jQuery Zoom Plugins
Download Free jQuery Image Zoom, Inner Zoom, Magnifying Glass Effect plugins at our jQuery Zoom Plugin section. Page 2 .
Simple Image Zoom And Annotation Plugin For jQuery - ZoomMarker
- Zoom - 13100 ViewsZoomMarker is a simple jQuery plugin which enables you to zoom in/out images with mouse wheel and to place custom markers on the images as per your needs.
Versatile Image Zoom/Viewer/Gallery Plugin With jQuery - ezPlus
- Zoom - 15368 ViewsezPlus is an extended version of the elevatezoom plugin that provides customizable, touch-enabled zooming, gallery, popup functionalities on your images.
Customizable Magnifying Glass Image Zoom Plugin - blowup.js
- Zoom - 12330 ViewsJust another jQuery magnifying glass zoom plugin which allows you to zoom in on a specified image with a customizable magnifying lens.
Magnify Images On Mouse Hover - jqZoom
- Zoom - 35228 ViewsA fast and small jQuery image zoom plugin that applies a mouse-over magnifying glass to any image within the document.
Smooth Image Zoom & Pan Plugin With jQuery - ZooMove
- Zoom - 12078 ViewsZooMove is a super tiny jQuery/HTML5 image zoom plugin which smoothly enlarges and pan a specified image when mouse hovering and moving.
Smooth Pan And Zoom Plugin For jQuery - AlottaZoom
- Zoom - 4282 ViewsAlottaZoom is a smooth pan and zoom plugin that zooms in/out an image and pans/moves it to a different image area with mouse or by clicking custom controls.
Mobile-friendly Image Zoom Plugin - jQuery magnifik
- Zoom - 8592 Viewsmagnifik is a tiny, cross-browser, mobile-friendly, fully configurable jQuery image zoom plugin for enlarging images in your webpage just like a popup.
Responsive Image Magnifier & Inner Zoom Plugin - magnificent.js
- Zoom - 54905 Viewsmagnificent.js is a simple, smooth, responsive jQuery image zoom plugin that provides two modes to magnify or zoom in on an image.
Minimal Image Zooming Plugin - Wheelzoom
- Zoom - 9464 ViewsWheelzoom is a lightweight and simple jQuery Vanilla JavaScript plugin which allows your visitor to zoom in / out images with mousewheel or trackpad.
Amazing jQuery Plugin For Making Web Page Elements Zoom - Zoomooz
- Zoom - 5934 ViewsZoomooz is a cool and easy-to-use jQuery plugin that makes any element of your web page zoom.
Minimal Image Gallery With Zoom On Hover - Zoomy-JS
- Gallery - 15931 ViewsZoomy-JS is a jQuery plugin to dynamically render an image gallery with thumbnail previews from an array of images. Click on the thumbnails to switch between images.
Simple jQuery Magnifying Glass Image Zoom Plugin - magnify.js
- Zoom - 43622 Viewsmagnify.js is a tiny and simple-to-use jQuery plugin for creating a nice magnifying glass effect to magnify product images on your E-commerce websites.
Stylish Magnifying Glass Plugin - SergeLand Image Zoomer
- Zoom - 28269 ViewsSergeLand Image Zoomer is a jQuery zoom on hover plugin for zooming images with stylish and smooth magnifying glass effects.
Fullscreen Image Pan And Zoom Plugin With jQuery - pan.js
- Zoom - 17214 Viewspan.js is a jQuery plugin used for panning and zoom in/out a large image in a fullscreen interface with cursor move and mouse wheel interactions.
jQuery Plugin For Image Lightbox with Zoom Effect - Zoomify
- LightBox - 21784 ViewsZoomify is an extremely simple-to-use jQuery image zoom plugin that enables you to display the full size images in a fullscreen, responsive modal popup.
Zoom In Image On Vertical Page Scrolling
- Zoom - 9971 ViewsAn image zoom effect for hero section of your webpage that zooms in the image on vertical page scrolling using jQuery and CSS.
Mobile-friendly Image Viewer Plugin - jQuery img-preview.js
- Zoom - 5591 Viewsimg-preview.js is a lightweight (~2kb minified) and simple-to-use jQuery plugin which provides the 'Click or Tap To Zoom' functionality on your images.
Simple Yet Versatile jQuery Image Magnifying Plugin - Zoomple
- Zoom - 15505 ViewsZoomple is a simple yet powerful jQuery plugin that allows you to apply an image magnifying effect on your image.
Smooth Touch-enabled Image Zoom Plugin - jQuery simple.zoomer.js
- Zoom - 3486 ViewsA simple, smooth, mobile-friendly image zoomer plugin with jQuery that enables users to zoom in/out your images with a well designed and highly customizable slider.
Zoom Images Like Medium - jQuery Image Previewer
- Zoom - 2589 ViewsImage Previewer is a lightweight, easy-to-use jQuery image zoom plugin inspired by Medium.com.