10 Best Organizational Chart Generators In JavaScript Or Pure CSS

by jQueryScript,

What Is Organizational Chart?

An Organizational Chart is a type of tree diagram that can be used to visualize the relationship between various departments, positions, jobs, responsible persons in an organization or company.

It can also be derived into another type of diagram named family tree chart (also called pedigree) for representing family relationships in a hierarchical tree structure.

The Best Organizational Chart Plugin

In this post, we're going to introduce you the 10 best jQuery plugins and Vanilla JavaScript libraries that make it easier to build customizable, professional organizational charts for your business. Have fun with it and don't forget to spread the world.

Originally Published Oct 26 2020, updated Jan 08 2024

1. Fully Customizable Organisational Chart Plugin With jQuery - OrgChart

A simple, flexible and highly customizable organization chart plugin for presenting the structure of your organization and the relationships and relative ranks of its parts and positions/jobs in an elegant way.

Progressive Text Highlighting Effect With Pure JavaScript – lumin

[Demo] [Download]

2. Render Family/Organization Tree From JSON – treeMaker

A JavaScript library that renders a tree-like diagram from JSON or JS objects to show the structure and the relationship in an organization/agency/family.

Render Family/Organization Tree From JSON – treeMaker

[Demo] [Download]

3. Easy Family Tree & Organization Chart Generator – treeData.js

A simple-to-use JavaScript tree plugin to generate complex trees from hierarchical data.

Easy Family Tree & Organization Chart Generator – treeData.js

[Demo] [Download]

4. CSS Only Responsive Organization/Family Tree

A pure CSS solution to create a responsive, nice-looking organization & family graph using CSS Grid Layout and nested HTML list.

CSS Only Responsive Organization/Family Tree

[Demo] [Download]

5. Responsive Hierarchical Organization Chart In Pure CSS

A simple, responsive, hierarchical Organization Chart/Family Tree implemented in Pure CSS and nested HTML lists.

Responsive Hierarchical Organization Chart In Pure CSS

[Demo] [Download]

6. Create An Editable Organization Chart with jQuery orgChart Plugin

A jQuery plugin to generate a simple organization chart that shows the structure & the reporting relationship in your company. Click on the node's name to edit. Click on the control bar to add/remove a node.

Create An Editable Organization Chart with jQuery orgChart Plugin

[Demo] [Download]

7. Dynamic Family Tree/Organization Chart Plugin - jHTree

The jHTree plugin helps you dynamically renders an animated, draggable, zoomable, expandable, collapsible and themeable Family Tree/Organization Chart️ from hierarchical data defined in the JSON.

Dynamic Family Tree/Organization Chart Plugin - jHTree

[Demo] [Download]

8. Create Organizational Chart with Pure JavaScript – js-orgChart-2

A multi-purpose JavaScript library that lets you generate a highly customizable organizational chart on your web page.

Create Organizational Chart with Pure JavaScript – js-orgChart-2

[Demo] [Download]

9. Create A Family / Organization Tree Using JavaScript and Canvas – ftree.js

A pure JavaScript library that enables you to render a family tree / organizational chart on an html5 canvas element.

Create A Family / Organization Tree Using JavaScript and Canvas – ftree.js

[Demo] [Download]

10. Simple Hierarchical Organization Chart Plugin For jQuery - jOrgChart

A lightweight jQuery plugin that makes it easy to draw a hierarchical, collapsible organization chart from a nested html list. Supports both horizontal and vertical layouts.

Simple Hierarchical Organization Chart Plugin For jQuery - jOrgChart

[Demo] [Download]

More Resources:

Seeking more jQuery plugins or JavaScript libraries to create Organizational Charts or Family Trees in your next design project? See jQuery Organization Chart and JavaScript Organization Chart sections for more details.

See Also: