Free jQuery image zoom Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'image zoom' are listed here.
Create Smooth Image Zoom and Pan Effects With jQuery and CSS - EasyZoom
- Zoom - 32136 ViewsEasyZoom is a lightweight and touch-compatible jQuery zoom plugin which allows you to zoom and pan an image using your mouse cursor or finger on touch devices.
Panning and Zooming Any Elements - panzoom
- Zoom - 101922 Viewspanzoom is a simple JavaScript plugin that allows you to drag, pan, zoom in/out any elements of your webpage using CSS3.
Google Photos Inspired Image Zoom & Pan Plugin - iv-viewer
- Zoom - 9515 ViewsA feature-rich, touch-enabled jQuery image viewer plugin which provides zooming and panning functionality for your images, inspired by Google Photo.
Customizable Magnifying Glass Image Zoom Plugin - blowup.js
- Zoom - 12332 ViewsJust another jQuery magnifying glass zoom plugin which allows you to zoom in on a specified image with a customizable magnifying lens.
Responsive Image Magnifier & Inner Zoom Plugin - magnificent.js
- Zoom - 54907 Viewsmagnificent.js is a simple, smooth, responsive jQuery image zoom plugin that provides two modes to magnify or zoom in on an image.
Minimal Image Zooming Plugin - Wheelzoom
- Zoom - 9464 ViewsWheelzoom is a lightweight and simple jQuery Vanilla JavaScript plugin which allows your visitor to zoom in / out images with mousewheel or trackpad.
Simple jQuery Magnifying Glass Image Zoom Plugin - magnify.js
- Zoom - 43624 Viewsmagnify.js is a tiny and simple-to-use jQuery plugin for creating a nice magnifying glass effect to magnify product images on your E-commerce websites.
jQuery Plugin For Image Lightbox with Zoom Effect - Zoomify
- LightBox - 21785 ViewsZoomify is an extremely simple-to-use jQuery image zoom plugin that enables you to display the full size images in a fullscreen, responsive modal popup.
Simple Yet Versatile jQuery Image Magnifying Plugin - Zoomple
- Zoom - 15507 ViewsZoomple is a simple yet powerful jQuery plugin that allows you to apply an image magnifying effect on your image.
mlens - Compact Magnifying Glass Plugin
- Zoom - 3774 Viewsmlens is a lightweight (~1kb minified and gzipped), responsive and retina-ready image zoom Plugin written by for making a magnifier glass inside an image.
AJAX-ZOOM - 3D Spin Rotate & Zoom 360 Plugin For jQuery
- Zoom - 26881 ViewsAJAX-ZOOM is a powerful 3D Spin Rotate & Zoom 360 jQuery plugin that presents 360° product images on the web, which can be used as a product viewer. Visiters can rotate the VR 360 object, also on Z-axis (3D multirow).
Simple & Responsive jQuery Image Viewer Plugin - Smooth Products
- Gallery - 28865 ViewsSmooth Products is a jQuery plugin that allows to showcase your product images in a flexible gallery interface with thumbnail previews.
Simple Image Inner Zoom Plugin - jQuery Zoom
- Zoom - 39829 ViewsjQuery Zoom is a simple and easy-to-use jQuery zoom plugin that enlarge your images on mouse over, grab, click or toggle.
Image Magnify Glass Effect With jQuery And jQuery UI - jfMagnify
- Zoom - 5062 ViewsjfMagnify is a very small jQuery plugin for creating a magnify glass effect to enlarge your images through drag and drop based on jQuery UI.
jQuery Plugin For Image Zoom In and Out With Mousewheel - imgViewer
- Zoom - 53850 ViewsimgViewer is a simple and flexible jQuery plugin that allows to zoom in and out an image with mousewheel or drag it with mouse click.
jQuery Plugin For Adding Notes and Markers To An Image - imgNotes
- Zoom - 36360 ViewsimgNotes an extension of the jQuery imgViewer plugin that adds markers and notes to an image that can be zoomed in and out with the mousewheel and panned around by click and drag.
Simplest jQuery Image Zoom & Pan Plugin - Image Cursor Zoom
- Zoom - 5113 ViewsImage Cursor Zoom is a dead simple jQuery plugin which allows for zooming and panning an image within a specific container.
Performant Image Magnifying Glass Effect With jQuery - jZoom
- Zoom - 22045 ViewsjZoom is a simple fast jQuery plugin which provides a customizable magnifying glass effect for image zoom.
Simple jQuery Image Zoom With Mouse Wheel or Touch Scroll
- Zoom - 50793 ViewsAp Image Zoom is a jQuery plugin which allows you to zoom in/out an image with mouse wheel or touch scroll.
Fullscreen Product Slideshow with Image Zoom/Pan - Ap Image Fullscreen
- Slideshow - 7251 ViewsA jQuery plugin used to display your product pictures in a responsive, touch-enabled, fullscreen slideshow with support for image zoom & pan functionalities.
Simple jQuery Image Zoom, Pan and Crop Plugin - Cropit
- Other - 29751 ViewsCropit is a jQuery & canvas based image cropping plugin which allows to crop a local image with image zoom and image pan support.
JavaScript Library For Zooming & Panning SVG Elements - svg.pan-zoom.js
- Zoom - 5325 Viewssvg.pan-zoom.js is a JavaScript library which allows you to zoom in/out and pan SVG elements with mouse & touch interaction
Simplest jQuery Product Image Zoom Plugin - Zoomper
- Zoom - 5163 ViewsZoomper is an extremely lightweight jQuery image zoom plugin used to enable pan and zoom capabilities on any image.
Minimal jQuery Image Inner Zoom & Pan Plugin - zizoom
- Zoom - 7123 Viewszizoom is an extremely lightweight jQuery plugin used for enabling a basic magnifying glass effect on an images.
Smooth Image Enlargement Plugin For jQuery - Zoomer
- Zoom - 9777 ViewsZoomer is a lightweight jQuery plugin that allows your visitors to zoom in and zoom out images with a smooth animation effect.
Minimalist jQuery Plugin For The Magnifying of The Images - MagnigierRentgen
- Zoom - 7401 ViewsMagnigierRentgen is a dead simple jQuery plugin which allows an image to be zoomed with a magnifying glass effect.
Tiny jQuery Image Zoom Magnifying Glass Effect - Image Projection
- Zoom - 7183 ViewsA simple, lightweight, unobtrusive jQuery image zoom plugin for creating a magnifying glass effect to enlarge part of an image.
Touch-compatible Fullscreen Image Viewer Plugin with jQuery - RictusErectus
- Zoom - 3064 ViewsRictusErectus is a jQuery plugin that enlarges and displays the full-sized image in a fullscreen modal.
jQuery Plugin For Panning and Zooming SVG Images
- Other - 16702 ViewsA jQuery plugin to create panning and zooming functionality for SVG images.
Apply Parallax & Zoom Effects To Images On Scroll Using jQuery
- Animation - 23063 ViewsThis is a simple jQuery & CSS/CSS3 solution to apply subtle parallax, zoom and blur effects to any images as you scroll down the web page.
Tiny jQuery Plugin For Image Popup Zoom - Pop Img
- Zoom - 10707 ViewsPop Img is a super tiny jQuery plugin which enables you to enlarge the image in a modal-like responsive popup window on click.
jQuery On Hover Image Inner Zoom Plugin - jqzoomer
- Zoom - 7130 Viewsjqzoomer is a very lightweight jQuery plugin that provides basic inner zoom functionality on your images on mouse hover.
Responsive & Touch Enabled jQuery Image Zoom Plugin - MagicZoom
- Zoom - 188 ViewsMagicZoom is a simple, flexible jQuery plugin for providing image inner zoom functionality that supports both mouse and touch events.
Simplest jQuery Image Inner Zoom Plugin - jqueryZoom.js
- Zoom - 4674 ViewsjqueryZoom.js is a jQuery plugin that creates a magnifying glass effect to show the details of a specific part of your image.
Responsive jQuery Lightbox-Like Image Zooming Plugin - Lighter
- Zoom - 28425 ViewsLighter is a lightweight and fast jQuery plugin that allows you to enlarge the images in a lightbox popup window
Medium Style Image Zoom Plugin with jQuery - zoom.js
- Zoom - 12460 Viewszoom.js is a smart jQuery image zoom plugin that enlarges / shrinks your images in place on click, as you seen on
Easy jQuery Image Inner Zoom Plugin - evenZoom
- Zoom - 16023 ViewsevenZoom is a simple-to-use jQuery plugin that creates a magnifying glass effect to provide inner zoom functionality on your image.
Jquery Image Zoom Plugin - elevatezoom
- Zoom - 29874 Viewselevatezoom is a jQuery Image zoom script, with lots of configurations including window, lens and inner zoom modes, also has the ability for tints and easing and distributed under the GPL and MIT licenses.
Simple Image Zoom & Crop Plugin with jQuery and Velocity.js - enhance.js
- Zoom - 3623 ViewsJust another jQuery Medium-style image zoom plugin that uses CSS3 for smart image resizing and the Velocity.js for accelerated JavaScript animations.
Fotolia Style jQuery Image Hover Zoom Plugin
- Zoom - 5142 ViewsFotolia Image Zoom is a super small jQuery script which enables you to preview the larger version of the thumbnail image in a tooltip style popup window.
Simple jQuery Plugin For Style Image Lightbox - simplezoom
- LightBox - 1676 ViewsSimplezoom is a lightweight jQuery plugin to creating a fully responsive lightbox for zooming images that will auto close as the visitor scrolls away or clicks away.
Lightweight jQuery Plugin For Image Inner Zoom On Hover - Zoomtoo
- Zoom - 7526 ViewsZoomtoo is a lightweight jQuery plugin that provides inner zoom functionality on your image when the mouse hovers over it.
jQuery Plugin For Magnifying Glass Effect On Images - Image Magnifier
- Zoom - 3667 ViewsImage Magnifier is a simple jQuery plugin for creating a magnifying glass effect on your image to provide image inner zoom feature on mouse hover.
Customizable jQuery Image Zoom And Pan Plugin - panzoom
- Zoom - 4490 Viewspanzoom is a jQuery plugin that lets you implement pan and zoom functionality on any images.
jQuery In-Place Image Cropping Plugin - cropbox
- Other - 6659 Viewscropbox is a jQuery plugin that enables you to crop an image by mouse drag with image pan zoom support.
jQuery Plugin For Image Zoom On Hover - picZoomer
- Zoom - 32358 ViewspicZoomer is a very small jQuery plugin that adds zoom on hover functionality for your photos with support for thumbnail navigation.
jQuery Plugin For Zooming In On Any DOM Elements - zoomIn
- Zoom - 4762 ViewszoomIn is a lightweight jQuery plugin to enable mouse-hover inner zoom on any DOM elements (text, image, etc) by using CSS3 transforms.
jQuery Plugin For Product Viewer with Image Hover Zoom - BZoom
- Gallery - 54630 ViewsBZoom is a jQuery plugin lets you create a product viewer with a magnifying glass style image zoom functionality on hover.
jQuery Plugin For Image Hover Zoom - WM Zoom
- Zoom - 21761 ViewsWM Zoom is a jQuery plugin that creates a magnifier overlay on top of your image and displays the high definition version beside it.
Simple Image Inner Zoom On Hover Using jQuery
- Zoom - 8136 ViewsA simplest jQuery solution to zoom in /magnify / enlarge images on mouseover & mousemove.
Simple jQuery Sideshow/Gallery Plugin with Image Zoom Support
- Slideshow - 2176 ViewsSimple Web Gallery is a jQuery image slideshow/carousel/gallery plugin that has support for showing images in a larger size as you hover over the 'zoom in' icon.
jQuery Plugin For Customizable Image Magnifying Effect - Classy Loupe
- Zoom - 6252 ViewsClassy Loupe is a jQuery plugin lets visitor view the details of a specific part of your image on mouse hover.
Lightweight Image Inner Zoom & Magnifier Plugin For jQuery - okzoom
- Zoom - 9796 ViewsYet another jQuery plugin which provides image inner zoom functionality by creating a magnifying glass effect on top of your images.
Minimal jQuery Image Zoom & Pan Plugin
- Zoom - 2485 ViewsA lightweight jQuery plugin that generates 'zoom in' and 'zoom out' buttons to enlarge & narrow an image.
Easy Flexible jQuery Image Zoom Plugin - Sprite Zoom
- Zoom - 12175 ViewsSprite Zoom is an easy yet flexible jQuery image zoom plugin which provides a variety of magnifying glass effects on your images.
Simple jQuery Image Magnifier & Enlargement Plugin - imagezoom
- Zoom - 18664 Viewsimagezoom is a jQuery image magnifier plugin which allows you to enlarge part of an image with mouse interaction.
Minimal jQuery Image Magnifier & Zoom Plugin - zoomz
- Zoom - 3050 Viewszoomz is a super tiny jQuery plugin that provides image inner zoom functionality or displays a zoomed image in a landscape/portrait view next to the original image.
Minimal Circular Image Magnifier with jQuery and CSS3
- Zoom - 6707 ViewsA super tiny jQuery image zoom script to display the large version of your image in a circular magnifying glass that moves with the mouse.
jQuery Plugin For Image Zoom On Mouse Hover - ZoomPic
- Zoom - 4941 ViewsZoomPic is a simplist jQuery plugin used to zoom and display the original size of a thumbnail image when hovered.
jQuery Plugin To Pan An Image In A Container - simplePan
- Other - 1422 ViewssimplePan is a very simple jQuery plugin which allows you to pan a large image within a small size DOM element by mouse dragging.
Simple jQuery Image Crop and Zoom Plugin - ZoomCrop
- Other - 4672 ViewsZoomCrop is a tiny jQuery & jQuery UI based crop utility which allows you to zoom, pan and crop an image with ease.
Simple jQuery Image Slideshow with Ken Burns Effect
- Slideshow - 13993 ViewsKenburnsy is a simple lightweight jQuery plugin for creating a responsive slideshow with image zooming & panning effects typically called 'Ken Burns Effect'.
Smart jQuery Pan and Zoom Plugin - Smart jQuery Zoom
- Zoom - 33991 ViewsSmart jQuery Zoom is a customizable and touch-enabled plugin for jQuery that allows you to create panning and zooming functionality with lots of options for an element.
jQuery & CSS3 Based Image Magnifying Effect For Touch Devices - Touch Zoom
- Zoom - 8080 ViewsTouch Zoom is a tiny and mobile-first jQuery image zoom plugin allows you to apply a magnifying glass effect on an image when you tap/click on it.
Draggable Magnifying Glass Plugin For jQuery - monocle
- Zoom - 2191 Viewsmonocle is a small jQuery & jQuery UI plugin which provides an inner zoom effect on an image by dragging the magnifying loupe.
Customizable jQuery Image Pan and Zoom Plugin - Easy Zoom
- Zoom - 4971 ViewsEasy Zoom is a jQuery plugin inspired by easyzoom plugin that allows to smoothly pan and zoom an image using your mouse cursor or finger.
Magnifying Glass Image Zoom Plugin with jQuery and CSS3 - magnify.js
- Zoom - 3150 ViewsJust another jQuery image zoom plugin which allows you to enlarge part of an image with a CSS3 based magnifying glass effect.
jQuery Plugin for Image Zoom and Rotation Plugin - iviewer
- Rotator - 35815 Viewsiviewer is a jQuery UI based jQuery plugin that allows you to zoom in/out, rotate and move images in area by the mouse on your web page.
Lightweight Image Inner Zoom Plugin with jQuery and Canvas - Image Zoomer
- Zoom - 6924 ViewsImage Zoomer is a jQuery plugin for creating a direction-aware magnifying glass effect to provide an inner zoom functionality on a given image, based on Html5 canvas element.
jQuery Plugin For Creating Image Zoom Effects On Scroll - Zoom Scroller
- Zoom - 3163 ViewsZoom Scroller is a small jQuery plugin that creates an image zoom effect when the image appear on the screen.
Versatile jQuery Magnifying Glass Effect Plugin - Tikslus Zoom
- Zoom - 7226 ViewsTikslus Zoom is a jQuery plugin that creates fully customizable magnifying glass effects for image zoom.
Versatile jQuery Image Zoom & Pan Plugin - Zoomify
- Zoom - 5810 ViewsZoomify is a jQuery plugin that makes it easier to apply image zoom in/out and image zoom functionalities on a image with support for image preloading.
Lightweight jQuery Plugin To Zoom Images On Hover - HoverPulse
- Zoom - 8802 ViewsHoverPulse is an ultra-lightweight jQuery plugin used to apply a zoom effect on an image on mouse hover.
360 Degrees Image Rotate & Zoom Plugin with jQuery and Canvas - Tikslus360
- Zoom - 40118 ViewsTikslus360 is a jQuery & Html5 canvas based 360 degree panoramic view plugin which allows you to rotate a product image by mouse moving as well as zooming the image with a magnifying glass effect by click and drag.
jQuery Image Zoom Plugin with Custom Magnifying Lens Effects - Tikslus Lens
- Zoom - 7206 ViewsYet another jQuery image zoom plugin that applies a magnifying lens effect on a given image to provide an image inner zoom functionality.
jQuery Plugins For Simple Image Gallery with Magnifying Glass Effect
- Zoom - 29719 ViewsMake use of jQuery simpleGallery and jQuery simpleLens plugins to create an image gallery with a 'magnifying glass' image zoom effect.
Fashion Responsive jQuery Image Viewer/Enlarger Plugin - ImagesPreview
- Zoom - 2565 ViewsImagesPreview is an extremely lightweight jQuery image viewer/enlarger/zoomer plugin that displays the large version of an image in a responsive lightbox-like popup window.
Minimalist jQuery Image Viewer Plugin - Fancy Zoom
- Zoom - 7057 ViewsFancy Zoom is a super light jQuery image viewer plugin that displays the large version of your image in a popup box with image loader support.
Image Magnifying Glass Effect With jQuery and Canvas - Magnifier
- Zoom - 22674 ViewsYet another jQuery plugin for image zoom that makes use of Html5 canvas and CSS to create a magnifying glass effect on images when hover over.
Simple jQuery Responsive Image Zoom Plugin - Smoothzoom
- Zoom - 12660 ViewsSmoothzoom is a lightweight and simple-to-use jQuery plugin that smoothly & responsively enlarges inline images in a popup window.
Minimal jQuery Image Magnifier Plugin - Mk Magnifier
- Zoom - 7499 ViewsMk Magnifier is a super tiny jQuery plugin that allows you to magnify and show details of a product image when you roll over it.
Flexible jQuery Gallery Plugin With Image Zoom Animations - ZoomsaicJS
- Gallery - 4001 ViewsZoomsaicJS is a small jQuery plugin that organizes a group of images in a customizable gallery layout with support for amazing image zoom animations when mouse over.
Easy jQuery Image Zoom and Magnifier Plugin - Leroy Zoom
- Zoom - 3615 ViewsLeroy Zoom is a lightweight (~3kb minified) jQuery plugin that allows you to zoom and magnify an image in a lens-like frame to display the details of the large image.
jQuery Plugin For Sniper Lens-Style Magnifying Glass Effect - Snipe
- Zoom - 3387 ViewsSnipe is a tiny (~4kb) jQuery image zoom plugin that adds a sniper lens-style magnifying glass effect on an image for more details.
Basic and lightweight jQuery Image Zoom Plugin - Easy Zoom
- Zoom - 10695 ViewsEasy Zoom is a small jQuery image zoom plugin that displays a preview of the magnified image near the original image when mouse rolls over it.
jQuery Plugin For Zoom & Pan Image Cropping - jQCrop
- Zoom - 6692 ViewsjQCrop is a lightweight and smart jQuery image cropping plugin that intelligently crops and auto places a large image to allows the visitor to zoom and drag to-pan it.
Fancy Image Zoom Plugin with jQuery and CSS3 - Skdzoom
- Zoom - 2898 ViewsSkdzoom is a fancy image zoomer that takes advantages of jQuery and CSS3 to create stunning image zoom effects in a camera lens interface, with some useful custom options.
Stylish jQuery Image Zooming Plugin - Magnifying Glass
- Zoom - 3688 ViewsMagnifying Glass is a lightweight and easily customizable jQuery plugin for zooming images like a Magnifying Glass.
Beautiful jQuery Image Zoom Plugin - Nivo Zoom
- Zoom - 4085 ViewsNivo Zoom is a clean, lightweight and cross-browser Image Zoomer built with jQuery that enlarges your images/photos with 5 different zoom types when mouse clicks them.
Dynamic Image Zoom Plugin with Run Time Toggle - Hover-Zoom Extended
- Zoom - 3506 ViewsHover-Zoom Extended is an updated version of Hover-Zoom, a jQuery plugin that displays your images in full size when mouse hovers over them.
Easy Image Zoom Plugin For jQuery - easyzoom
- Zoom - 8318 Viewseasyzoom is considered as the easiest image zoom jQuery plugin in the world. It is lightweight (~2Kb gzip) and easy-to use.
Image & Content Zoom Plugin For jQuery - AnythingZoomer
- Zoom - 2771 ViewsAnythingZoomer is a jQuery plugin that pops up an area giving giving you a zoomed in closer look when mouse over the content.
Lens Effect Image Zoom Plugin - ImageLens
- Zoom - 9610 ViewsImageLens is a jQuery plugin that adds lens style zooming effect to an image.
Image Zoom On Hover Over with Transparency Effect
- Zoom - 4845 ViewsHover-Zoom is a tiny jQuery Plugin that displays images in full size when the mouse hovers over them.
Image Zoom Tour with jQuery
- Zoom - 2017 ViewsImage Zoom Tour with jQuery that zoom into certain parts of the image by clicking on tags, using another image for the closer view.
FullZoom Portfolio with jQuery - jmFullWall
- Gallery - 6024 ViewsjmFullWall is a jQuery Plugin that allows you to create an impressive portfolio.
Amazing Thumbnail Zoom Plugin With Sliding Captions
- Zoom - 5994 ViewsHover over the images and you will see an amazing thumbnail effects with zoom And sliding captions.
jQuery Image Zoom Plugin
- Zoom - 2280 ViewsA jQuery Image Zoom Plugin that display your images with a awesome zoom style effect when mouseover them.
Fancybox Mac Style lightbox
- LightBox - 1654 ViewsFancybox is a Mac-style lightbox that floats overtop of web page, which can be used to display images, divs, ajax content, or any other html elements.
Cloud Zoom Image Zoom jQuery Plugin
- Zoom - 50267 ViewsCloud Zoom is a popular fly-out jQuery zoom plugin used on many high profile retail sites.