jQuery Layout Plugins
Download Free jQuery Grid Layout, Pinterest-Style Layout, One Page Scrolling, Tabs, Tree View plugins at our jQuery Layout Plugin section. Page 6 .
Manipulate Alignment Of DOM Element Using jQuery - Centify
- Layout - 645 ViewsCentify is a simple jQuery plugin used to manipulate the vertical and horizontal alignment of text or DOM elements inside a given container.
Responsive Equal Height Columns With jQuery - MagicHeight
- Layout - 1475 ViewsMagicHeight is a simple, responsive jQuery equal height plugin to make all the columns in the same row have the same height.
Google Style Expanding Thumbnail Grid Plugin With jQuery - Mg-Space
- Gallery - 12768 ViewsMg-Space is a jQuery plugin to create a responsive photo gallery that allows to open an expanding thumbnail grid when clicking on an image like an accordion.
Pinterest Inspired Layout With Image Lazy Load - jQuery dnWaterfall
- Layout - 4891 ViewsdnWaterfall is a lightweight jQuery plugin to create responsive, fluid, cross-platform grid layout inspired by Pinterest.com.
jQuery Easy List Splitter Plugin
- Layout - 3622 ViewsA jQuery Plugin helps you create multiple lists (ol and ul) from a single list ordering the items vertically or horizontally.
jQuery Plugin To Move Elements Based On Media Queries - Responsive DOM
- Layout - 2092 ViewsResponsive DOM is a jQuery plugin for responsive web design that moves html elements in the DOM at a certain viewport size based on CSS3 media queries.
Create A Justified Grid Of Images With jQuery - Grid Horizontal
- Layout - 6862 ViewsGrid Horizontal is an easy-to-use jQuery plugin to create responsive justified/cascading image grids that allow you to set the min-width of images, max height of rows and space between images.
Scaling Any Elements Responsively With jQuery - coverfit.js
- Layout - 755 ViewsYet another jQuery plugin that automatically scales, crop any elements to cover their parent container similar to the CSS background-size: cover attribute.
Set iFrame Height To Fit Its Content - jQuery frameLoader
- Layout - 5860 ViewsThe frameLoader jQuery UI widget is used to handle automatically resizing an iFrame based on the content height of the iFrame.
jQuery Plugin For Responsive Equal Height Images - packed-img-strip
- Layout - 2374 Viewspacked-img-strip is a jQuery responsive equal height plugin which automatically stretches and shrinks img or figure elements (with varying width and height) to make them have the same height.
Fix Flexbox justify-content Issue With jQuery - jcsabfix
- Layout - 1980 Viewsjcsabfix is a jQuery plugin used to fix the alignment issue of your grid items in the last row when your design a flexbox based grid layout using justify-content: space-between or justify-content: space-around property.
Resize Block Elements To Fit Parent Container - jQuery nite-cropper
- Layout - 1414 ViewsThe jQuery nite-cropper plugin automatically stretches, shrinks and crops any block elements to fit their parent container depending on the viewport size.
Random Grid Order Plugin With jQuery - rdmGrid
- Layout - 2966 ViewsrdmGrid is a fancy jQuery layout plugin used to create randomly ordered grids that support both dynamic and static grid content.
Responsive Web Layout Without Scrolling - noscroll.js
- Layout - 1434 ViewsThe noscroll.js jQuery plugin helps you create responsive, dynamic, nested, full-window web layout without scrolling.
Create Neat Justified Grid Layout With jQuery - sameify
- Layout - 622 Viewssameify is a small and configurable jQuery equal height plugin to create neat, justified layout by equalizing the height of each row of grid elements.
Long List Truncation Plugin For jQuery - show-more-items.js
- Layout - 3096 Viewsshow-more-items.js is a list truncation plugin that limits the maximum number of list items to show on the webpage and creates a 'Show More' button to reveal the rest when needed.
Responsive & Accessible jQuery Tabbed Interface Plugin
- Layout - 4830 ViewsA jQuery tabs plugin used to create a fully responsive, customizable, accessible tabbed interface component with ARIA & keyboard support.
Responsive Square Grid Layout For jQuery - Square.js
- Layout - 3754 ViewsSquare.js is a lightweight and simple-to-use jQuery plugin for dynamically render a responsive, cross-platform square grid layout from a group of DOM elements.
jQuery Plugin To Order and Filter Items With Shuffling Animation - Quicksand
- Layout - 7989 ViewsQuicksand is a jQuery plugin that provides a simple and nice way to filter and reorder sets of items with useful and eye-pleasing shuffling effects.
CSS Flexbox Style Equal Height Plugin For jQuery - equalHeight.js
- Layout - 1871 ViewsequalHeight.js is a responsive, CSS flexbox like, jQuery based equal height plugin that achieves equal-height columns in your grid layout.