Slideshow Gallery Inspired By Facebook Stories - fbStories

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License: MIT
Slideshow Gallery Inspired By Facebook Stories - fbStories

A creative story gallery plugin that takes stories from JSON data and converts them into a slideshow gallery inspired by Facebook Stories.

More Features:

  • Shows images in a gallery lightbox.
  • Fully responsive.
  • Autoplay and Pause On Hover.
  • Auto Play Progress Bar. Requires jQuery UI.
  • Allows you to manually switch between images with navigation arrows.

How to use it:

1. Load jQuery library and the jQuery fbStories plugin's files in your HTML file.

<!-- Required -->
<script src="/path/to/cdn/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="/path/to/src/jquery.fbStories.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/src/jquery.fbStories.css" />

<!-- Optional -->
<script src="/path/to/jquery-ui.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/jquery-ui.css">

2. Define your stories (owners & files) in a JSON file.

// data.json
    "owner": {
        "fullname": "jQueryScript",
        "guid": 1,
        "item_guid": 5,
        "icon": "1.jpg"
    "files": [
        "viewed": false,
        "title": "Story 1",
        "guid": 2,
        "time": "28\/20\/05 08:05",
        "url": "2.jpg"
        "viewed": false,
        "title": "Story 2",
        "guid": 3,
        "time": "28\/20\/05 08:05",
        "url": "3.jpg"
    "owner": {
        "fullname": "CSSScript",
        "guid": 4,
        "item_guid": 40,
        "icon": "4.jpg"
    "files": [
        "viewed": false,
        "title": "Story 3",
        "guid": 5,
        "time": "28\/20\/05 08:05",
        "url": "5.jpg"
        "viewed": false,
        "title": "Story 4",
        "guid": 6,
        "time": "28\/20\/05 08:05",
        "url": "6.jpg"

3. Create a container to hold the gallery.

<div class="container-status" id="container-status"></div>

4. Initialize the plugin and determine the path to the JSON file.

  dataurl: 'stories.json'

5. Specify the autoplay interval. Default: 1s.

  dataurl: 'stories.json',
  delay: 3

6. Specify the background color of the progress bar. Default: '#F06'.

  dataurl: 'stories.json',
  barColor: "#333"

7. Determine the number of previews to display on page load. Default: 5.

$page_limit = 5;
if($(window).width() < 480){
  $page_limit = 2;

  dataurl: 'stories.json',
  page_limit: $page_limit

8. Determine whether or not to show the Add button. Default: true.

  dataurl: 'stories.json',
  showAdd: true,
  addText: '&#43;'

9. Execute a callback function when images are successfully loaded.

  dataurl: 'stories.json',
  onShow: function(guid, url){
    console.log(guid + ' ' + url);

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by lianglee. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.