Free jQuery one page scrolling Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'one page scrolling' are listed here.
Create Fullscreen One Page Scrolling Websites With fullPage.js
- Layout - 119024 ViewsfullPage.js is yet another jQuery plugin for one page website that allows you to create vertical or horizontal scrolling web page with smooth animations and easing options.
JavaScript Plugin For Smooth Scroll Snapping - panelSnap
- Animation - 40969 ViewspanelSnap is a JavaScript plugin that allows to snap to blocks of content when you scroll through a web page or parts of it.
jQuery Plugin For Creating One Page Multi Scrolling Website - multiScroll.js
- Layout - 16082 ViewsmultiScroll.js is an awesome jQuery plugin for one page scrolling website that allows to divide the web page into TWO vertical scrolling panels with navigation.
jQuery Plugin For Beautiful Full Window Scrolling Website - pagePiling.js
- Layout - 18764 ViewsYet another jQuery one page scrolling plugin that allows you to vertically and smoothly slide the web page to the desired anchor point.
jQuery Plugin For One Page Navigation Plugin - Page Scroll To ID
- Layout - 48382 ViewsPage Scroll To ID is a jQuery plugin to create anchor links which allow you to vertically and horizontally scroll to corresponding sections of your page with custom animations and easing effects.
jQuery Plugin For Vertical Fullpage Scrolling - Smart Scroll
- Animation - 19826 ViewsSmart Scroll is a tiny jQuery plugin for providing smooth, vertical, fullscreen page scrolling with support for auto hashing and scroll snapping behavior.
Responsive One Page Navigation Plugin with jQuery - Nav Scroll
- Menu - 13298 ViewsNav Scroll is a lightweight jQuery plugin that create a responsive one page navigation for animated page scrolling to specific ID within the document.
jQuery & CSS3 Based Fullscreen Vertical Page Slider - FSVS
- Layout - 14953 ViewsFSVS is a jQuery plugin for single page website that allows you to create a fullscreen vertical page slider with CSS3 transitions.
jQuery Plugin For Fullscreen Scrolling Presentations - Alton
- Layout - 15194 ViewsA jQuery vertical full page scrolling plugin for presenting galleries of work, features & benefits of software or services, or anything else on your website.
Smooth Scroll Position Indicator Plugin For jQuery
- Menu - 8086 ViewsA jQuery plugin that generates a side navigation to indicate the user's current scroll position and allows for scrolling smoothly between sectioned content.
jQuery Plugin For Stacked Page Scrolling Effect - jQuery Stacks
- Animation - 7837 ViewsStacks is a dead simple jQuery plugin used to reveal stacked content sections when vertical page scrolling.
jQuery Plugin To Create A Fullscreen 'Hero' Header - oneScrollHeader
- Layout - 3888 ViewsoneScrollHeader is a jQuery plugin that allows you to create a fullscreen, smoothly scrolling 'Hero' header for your website
Cross-browser One Page Scroll Plugin With jQuery - singleFull.js
- Layout - 7708 ViewsJust another jQuery implementation of the popular, smooth one page scrolling effect for your fullscreen pages or single page web application.
jQuery Plugin For Scroll Position Indicator - Progress Tracker
- Layout - 11863 ViewsA small jQuery plugin that displays the reading progress and allows for switch between different sections of content very smoothly.
App Style One Page Scroll Plugin With jQuery - AppLikeOnePage.js
- Layout - 7540 ViewsAppLikeOnePage.js is a jQuery plugin used to create a full-window one page scrolling webpage with support for keyboard navigation, seamless scrolling and side navigation.
jQuery Plugin For Auto One Page Scroll Navigation - Section Scroll
- Menu - 10834 ViewsSection Scroll is a lightweight jQuery plugin for automatically generate a side bullet navigation on your one page scrolling website.
Touch-enabled Fullscreen Page Slider Plugin With jQuery - XSwitch
- Slider - 12031 ViewsXSwitch is a jQuery one page scroll plugin which allows horizontal or vertical scrolling within specified fullscreen elements, with touch swipe and mouse wheel support.
Minimal jQuery Scrollspy & Smooth Scroll Plugin - eavesdrop.js
- Menu - 4237 ViewsJust another jQuery scrollspy plugin for one page scroll website that tracks the position of DOM elements and activates certain nav items when scrolling down or up.
Custom Image Navigation For One Page Scroll Website - Vertical Navigation
- Menu - 4897 ViewsA jQuery plugin that generates a vertical side navigation from an arbitrary group of images for scrolling smoothly between page sections on your one page website.
Minimal In-page Smooth Scroll Plugin With jQuery - Offset Scroller
- Other - 2407 ViewsOffset Scroller is a jQuery plugin which implements smooth scroll functionality with custom offsets on anchor links and content sections within the document.
Simple SPA Page Scroller Plugin With jQuery - Scroller
- Menu - 5598 ViewsScroller is a simple lightweight jQuery plugin used to generate a sitcky navigation menu which allows for navigating between different sections of your page.
Creating A Horizontal Scrolling Website with jQuery horizonScroll.js
- Layout - 23934 ViewshorizonScroll.js is a jQuery plugin that enables mobile-compatible horizontal scrolling on your one page website
Minimalist jQuery Plugin For Scrolling Stack Of Pages - Scroll Deck
- Animation - 2892 ViewsScroll Deck is a jQuery plugin to build scrolling decks for one page scrolling website that enable you to stack up and slide off pages using mouse wheel.
Minimal One Page Navigator Plugin With jQuery - scrollMiniMenu
- Menu - 2191 ViewsA plugin for generating a side navigation that displays the content section you're viewing on and allows to scroll smoothly through all different sections by click.
Custom Fullscreen One Page Scroll Plugin with jQuery - PageSwitch
- Animation - 6086 ViewsJust another one page scroll plugin for jQuery that allows your visitor to scroll vertically or horizontal through all the different sections within the document
Touch-friendly Smooth Page Scrolling Plugin For jQuery - RowScroll
- Animation - 4384 ViewsRowScroll is a super tiny (~2k minified) jQuery plugin which provides smooth vertical scrolling effects for your one page website and single page applications.
Smooth Vertical Page Scroll Navigation with jQuery
- Animation - 5046 ViewsA jQuery plugin which uses custom images as a sticky vertical navigation for your long one page scrolling website.
Minimal Fullscreen Vertical Page Slider with jQuery - Rustic.js
- Animation - 5794 ViewsRustic.js is a very small (5kb minified) jQuery one page scroll plugin which turns your long page with sections into a fullscreen, scrolling page slider.
jQuery Plugin For Smooth Vertical Scrolling Navigation
- Menu - 6777 ViewsA lightweight jQuery plugin for generating a responsive side dot navigation / indicator for your one page vertical scrolling website or SPA (single page application).
Tiny jQuery Plugin For One Page Scrolling and Snapping - magneticScroll
- Animation - 3404 ViewsmagneticScroll is a lightweight yet customizable jQuery one page scroll plugin which provides scroll-and-snap functionality for vertical page scrolling.
Presentation-style One Page Scroll Plugin For jQuery - Contentshow
- Animation - 6936 ViewsJust another jQuery plugin created for fullscreen one page scrolling effect that helps you create step-based web applications such as page sliders and presentations.
Basic Full Window Page Scoll Plugin with jQuery - PageScroll
- Animation - 5004 ViewsPageScroll is a jQuery plugin that allows the visitor to scroll vertically or horizontally through sectioned content of your single page website/application.
Horizontal Scroll Jacking Effect with jQuery and CSS3
- Slider - 6228 ViewsAn infinite fullscreen horizontal page slider which enables you present and navigate through web content with a fancy "Scroll-Jacking" effect.
jQuery Plugin For One Page Parallax Scrolling Effect - msNav
- Animation - 6213 ViewsmsNav.js is a jQuery plugin for adding a side navigation to the page that allows the user to scroll smoothly through different page sections with a subtle parallax effect.
jQuery Plugin For One Page Scroll Navigation - Menu Anchor
- Animation - 4457 ViewsMenu Anchor is a jQuery plugin that automatically generates sticky anchor links which allow you to scroll smoothly through different sections on the vertical one-page scrolling website.
Skewed One Page Scrolling Effect with jQuery and CSS3
- Animation - 7148 ViewsA one page scroll webpage concept that makes use of jQuery and several CSS3 properties to create a fancy skewed page scrolling effect triggered by mousewheel events.
Fullscreen Horizontal Page Slider with jQuery and CSS3 - HSlider
- Slider - 22824 ViewsHSlider is a cool jQuery plugin to create a responsive, fullscreen, horizontal page slider with CSS3 transitions and transforms.
jQuery Plugin For Smooth Vertical Page Scrolling - PageScroll
- Animation - 2788 ViewsPageScroll is a jQuery plugin designed for one page scroll website that allows to smoothly scroll to second screen as you scroll down the web page.
jQuery Plugin To Create A Fixed Side Menu - callToScroll
- Menu - 8131 ViewscallToScroll is a jQuery plugin to create a fixed side menu which allows the visitor to navigate between your single page website quickly and smoothly.
Stacked One Page Slider with jQuery StickyStack.js
- Slider - 3977 ViewsStickyStack.js is a very lightweight jQuery plugin for creating a page slider which allows you to scroll through a set of sections that will stack on top of each other.
jQuery & CSS3 Based Smooth One Page Scrolling Effect
- Animation - 3102 Viewsonepagescroll.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin that uses CSS3 transitions and transforms to implement a smooth one page scrolling effect with snapping functionality.
Vertical & Horizontal Page Scrolling Plugin with jQuery - ALXS Slidestack
- Slider - 2777 ViewsALXS Slidestack is a jQuery fullscreen page slider plugin that enables you to navigate through page sections with custom easing effects based on jQuery UI.
Customizable jQuery One Page Scroll Navigator - neo-pager
- Animation - 2971 ViewsNeo Pager is a robust and customizable jQuery plugin for generating a side navigation for your one page scrolling website.
Create Beautiful Fullscreen Scrolling Websites Using switchPage.js
- Layout - 5367 ViewsswitchPage.js is a jQuery plugin for create a beautiful fullscreen scrolling website which allows you switch between sectioned pages with mouse wheel or keyboard arrows.
Touch-enabled Vertical Scrolling Effects with jQuery - matchWindowScroll
- Animation - 1535 ViewsmatchWindowScroll is a lightweight jQuery plugin that provides vertical page scrolling effects with mouse wheel, touch swipe and snapping support.
Smooth Full-page Slider Plugin with Parallax Effects - Vertical Slider
- Slider - 23841 ViewsA jQuery plugin which helps you create a responsive, touch-enabled, vertical page slider with smooth parallax scrolling effects.
jQuery Plugin To Auto Update Menu States When Scrolling - menuOnScroll
- Animation - 1669 ViewsmenuOnScroll is a jQuery plugin that detects the scroll position and adds an active state to the navigation menu indicating the current position.
Simple Full Window Vertical Scrolling Plugin For jQuery - fullscreen.js
- Animation - 3726 ViewsA jQuery plugin that allows you to scroll through different full-window sections through either mouse wheel or the bullets on the right side of this page.
jQuery Plugin For Sticky One Page Scroll Navigation - sKroll
- Animation - 2561 ViewssKroll is a very small jQuery plugin to create a sticky & auto-update navigation for your one page scroll website.
Smooth Fullscreen Vertical Page Scrolling with jQuery and CSS3
- Animation - 4726 ViewsA jQuery & CSS / CSS3 based full window one page scrolling effect which allows the user to slide smoothly through content sections using up and down arrows.
Fullscreen Single Page Slider Plugin With jQuery - fullPage.js
- Animation - 4242 ViewsJust another jQuery one page scrolling plugin that allows the visitors to scroll infinitely & smoothly through your sectioned content with mouse wheel support.
jQuery Plugin For Vertical Fullpage Scrolling Effect - pageScroll
- Animation - 2975 ViewsJust another jQuery plugin that enables the visitor to vertically and smoothly scroll through a set of content panels with mouse, keyboard and touch gesture interaction.
Smooth Fullscreen Scrolling Effect with jQuery - ScrollBetweenElements
- Animation - 2536 ViewsA jQuery plugin that turns a set of elements into fullscreen blocks and allows the visitor to scroll between them with smooth animations.
jQuery Plugin To Create A Full Page Slideshow - SiteShow
- Slideshow - 1949 ViewsSiteShow is a jQuery plugin used to create a fullscreen slideshow for your single page website.
Minimal One Page Scrolling with jQuery and CSS3 - pagescroll
- Animation - 1558 Viewspagescroll is a super lightweight jQuery one page scrolling plugin that utilizes CSS3 3D transforms for page transition effects.
Minimal Full Screen Vertical Slider with jQuery - Scroll On Scroll
- Animation - 4110 ViewsScroll On Scroll is a CSS-less jQuery fullscreen vertical slider plugin that animates scrolling to the next content section of your webpage when scrolling down.
Fixed Full Screen Scrolling Effect with jQuery - fixedScroll
- Animation - 4892 ViewsfixedScroll is a very small jQuery plugin that implements fixed full page parallax scrolling effect on your single page website / web app.
Flexible & Touch Compatible jQuery One Page Scroll Plugin - OnePageR
- Layout - 3166 ViewsOnePageR is a lightweight jQuery plugin for easy implementation of smooth, mobile-friendly vertical scrolling with sectioned content.
Fullpage Parallax Scrolling with Side Navigation Using jQuery
- Animation - 16729 ViewsA jQuery & CSS3 powered fullpage parallax scrolling effect that comes with a side dots navigation.
Simple Full Page Scrolling Plugin For jQuery - scrollview.js
- Animation - 7545 Viewsscrollview.js is a simple-to-use jQuery plugin used to create smooth vertical or horizontal fullscreen scrolling effect for one page website / web application.
Small Fullscreen Vertical Scrolling Plugin - Fullpage
- Layout - 6175 ViewsA jQuery vertical scrolling plugin which allows you to scroll through a set of full screen sections by mouse wheel or by navigation links.
Highlighting The Current Nav Link with jQuery and CSS
- Menu - 11096 ViewsNav Highlighter is a simple jQuery script that updates navigation menu automatically when you scroll.
Lightweight Smooth Scroll Plugin For jQuery - Hash Magic
- Animation - 5857 ViewsHash Magic is a lightweight jQuery plugin for creating a smooth one page scrolling website with support for hashChange event.
One Page Scroll Navigation Plugin with jQuery - pageNav
- Menu - 12525 ViewspageNav is a very simple-to-use jQuery plugin for creating top navigation for one page scroll website like App landing page.
Simplest jQuery One Page Scroller Plugin
- Animation - 2499 ViewsScroller.js is a jQuery plugin to create anchor links which scroll the webpage to desired content section smoothly.
Easy Fullscreen Vertical Page Scroll Plugin With jQuery - Better Scroll
- Layout - 11367 ViewsA jQuery plugin that provides fullscreen vertical page scrolling with sectioned content and snaps to next section after user scrolls.
Fullscreen 3D One Page Scrolling Effect with jQuery and CSS3
- Layout - 13074 ViewsCreating a fullscreen one page scrolling web page with a 3D curtain effect that reunites a list of split DIV blocks using CSS3 and jQuery.
jQuery Plugin For One Page Sidebar Navigation - onepage.scroll
- Layout - 8871 ViewsA jQuery plugin to generate a vertical sidebar navigation with anchor tags which allow you to scroll to associated content sections with smooth animations.
Lightweight One Page Scroller Plugin with jQuery
- Animation - 2857 ViewsA minimal plugin to animate scrolling to desired content sections smoothly, with support for easing effects and snapping functionality.
jQuery Plugin For Creating Responsive One Page Scrolling Web Layout - vPageScroll.js
- Layout - 7154 ViewsvPageScroll.js is an easy yet robust jQuery plugin to create a responsive grid layout for one page scrolling website.
jQuery Plugin To Snap To Next Section As You Scroll Through The Webpage - Section Snap
- Layout - 19934 ViewsSection Snap is a jQuery plugin designed for one page scrolling website that provides window snapping functionality to a set of content sections.
jQuery Plugin To Switch CSS Classes On Scroll - Switch Styler
- Animation - 2520 ViewsSwitch Styler is a tiny jQuery plugin used to switch CSS classes of fixed positioned elements as they're scrolled to cover the target elements.
Cross Browser jQuery One Page Navigation / Smooth Scrolling Plugin - Full Scroll
- Layout - 5014 ViewsJust another simple jQuery plugin used to implement modern full page smooth scrolling for your one page website.
Responsive jQuery Navigation For One Page Scrolling Website - spaNav
- Menu - 5895 ViewsspaNav is a lightweight jQuery plugin for generating a sticky top navigation bar which allows to smoothly scroll to different sections of your one page website/App.
Fullscreen Snap Scrolling Plugin with jQuery - SekerolPoin
- Layout - 1603 ViewsSekerolPoin is a minimalist jQuery plugin to create full window 'snap to' scrolling effect to enhance the scrolling experience of your single page website.
Smooth Fullscreen Page Slider Plugin with jQuery - Scroll Page
- Layout - 3928 ViewsScroll Page is a small jQuery plugin which allows you to scroll through content panels of your web page via mouse wheel or next/prev controls.
jQuery Plugin For Smooth One Page Snap Scrolling - ninjaScroll
- Layout - 4158 ViewsninjaScroll is a full-page snap scrolling plugin that allows you to scroll through a web page with window snapping functionality.
jQuery Based One Page Scrolling Navigation with 3D Transforms
- Layout - 10357 ViewsA full page one page scrolling web page layout with right side dots/arrows navigation and smooth 3D flipping effects.
jQuery Based Fullpage Page Slider with 3D CSS3 Transitions - wankyPages
- Slider - 3978 ViewswankyPages is a jQuery plugin designed for one page website which allows you to slide through page sections with fancy 3D CSS3 transitions.
Smooth Full Page Scroller Plugin For jQuery - goMover
- Layout - 2509 ViewsgoMover is a simple and easy jQuery plugin that helps you create a one page scrolling website with smooth sliding effects.
Apple iPhone 5S Website Like One Page Scroll Plugin For jQuery
- Slider - 22830 ViewsOne Page Scroll is a fashion and fast jQuery plugin for creating responsive full-screen one page scroll effects with dots navigation, similar to the new Apple iPhone 5S / 5C website.
jQuery Tooltips Navigation For One Page Scrolling Website - scrollTips
- Layout - 2560 ViewsscrollTips is a jQuery plugin to generate side tooltips which allow you to smoothly navigate between different sections on your one page scrolling website
Full Page Slide Transitions with jQuery Multi-Screen.js Plugin
- Animation - 6524 ViewsMulti-Screen.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin for creating a fashion single page website that allows the visitor to navigate through content sections with vertical and horizontal transition animations.
jQuery Plugin For Smooth One Page Scroller Plugin - Smooth Scroller
- Animation - 2078 ViewsSmooth Scroller is a super light jQuery plugin to generate anchoring links which allows to smoothly scroll to corresponding content sections.
Creating A One Page Parallax Scrolling Website Using jQuery
- Animation - 3319 ViewsIn this post we're going to create a background image parallax effect on your one page scrolling website with the help of jQuery and a little javascript magic.
One Page Scrolling Navigation with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 6993 ViewsScroll Nav is a jQuery plugin designed for one page scrolling website that generates a side navigation to indicate which page section you stay in.
jQuery Plugin For One Page Section Navigation - sectionMenu
- Menu - 6339 ViewssectionMenu is a jQuery plugin for creating a side navigation which allows you to smoothly scroll through different sections on one page.
Create A One Page Scrolling Website with jQuery and CSS3
- Layout - 2099 ViewsA simple jQuery script for one page scrolling website that uses CSS3 and Javascript to split the webpage into several sections with side navigation.
Create A Single Page Scrolling Website with jQuery and CSS3 - singular.js
- Layout - 9307 Viewssingular.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin to split a single webpage into several sections so you can scroll through these sections on one page by mouse wheel or dots/arrows navigation.
Powerpoint-like jQuery Full Page Slider Plugin - Simple Slides
- Slider - 6001 ViewsSimple Slides is a jQuery plugin that turns a single page into several slides so that the visitor can navigate through these sides by clicking the arrow navigation or using keyboard shortcuts.
Creating Apple-Like Fullscreen One Page Scrolling Website with jQuery
- Slider - 10754 ViewsUI Page Scrolling is a stunning jQuery plugin for creating an Apple iPhone 5S/5C website style fullscreen one page scroller that allows to vertically or horizontally navigate through different sections of your page.
jQuery Plugin For One Page Parallax Scrolling Website - Page Slider
- Slider - 2445 Viewspageslider is a jQuery plugin which allows the visitor to use mouse wheel to navigate between different sections/slides of your web page with a Parallax-like scrolling effect.
jQuery Plugin To Create Fullscreen Scrolling Website - fullPage
- Slider - 5740 ViewsfullPage is a powerful, multipurpose jQuery & jQuery UI plugin to create a fashion one page fullscreen scrolling website with snapping functionality.
Nice One Page Scrolling Effect with jQuery StackingSlides Plugin
- Layout - 3181 ViewsStackingSlides is a super simple jQuery plugin for creating a nice one page scrolling effect that features all the slides will stack on top of each other, a little similar to the parallax background effect.
jQuery Plugin For Horizontal One Page Scrolling Web Page - Horizontal Blocks
- Layout - 9118 ViewsHorizontal Blocks is a jQuery plugin that turns a single page into a collection of scrollable horizontal blocks with keyboard, mouse wheel and thumbnails navigation.
jQuery Snap Scrolling Plugin For Single Page Website - snapscroll
- Layout - 9531 Viewssnapscroll is a lightweight (~2kb) jQuery plugin designed for one page scrolling website that provides snapping functionality to enhances the scrolling experience.
Apple-Like Vertical One Page Scrolling Plugin For jQuery - slidescroll
- Slider - 13194 Viewsslidescroll is a jQuery plugin to create a Apple's iPhone 5S website style one page scrolling website that allows to vertically navigate between different sections with smooth effects.
Responsive jQuery One Page Scrolling Layout with Fixed Background
- Layout - 12427 ViewsFixed Scroll Background is a jQuery plugin for creating responsive and full-screen One Page Scrolling website layout with fixed scrolling background and smooth selection effects.
jQuery Dynamic One Page Scrolling Plugin - Scrolld.js
- Layout - 7713 ViewsScrolld.js is a highly customizable plugin for jQuery and jQuery UI that provides a way to create one page scrolling with amazing smooth animation effects.
jQuery Plugin for Single Page Websites - singlejs
- Layout - 1729 Viewssinglejs is a simple jQuery plugin that helps you to create single page websites with automatically images resizing.