Responsive Fluid Flickr Gallery with jQuery - Nice Gallery

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License: MIT
Responsive Fluid Flickr Gallery with jQuery - Nice Gallery

Nice Gallery Flickr is a jQuery plugin that uses Flickr API to retrieve and display your Flickr photos in a responsive, flexible, fluid gallery grid with cool caption hover effects. Allows to pull photos from any user & photoset.

How to use it:

1. Load the necessary jQuery & jQuery UI in the document.

<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>

2. Load the jQuery Nice Gallery Flickr plugin's files in the document.

<script src="js/FlickrAPI.js"></script>
<script src="js/Flickr.Gallery.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="gallery.css">

3. The gallery structure.

<div class="content"> 
  <!-- gallery STRUCTURE -->
  <div class="niceGallery" id="gallery">
        <!-- HERE IS PLACE FOR PHOTOS -->
  <!-- end gallery STRUCTURE --> 


4. Call the plugin to generate a default Flickr gallery.

$(document).ready(function (){ 
    // OPTIONS

5. Full plugin options.

Key: 'dd7e89c7f0c07a951c30b34d7a013486',
Secret: 'd792124bcd9f09bb',
//FLICKR user ID
User: '130110901@N08',
//Flickr PhotoSet ID
PhotoSet: '72157650384280721',
Speed   : 400,    //Speed of animations
navigation  : 1,    //(true) Navigation (arrows)
keyboard  : 1,    //(true) Keyboard navigation 
numberEl  : 1     //(true) Number elements

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by LukaszCzerwinski. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.