Minimalist Element Tooltip Plugin With jQuery - tipIt

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License: MIT
Minimalist Element Tooltip Plugin With jQuery - tipIt

Just another jQuery/HTML5 tooltip plugin used to create custom, CSS3 animated and hover-triggered tooltips on the webpage. Accepted directions are top, right, bottom and left.


$ npm install tipit-native --save

How to use it:

1. Include the stylesheet tipit.css in the head section, and the JavaScript tipit.js just before the closing body tag.

<link href="tipit.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="assets/tipit.js"></script>

2. Append the tooltip to a specified element using data-tipit-content and data-tipit-placement attribute.

  Hove Me

2. Append the tooltip to a specified element using data-tipit-content and data-tipit-placement attribute.

  • data-tipit-content: custom tooltip conent.
  • data-tipit-placement: top, right, bottom or left (default).
  Hove Me

3. Show hide the tooltip manually.




  • Updated to the latest version
  • Added Vanilla JS version
  • Published to NPM.

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by mrReiha. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.