jQuery Layout Plugins
Download Free jQuery Grid Layout, Pinterest-Style Layout, One Page Scrolling, Tabs, Tree View plugins at our jQuery Layout Plugin section. Page 3 .
Resizable Splitting Panes In jQuery - jsplitter
- Layout - 2578 ViewsA JavaScript (jQuery) based splitter plugin that divides a container into two parts and allows the user to resize the left/right panes with mouse drag.
Reveal Cards From A Single Point Using jQuery And TweenMax.js
- Layout - 870 ViewsA fancy animated card layout that reveals grid items (cards) from a single point with a smooth shuffle animation.
jQuery Plugin To Create Awesome Material Design Cards
- Layout - 10737 ViewsMaterial Cards is a jQuery & CSS based Material Design card component which allows you to manage options, events and method for your awesome cards.
Masonry/Mosaic Style Grid System With Animations
- Layout - 3136 ViewsA small and configurable jQuery layout plugin to generate a Masonry (default) or Mosaic (equal height) style Grid System with fancy reveal animations.
Easy Layout Splitter/Resizer For Developer - pane-slider
- Layout - 6131 ViewsAn easy-to-use and mobile-friendly split slider plugin to create a split layout that enables the developers to resize two split panes via mouse drag or touch swipe.
Grid View Switcher For Bootstrap Layout System - grid-view.js
- Layout - 2822 ViewsA tiny grid view switcher for Bootstrap that allows the visitor to quickly switch between Compact View (4x3) and Spaced View (3x3) in your Bootstrap powered grid layout.
Responsive Masonry/Pinterest Like Grid Layout For Bootstrap 4/3
- Layout - 13318 ViewsThe bootstrap.masonry.js jQuery plugin transforms the regular Bootstrap grid system into a responsive, fluid grid layout similar to the Pinterest or Masonry.
Equalize Height Of An Element's Children - jQuery Align
- Layout - 967 ViewsUniformify is a small, easy-to-use jQuery equal height plugin that allows dynamically set sibling elements to the same height no matter how you resize the browser window.
Dynamic Drag and Drop Grid Layout Plugin With jQuery - Gridly
- Layout - 29217 ViewsA touch-enabled, jQuery based draggable grid layout plugin that allows your visitors to dynamically rearrange grid items through drag'n'drop or touch events.
jQuery Plugin For Simple Responsive iFrames - mediaWrapper.js
- Layout - 1448 ViewsA minimalist jQuery plugin that makes your iFrame element responsive while keeping the aspect ratio by auto adjusting the height and width depending on the screen size
Parallax-like Scrolling Effect For Two-Column Layout - Differential Scroll
- Layout - 2636 ViewsDifferential Scroll is a fancy jQuery plugin that applies a parallax-style scrolling effect to your two-column layout.
Create A Responsive Uniform Card Grid With jQuery - heightLine.js
- Layout - 2288 ViewsheightLine.js is a tiny jQuery equal height plugin to create a responsive uniform card grid by equalizing the height of the grid items in a row.
Simple jQuery Plugin For Responsive Sticky Elements - Stuck
- Layout - 3798 ViewsStuck is a simple jQuery plugin which allows you to responsively make any Html element sticky as you scroll down the page.
Responsive Customizable Testimonials Plugin With jQuery
- Layout - 3213 ViewsThis is a jQuery plugin that adds responsive, configurable, vertical (or horizontal) Testimonials to your product page.
Auto Adjust Parent Width Based On Child Widths - Wrapper Resizer
- Layout - 397 ViewsWrapper Resizer is a jQuery element resize plugin that automatically resizes parent/wrapper/container width so that all children are covered.
Pinterest Style Dynamic Layout jQuery Plugin - Masonry
- Layout - 12077 ViewsMasonry is a Pinterest Style Dynamic Layout jQuery Plugin. Whereas floating arranges elements horizontally then vertically, Masonry arranges elements vertically, positioning each element in the next open spot in the grid.
Draggable Panes Splitter Plugin - jQuery Granit
- Layout - 2771 ViewsGranit is a fully configurable split layout plugin to split your webpage into several panes which are resizable via drag and drop.
Creating A Fixed Position Sidebar With jQuery Sticky Sidebar Plugin
- Layout - 47019 ViewsSticky Sidebar is a lightweight and super simple jQuery plugin for creating a sticky right (or left) sidebar that follows the user as the user scrolls down the page.
Equalize The Height Of Elements In A Row - baseheight
- Layout - 579 ViewsA small and easy Equal Height Column jQuery plugin for responsive layout that detects the content size and equalizes the height of all matched layout items in a group row.
Stylish jQuery Pagination Plugin - simple Pagination
- Layout - 27431 Viewssimple Pagination is a simple jQuery plugin for creating stylish on-page pagination for long items on your page.