
Lightweight JS Form Validation Library - validate
- Form - 2010 Viewsvalidate is a lightweight (~1kb gzipped ) javascript librabry for validating form fields using over a dozen rules and set custom messages.