jQuery Layout Plugins
Download Free jQuery Grid Layout, Pinterest-Style Layout, One Page Scrolling, Tabs, Tree View plugins at our jQuery Layout Plugin section. Page 10 .
Responsive & Adpative iFrame Plugin For jQuery - iframeResizer.js
- Layout - 1025 ViewsiframeResizer.js is an extremely lightweight jQuery plugin that auto resizes the iFrame element depending on the size of embedded content.
Create Multi-column HTML List View Using jQuery - colmaker
- Layout - 2075 Viewscolmaker is a simple and fast jQuery plugin which converts a long html list into a multi-column list view with a specified number of columns. How to use it: 1. Download and include the jQuery colmaker plugin after you've included jQuery lib
Child Elements Equal Height Plugin With jQuery
- Layout - 1784 ViewsYet another jQuery equal height plugin that makes all the child elements of a parent container equal in height.
Minimalist jQuery Based Responsive iFrame Solution - Responsinatr
- Layout - 690 ViewsResponsinatr is a tiny and cross-browser jQuery plugin makes your iFrame content fully responsive while preserving the original aspect radio.
Responsive Vertical Centering Plugin with jQuery
- Layout - 1170 ViewsA simple, flexible, responsive jQuery vertical centering plugin that makes any element always vertically centered within its parent, even if the view port changes.
Tiny Pinterest Like Image Grid Layout Plugin - Mosaic Flow
- Layout - 10343 ViewsMosaic Flow is a super tiny and easy-to-use jQuery layout plugin that allows you to simply and quickly create responsive pinterest.com like image grid layout.
jQuery Plugin To Create A Draggable Mini View Of Containers - Miniview
- Layout - 1808 ViewsMiniview is a jQuery plugin that creates a draggable mini view containing flat placeholders to represent the position & size of your block elements in the webpage.
Minimal Dynamic Grid Layout Generator With jQuery - Gridagram
- Layout - 1700 ViewsGridagram is a very small jQuery plugin that lets you dynamically generate and manage grid layouts in an easy way.
Multipurpose jQuery Sticky Sidebar Plugin - scrollWith
- Layout - 1912 ViewsscrollWith is a simple, lightweight, customizable jQuery plugin which makes your sidebar or specified sidebar widgets stick to the top of the webpage when you scroll past them.
jQuery Plugin To Equalize Height Based On Highest Or Lowest Element - sameheight
- Layout - 668 Viewssameheight is a lightweight and responsive jQuery equal height plugin which makes all the columns on the same row have the same height.
Super Tiny jQuery Plugin For Sticky Elements - Sticky
- Layout - 1345 ViewsSticky.js is an ultra-light jQuery plugin that makes it easy to stick any Html elements to the top of the web page during scrolling.
Tiny jQuery Plugin For Creating Any Responsive Elements
- Layout - 1082 ViewsResponsive Elements is a small jQuery plugin that provides a simple way to create fully responsive html elements without writing any CSS media query breakpoints.
Cross Browser Horizontal / Vertical Centering With jQuery - anyElementCeneter
- Layout - 419 ViewsanyElementCeneter is a cross browser and responsive jQuery center alignment plugin which allows you to vertically and horizontally center any element in the screen.
Tiny Equal Height Plugin For Bootstrap Grid System - bootstrap-grid-columns.js
- Layout - 1128 ViewsA very small jQuery plugin for Bootstrap grid system that responsively and automatically equalizes the height of columns row by row.
Minimal Metro Style Tiled Grid Plugin With jQuery - jqgrids
- Layout - 4585 Viewsjqgrids is a super tiny (~2kb) jQuery plugin that helps you generate a Metro style (Microsoft's Modern UI) tiled grid layout with custom background images / icons.
jQuery Plugin For Resizing Elements To Fit Browser Viewport - fitScreen
- Layout - 1086 ViewsfitScreen.js is a jQuery plugin that resizes elements to fit the width and height of the browser view-port.
jQuery Plugin To Equalize Heights Of Multiple Elements - AutoHeight
- Layout - 438 ViewsAutoHeight is a jQuery equal height layout plugin which sets the height of all matching elements to the tallest one.
jQuery Plugin To Create A Fullscreen 'Hero' Header - oneScrollHeader
- Layout - 3890 ViewsoneScrollHeader is a jQuery plugin that allows you to create a fullscreen, smoothly scrolling 'Hero' header for your website
Responsive Element Centering Plugin With jQuery - Centerr.js
- Layout - 732 ViewsCenterr.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin which responsively makes any element always be centered within its parent container.
jQuery Plugin For Cross-browser Multi-column Layout - column.js
- Layout - 1164 Viewscolumn.js is a jQuery plugin used for creating cross-browser, multi-column layout where content can be flowed into multiple columns with a gap and a rule between them.