jQuery Layout Plugins
Download Free jQuery Grid Layout, Pinterest-Style Layout, One Page Scrolling, Tabs, Tree View plugins at our jQuery Layout Plugin section. Page 7 .
Make Iframe Responsive While Preserving Aspect Ratio
- Layout - 1769 ViewsA very small jQuery responsive iframe plugin which makes the iframe embedded content (typically Youtube, Vimeo videos) fully responsive according to the screen size.
Set Element Height To 100% - jQuery fullHeight.js
- Layout - 5606 ViewsfullHeight.js is a really simple jQuery plugin that sets your element (for example Div, Section, etc) 100% height of browser window whenever you resize the window.
jQuery Plugin For Sticky Navigation Lists with Stacking Headers - slinky
- Layout - 2089 ViewsSlinky is a jQuery navigation plugin designed for long web page that stacks the section's headers and makes them sticky at the top of the page when scrolling down.
Mobile-friendly Split Layout Plugin With jQuery - Touch Splitter
- Layout - 3603 ViewsTouch Splitter is a jQuery plugin to create a mobile-friendly split layout for front-end development that allows to resize the grids using mouse drag and touch swipe.
Responsive Visual Guide Plugin For jQuery - Visual Guide
- Layout - 865 ViewsThis is a jQuery plugin which generates a customizable, responsive visual guide (vertical columns) for modern web/mobile layout design.
Simple Responsive Grid Layout Plugin - jQuery Drystone.js
- Layout - 6353 ViewsDrystone.js is a tiny, simple-to-use jQuery plugin to create a fully responsive grid layout where you can set the amount of columns at different breakpoints.
Photoshop-like Ruler Tool For Layout Design - jQuery ruler.js
- Layout - 3037 Viewsruler.js is a jQuery plugin to generate horizontal & vertical rulers for web layout design that can be used to position HTML elements precisely.
horizontal Graph Axis Plugin For jQuery - Axis.js
- Layout - 1437 ViewsAxis.js is a very small jQuery plugin which creates a ruler-style responsive horizontal graph axis with labels and tick marks for web/mobile layout design.
Responsive Justified Image Grid/Gallery Plugin - jQuery imagesGrid
- Gallery - 19527 ViewsimagesGrid is a super tiny jQuery plugin that helps you create a fully responsive image gallery with justified grid layout.
Responsive & Mobile-Aware jQuery Tabs Plugin For Bootstrap - droptabs
- Layout - 4249 Viewsdroptabs is a jQuery plugin that extends the Boostrap tabs component to display overflowed tabs in a dropdown list for small screen devices.
Specify The Alignment Of Any Element - jQuery ElementPositioning
- Layout - 491 ViewsElementPositioning is a very small jQuery plugin which allows you to specify the horizontal & vertical alignment of any elements within its parent container.
Minimal Responsive Photo Gallery Plugin For jQuery - xGallerify
- Gallery - 9141 ViewsxGallerify is a lightweight jQuery gallery plugin that takes a group of images and automatically arranges them in a compact, equal height, fully responsive mosaic grid.
Preserving Aspect Ratio For iFrames - jQuery keep-ratio
- Layout - 703 ViewsJust another jQuery responsive iframe plugin which dynamically resizes the embedded iframes (e.g. Youtube/Vimeo videos) while preserving the aspect ratio you specify.
jQuery Plugin To Set Aspect Ratio Of An Element
- Layout - 858 ViewsA very small jQuery plugin for your web layout that can be used to responsively maintain the aspect ratio of a DIV element on page resize.
Smooth Data Filter Animation In jQuery - filterData.js
- Animation - 11263 ViewsJust another in-page data filtering plugin for jQuery that uses CSS classes and HTML5 data attributes to filter a group of web contents on the page.
Easy Resizable Splitter/Layout Plugin For jQuery - SplitterBar
- Layout - 9531 ViewsA lightweight jQuery split/layout plugin that creates vertical bars to divide the container into several resizable sections.
jQuery Plugin To Align Element Vertically - vertical-align
- Layout - 931 Viewsvertical-align is a simple, lightweight jQuery solution to vertically center any HTML elements relative to their parent container. Supports both on page load and page resize events.
Dead Simple jQuery Responsive Iframe Plugin
- Layout - 2900 ViewsA super tiny (1kb) jQuery plugin which auto resizes your iframe elements while keeping the regular aspect ratio to fit the current browser size on window load and resize.
Minimalist Responsive Equal Height Plugin For jQuery - samesizr
- Layout - 1400 Viewssamesizr is an extremely lightweight (less than 1kb) jQuery plugin that equalizes the heights of a group of block elements on window load and resize.
Smart Responsive Image Cropping/Resizing On Resize - jQuery FocusPoint
- Layout - 3907 ViewsFocusPoint is a jQuery responsive image solution that intelligently crops/resizes/re-positions your image to fit its parent container on window resize.