jQuery Gallery Plugins
Download Free jQuery #Gallery Lightbox, #Photo Gallery, #Polaroid Gallery and #Gallery Slider plugins at our jQuery Gallery Section. Page 12 .
Google Image Search Style Photo Wall Gallery Plugin For jQuery - GI.TheWall.js
- Gallery - 14697 ViewsGI.TheWall.js is a jQuery plugin that allows you to show a photo wall gallery or any other content in a "Google Image Search" user interaction way.
Responsive jQuery Carousel Slideshow Plugin - Light Carousel
- Slideshow - 6938 ViewsLight Carousel is a lightweight, responsive jQuery carouselplugin that has support including thumbnail navigation and crossfade transition effect.
Fullscreen Image Gallery Lightbox Plugin For jQuery - Slide Show
- Gallery - 2387 ViewsSlide Show is a jQuery image viewer plugin that displays large versions of grouped thumbnails in a gallery lightbox popup just like a fullscreen slideshow.
Basic jQuery Photo Gallery with Image Lightbox
- Gallery - 2722 ViewsA simple neat photo gallery with support for jQuery based image lightbox.
jQuery Plugin For Product Viewer with Image Hover Zoom - BZoom
- Gallery - 54613 ViewsBZoom is a jQuery plugin lets you create a product viewer with a magnifying glass style image zoom functionality on hover.
Create 3D Card Flip Effects On Hover Using jQuery and CSS3
- Animation - 17037 ViewsCreate a simple image gallery that uses jQuery and CSS3 animations to flip images to display additional content when hovered over.
jQuery Plugin For Responsive Portfolio Gallery - WM Gridfolio
- Gallery - 16438 ViewsWM Gridfolio is a lightweight jQuery plugin that creates a responsive grid gallery for your portfolio website to showcase your images in an elegant way.
Responsive 3D Cover Flow Gallery Plugin with jQuery
- Gallery - 19944 ViewsresponsiveGallery is a jQuery plugin helps you to create a responsive, coverflow-style image carousel/gallery with 3D perspective transforms.
Lightweight Photo Gallery & Lightbox Plugin - mbufung
- Gallery - 2733 Viewsmbufung is a jQuery image gallery plugin for portfolio website that helps you create a lightbox popup gallery with next and prev arrows navigation.
Responsive Fluid Flickr Gallery with jQuery - Nice Gallery
- Gallery - 19504 ViewsNice Gallery Flickr is a jQuery plugin that uses Flickr API to retrieve and display your Flickr photos in a responsive, flexible, fluid gallery grid.
Fancy jQuery & CSS3 Based Hexagon Image Gallery
- Gallery - 14649 ViewsHex Gallery is a jQuery plugin used to display your images in a CSS3 based hexagonal grid layout with hover caption support.
Simple Automatic Image Rotator Plugin with jQuery
- Rotator - 2542 ViewsA simple, lightweight jQuery image rotator/gallery plugin that features auto-rotation and vertical thumbnail navigation bar.
Simple jQuery Sideshow/Gallery Plugin with Image Zoom Support
- Slideshow - 2175 ViewsSimple Web Gallery is a jQuery image slideshow/carousel/gallery plugin that has support for showing images in a larger size as you hover over the 'zoom in' icon.
Responsive Photo Gallery with jQuery and Bootstrap 3
- Gallery - 248671 ViewsA very simple jQuery plugin helps you create a responsive flexible photo gallery (thumbnail grid) using Bootstrap.
Thumbnail Grid with Expanding Image Preview Using jQuery
- Gallery - 18983 ViewsA recreation of codrops' Thumbnail Grid with Expanding Preview using jQuery.
Responsive jQuery Image Gallery with Thumbnails Navigation
- Gallery - 22016 ViewsA simple and fast jQuery plugin for presenting your images in a responsive, fullscreen, lightbox-style gallery UI with carousel thumbnails navigation.
Full Width Image Carousel / Gallery Plugin with jQuery - Scroller Gallery
- Gallery - 5044 ViewsScroller Gallery is a jQuery plugin which helps you present your images in an endless-looping carousel / gallery.
Versatile jQuery Image Lightbox/Slider/Gallery Plugin - miniSet
- Gallery - 4382 ViewsminiSet is a most versatile jQuery plugin that provides a simple way to display your images in the lightbox, slideshow or lightbox gallery.
Minimal Responsive Gallery Lightbox Plugin with jQuery - iLightbox
- LightBox - 6629 ViewsiLightbox is a lightweight and easy jQuery lightbox plugin which allows you embed and display a gallery of Html elements in a responsive modal window.
Mouse-aware jQuery Responsive Image Gallery Plugin - skimThrough
- Gallery - 1253 ViewsskimThrough is a simplest jQuery gallery plugin which allows you to navigate through a set of image via mouse move.