Product Gallery With Image Zoom - jQuery zoom-image.js

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Product Gallery With Image Zoom - jQuery zoom-image.js

zoom-image.js is a jQuery product gallery plugin for online stores that enable the customers to switch between product images and display the large version of the image with a magnifying glass effect on hover.

How to use it:

1. Insert the first product image to the gallery.

<div class="show" href="1.jpg">
  <img src="1.jpg" id="show-img">

2. Create a thumbnail carousel that enable the customers to switching between product images by clicking the thumbnail images.

<div class="small-img">
  <img src="images/[email protected]" class="icon-left" alt="" id="prev-img">
  <div class="small-container">
    <div id="small-img-roll">
      <img src="1.jpg" class="show-small-img" alt="">
      <img src="2.jpg" class="show-small-img" alt="">
      <img src="3.jpg" class="show-small-img" alt="">
  <img src="images/[email protected]" class="icon-right" alt="" id="next-img">

3. The example CSS for the product gallery.

show {
  width: 400px;
  height: 400px;

.small-img {
  width: 350px;
  height: 70px;
  margin-top: 10px;
  position: relative;
  left: 25px;

.small-img .icon-left, .small-img .icon-right {
  width: 12px;
  height: 24px;
  cursor: pointer;
  position: absolute;
  top: 0;
  bottom: 0;
  margin: auto 0;

.small-img .icon-left { transform: rotate(180deg) }

.small-img .icon-right { right: 0; }

.small-img .icon-left:hover, .small-img .icon-right:hover { opacity: .5; }

.small-container {
  width: 310px;
  height: 70px;
  overflow: hidden;
  position: absolute;
  left: 0;
  right: 0;
  margin: 0 auto;

.small-container div {
  width: 800%;
  position: relative;

.small-container .show-small-img {
  width: 70px;
  height: 70px;
  margin-right: 6px;
  cursor: pointer;
  float: left;

.small-container .show-small-img:last-of-type { margin-right: 0; }

4. Place jQuery library and the jQuery zoom-image.js script at the bottom of the page.

<script src="" 
<script src="scripts/zoom-image.js"></script>

5. Initialize the product gallery.


6. Enable the thumbnail carousel.

$('.show-small-img:first-of-type').css({'border': 'solid 1px #951b25', 'padding': '2px'})
$('.show-small-img:first-of-type').attr('alt', 'now').siblings().removeAttr('alt')
$('.show-small-img').click(function () {
  $('#show-img').attr('src', $(this).attr('src'))
  $('#big-img').attr('src', $(this).attr('src'))
  $(this).attr('alt', 'now').siblings().removeAttr('alt')
  $(this).css({'border': 'solid 1px #951b25', 'padding': '2px'}).siblings().css({'border': 'none', 'padding': '0'})
  if ($('#small-img-roll').children().length > 4) {
    if ($(this).index() >= 3 && $(this).index() < $('#small-img-roll').children().length - 1){
      $('#small-img-roll').css('left', -($(this).index() - 2) * 76 + 'px')
    } else if ($(this).index() == $('#small-img-roll').children().length - 1) {
      $('#small-img-roll').css('left', -($('#small-img-roll').children().length - 4) * 76 + 'px')
    } else {
      $('#small-img-roll').css('left', '0')

7. Enable the next/prev buttons.

$('#next-img').click(function (){
  $('#show-img').attr('src', $(".show-small-img[alt='now']").next().attr('src'))
  $('#big-img').attr('src', $(".show-small-img[alt='now']").next().attr('src'))
  $(".show-small-img[alt='now']").next().css({'border': 'solid 1px #951b25', 'padding': '2px'}).siblings().css({'border': 'none', 'padding': '0'})
  $(".show-small-img[alt='now']").next().attr('alt', 'now').siblings().removeAttr('alt')
  if ($('#small-img-roll').children().length > 4) {
    if ($(".show-small-img[alt='now']").index() >= 3 && $(".show-small-img[alt='now']").index() < $('#small-img-roll').children().length - 1){
      $('#small-img-roll').css('left', -($(".show-small-img[alt='now']").index() - 2) * 76 + 'px')
    } else if ($(".show-small-img[alt='now']").index() == $('#small-img-roll').children().length - 1) {
      $('#small-img-roll').css('left', -($('#small-img-roll').children().length - 4) * 76 + 'px')
    } else {
      $('#small-img-roll').css('left', '0')

$('#prev-img').click(function (){
  $('#show-img').attr('src', $(".show-small-img[alt='now']").prev().attr('src'))
  $('#big-img').attr('src', $(".show-small-img[alt='now']").prev().attr('src'))
  $(".show-small-img[alt='now']").prev().css({'border': 'solid 1px #951b25', 'padding': '2px'}).siblings().css({'border': 'none', 'padding': '0'})
  $(".show-small-img[alt='now']").prev().attr('alt', 'now').siblings().removeAttr('alt')
  if ($('#small-img-roll').children().length > 4) {
    if ($(".show-small-img[alt='now']").index() >= 3 && $(".show-small-img[alt='now']").index() < $('#small-img-roll').children().length - 1){
      $('#small-img-roll').css('left', -($(".show-small-img[alt='now']").index() - 2) * 76 + 'px')
    } else if ($(".show-small-img[alt='now']").index() == $('#small-img-roll').children().length - 1) {
      $('#small-img-roll').css('left', -($('#small-img-roll').children().length - 4) * 76 + 'px')
    } else {
      $('#small-img-roll').css('left', '0')

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by MonsterDuang. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.