jQuery Zoom Plugins
Download Free jQuery Image Zoom, Inner Zoom, Magnifying Glass Effect plugins at our jQuery Zoom Plugin section. Page 6 .
jQuery Plugin For Product Viewer with Image Hover Zoom - BZoom
- Gallery - 54646 ViewsBZoom is a jQuery plugin lets you create a product viewer with a magnifying glass style image zoom functionality on hover.
jQuery Plugin For Image Hover Zoom - WM Zoom
- Zoom - 21766 ViewsWM Zoom is a jQuery plugin that creates a magnifier overlay on top of your image and displays the high definition version beside it.
Simple Image Inner Zoom On Hover Using jQuery
- Zoom - 8139 ViewsA simplest jQuery solution to zoom in /magnify / enlarge images on mouseover & mousemove.
jQuery Plugin For Customizable Image Magnifying Effect - Classy Loupe
- Zoom - 6264 ViewsClassy Loupe is a jQuery plugin lets visitor view the details of a specific part of your image on mouse hover.
Lightweight Image Inner Zoom & Magnifier Plugin For jQuery - okzoom
- Zoom - 9798 ViewsYet another jQuery plugin which provides image inner zoom functionality by creating a magnifying glass effect on top of your images.
JavaScript Library For Zoomable & Pannable Html Elements - Big Picture
- Zoom - 2554 Viewsbigpicture.js is a jQuery based JavaScript library which allows you to zoom in/out, pan and live-edit a group of Html elements with mouse and keyboard interactions.
Minimal jQuery Image Zoom & Pan Plugin
- Zoom - 2485 ViewsA lightweight jQuery plugin that generates 'zoom in' and 'zoom out' buttons to enlarge & narrow an image.
Easy Flexible jQuery Image Zoom Plugin - Sprite Zoom
- Zoom - 12176 ViewsSprite Zoom is an easy yet flexible jQuery image zoom plugin which provides a variety of magnifying glass effects on your images.
Simple jQuery Image Magnifier & Enlargement Plugin - imagezoom
- Zoom - 18670 Viewsimagezoom is a jQuery image magnifier plugin which allows you to enlarge part of an image with mouse interaction.
Minimal jQuery Image Magnifier & Zoom Plugin - zoomz
- Zoom - 3050 Viewszoomz is a super tiny jQuery plugin that provides image inner zoom functionality or displays a zoomed image in a landscape/portrait view next to the original image.
Minimal Circular Image Magnifier with jQuery and CSS3
- Zoom - 6709 ViewsA super tiny jQuery image zoom script to display the large version of your image in a circular magnifying glass that moves with the mouse.
jQuery Plugin For Image Zoom On Mouse Hover - ZoomPic
- Zoom - 4941 ViewsZoomPic is a simplist jQuery plugin used to zoom and display the original size of a thumbnail image when hovered.
Smart jQuery Pan and Zoom Plugin - Smart jQuery Zoom
- Zoom - 34007 ViewsSmart jQuery Zoom is a customizable and touch-enabled plugin for jQuery that allows you to create panning and zooming functionality with lots of options for an element.
jQuery & CSS3 Based Image Magnifying Effect For Touch Devices - Touch Zoom
- Zoom - 8084 ViewsTouch Zoom is a tiny and mobile-first jQuery image zoom plugin allows you to apply a magnifying glass effect on an image when you tap/click on it.
Draggable Magnifying Glass Plugin For jQuery - monocle
- Zoom - 2191 Viewsmonocle is a small jQuery & jQuery UI plugin which provides an inner zoom effect on an image by dragging the magnifying loupe.
Customizable jQuery Image Pan and Zoom Plugin - Easy Zoom
- Zoom - 4977 ViewsEasy Zoom is a jQuery plugin inspired by easyzoom plugin that allows to smoothly pan and zoom an image using your mouse cursor or finger.
Magnifying Glass Image Zoom Plugin with jQuery and CSS3 - magnify.js
- Zoom - 3151 ViewsJust another jQuery image zoom plugin which allows you to enlarge part of an image with a CSS3 based magnifying glass effect.
Lightweight Image Inner Zoom Plugin with jQuery and Canvas - Image Zoomer
- Zoom - 6929 ViewsImage Zoomer is a jQuery plugin for creating a direction-aware magnifying glass effect to provide an inner zoom functionality on a given image, based on Html5 canvas element.
jQuery Plugin For Creating Image Zoom Effects On Scroll - Zoom Scroller
- Zoom - 3166 ViewsZoom Scroller is a small jQuery plugin that creates an image zoom effect when the image appear on the screen.
jQuery Funciton To Zoom Any Element Using CSS3 - ZoomElem
- Zoom - 1282 ViewsZoomElem is a jQuery based function which allows you to scale any kind of Html elements using CSS3 transform property.