Fancy jQuery & CSS3 Based Hexagon Image Gallery

File Size: 583 KB
Views Total: 14619
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Official Website: Go to website
License: MIT
Fancy jQuery & CSS3 Based Hexagon Image Gallery

Hex Gallery is a jQuery plugin used to display your images in a CSS3 based hexagonal grid layout with hover caption support.

See also:

How to use it:

1. Include the jQuery Javascript library and the jQuery Hex Gallery plugin in the head of the document.

<script src=""></script>
<script src="js/"></script>

2. Create a hexagon grid layout for the image gallery as follows.

<script type="text/hex-gallery">
"album" : [
  "cover": {"title": "<h4>THEME</h4><hr /><p>Stephanie Dola</p>", "class": "hex-1"},
  "photo": [
    {"imgur": ""},
    {"imgur": ""},
    {"imgur": ""},
    {"imgur": ""},
    {"imgur": ""},
    {"imgur": ""},
    {"imgur": ""},
    {"imgur": ""},
    {"imgur": ""},
    {"imgur": ""},
    {"imgur": ""},
    {"imgur": ""}
  "cover": {"title": "<h4>THEME</h4><hr /><p>2</p>", "class": "hex-2"},
  "photo": [
    {"imgur": ""},
    {"imgur": ""},
    {"imgur": ""},
    {"imgur": ""},
    {"imgur": ""},
    {"imgur": ""}
  "cover": {"title": "<h4>THEME</h4><hr /><p>3</p>", "class": "hex-3"},
  "photo": [
    {"imgur": ""},
    {"imgur": ""},
    {"imgur": ""},
    {"imgur": ""},
    {"imgur": ""},
    {"imgur": ""},
    {"imgur": ""},
    {"imgur": ""},
    {"imgur": ""}

Change log:


  • using split array into chunks
  • clean code & change color

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by morris821028. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.