vintageJS - Image Vintage Effects Plugin

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License: MIT
vintageJS - Image Vintage Effects Plugin

vintageJS is a jQuery Plugin (currently works as a JavaScript component) using HTML5 canvas element to add Vintage/Retro Efffects look to your images on the page.

It currently comes with 10 effect-presets and can be customized very easily.

How to Use:

1. Install the vintageJS via NPM.

$ npm install vintagejs --save

2. Import the vintageJS as a module or directly include the compiled & minivied version file on the page.

<script src="vintage.min.js"></script>

3. Create a new VintageJS instance with the following parameters:

  • src: image path, image selector or canvas object
  • partialEffect: effect options
vintagejs('/path/to/image.jpg', { 
  // options here
.then(res => res.genImage())
.then(img => document.body.appendChild(img));

4. All possible effects.

vintagejs('/path/to/image.jpg', { 
  curves: false, // rgb
  screen: false, // rgba
  saturation: 1, // 0-1
  vignette: 0, // 0-1
  lighten: 0, // 0-1
  viewfinder: false,
  sepia: false,
  gray: false,
  brightness: 0, // -1-1
  contrast: 0 // -1-1

3. Add images with the class "vintage" to your html and click on them to see the resul



  • v2.2.0

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by rendro. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.