Free jQuery tree view Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'tree view' are listed here.
jQuery Plugin for Tree Widget - jqTree
- Layout - 32617 ViewsjqTree is a jQuery based Tree Widget that allows you to create folder tree from JSON data with some fancy animations.
10 Best Tree View Plugins In JavaScript And Pure CSS (2025 Update)
- jQuery Script Blog - 227295 Views10 best jQuery, Vanilla JavaScript, and Pure CSS libraries that make it easier to generate tree views in your web applications.
jQuery and jQuery UI Dynamic Tree View Plugin - Fancytree
- Layout - 131651 ViewsFancy Tree is a plugin for jQuery and jQuery UI that allows to create dynamic tree view controls with support for persistence, keyboard, checkboxes, drag and drop, and lazy loading.
Powerful Dynamic Tree Plugin With jQuery - jsTree
- Other - 75952 ViewsjsTree is a powerful jQuery plugin used to generate dynamic, interactive tree views (for example folder tree) with support for inline editing, drag'n'drop, checkboxes, keyboard navigation and more.
Collapsible/Checkable Hierarchical Tree Plugin - jQuery CheckTree
- Other - 4426 ViewsA jQuery plugin that takes a nested list and converts it into a collapsible, expandable, and checkable hierarchical tree.
Dynamic Tree View Plugin With jQuery And Bootstrap
- Other - 132863 ViewsA jQuery treeview plugin that helps you render a dynamic, checkable, filterable, collapsible, vertical hierarchical tree from a JSON schema.
Beautiful JSON Viewer With Callback Support - jQuery JVC
- Other - 3221 ViewsA feature-rich JSON viewer plugin that transforms JSON objects, strings, and arrays into a beautifully structured, collapsible/expandable tree structure.
Multi-Select Drop Down Tree Plugin With jQuery - Combo Tree
- Form - 92935 ViewsCombo Tree is a jQuery plugin to render a single or multi-select dropdown list from JSON data that enables the user to select one or multiple options from a hierarchical, collapsible tree view with checkboxes.
Display JSON Data As A Checkable Tree - jQuery jsontree.js
- Other - 4716 ViewsA tiny and user-friendly JSON manipulation and visualization jQuery plugin for rendering complex JSON data in an interactive, collapsible, checkable tree.
Visualize JSON Data Into Folder/Organization Trees - jQuery vTree
- Chart & Graph - 2827 ViewsA jQuery plugin designed to visualize JSON data into expandable and collapsible tree structures, such as folder directories, family trees, or organization hierarchies.
Generate An Accordion Tree View From JSON - jQuery ACL
- Other - 4710 ViewsA lightweight and easy-to-use jQuery tree view plugin that creates a collapsible tree structure from any hierarchical JSON data.
Editable Selectable Tree View Plugin - jQuery TreeEditor
- Other - 4011 ViewsA jQuery tree plugin to dynamically generate an editable, checkable, and hierarchical tree structure from a JavaScript array.
Visualize JSON Or XML Data In A Tree - Data Tree
- Other - 13901 ViewsAn easy-to-use yet fully customizable jQuery tree view plugin used to visualize your JSON or XML data in a hierarchical tree structure.
JSON Based Hierarchical Tree Plugin - Simple TreePicker
- Other - 4989 ViewsA jQuery plugin for displaying JSON data as a collapsible, expandable, selectable, and hierarchical tree structure.
Sortable List View With jQuery - treeSortable
- Other - 10914 ViewsA minimal sortable tree jQuery plugin that enables the user to reorder items in a list tree via drag and drop. Based on jQuery UI's sortable function.
jQuery Plugin For Multi-Selectable Tree Structure - Tree Multiselect
- Form - 56534 ViewsTree Multiselect is a jQuery plugin that converts a multiple select box into a collapsible tree view with checkboxes for easy option selection.
Collapsible Tree View With Checkboxes - jQuery hummingbird-treeview
- Other - 79141 Viewshummingbird-treeview is a jQuery plugin that transforms nested html lists into an expandable, collapsible, searchable, checkable, hierarchical tree structure.
Dynamic Checkable Tree View Plugin - jQuery Flex Tree
- Other - 5782 ViewsThe jQuery Flex Tree plugin presents hierarchical data in a dynamic, interactive, collapsible tree structure with checkbox and radio button support.
Dynamic Ajax File Tree Plugin For jQuery - jsFiler
- Other - 17782 ViewsjsFiler is an AJAX-enabled jQuery file/folder tree plugin that allows the user to display/edit hierarchical data in a folder structure similar to the file explorer.
Tree-style Expanding JS Object Viewer/Editor In jQuery - Expando
- Other - 2277 ViewsA tiny jQuery-powered JS Object Viewer/Editor that helps developers creates a very nice expandable tree hierarchy of your data.
Dynamic Collapsible Tree View For Bootstrap 5
- Other - 21905 ViewsCreate a dynamic, collapsible/expandable tree view with the latest Bootstrap 5 framework.
Horizontal Hierarchical Tree View Plugin For jQuery - hortree
- Other - 19331 ViewsA small and easy jQuery plugin that helps render a horizontal treeview-like diagram from the hierarchical data you specify in a JSON file.
Powerful and Multi-Functional jQuery Folder Tree Plugin - zTree
- Layout - 55017 ViewszTree is a powerful and fast jQuery 'Tree' Plugin for creating Multi-functional Folder Trees with excellent performance and flexible configurations.
Sortable and Collapsible Tree View Plugin For jQuery - Sortable Lists
- Other - 15099 ViewsA jQuery plugin that enables items in a list to be sorted vertically through drag and drop or touch gestures.
Render JSON Data As Collapsible Tree - jQuery simpleJson
- Other - 3510 ViewsA simple and fast JSON viewer plugin that can present complex JSON data as a nested, collapsible, human-readable tree structure.
Windows File Explorer Like Folder Tree In jQuery
- Other - 11072 ViewsA jQuery plugin to generate a multi-level folder tree that represents the folder hierarchy of your file system.
ASCII Folder Tree Generator In jQuery - Tree Builder
- Other - 2204 ViewsA jQuery-powered tree builder that provides a user-friendly online editor to generate a hierarchical ASCII art tree from a nested HTML list.
Hierarchical Checkbox Tree With jQuery
- Other - 9554 ViewsA tiny and easy-to-use jQuery plugin that takes a group of nested checkboxes and converts them into a hierarchical tree.
jQuery Plugin For Displaying A Tree Of Data In A Table - treetable
- Table - 61114 Viewstreetable is a lightweight jquery plugin that allows you to display a tree of data in an HTML table that's good for creating a directory structure or a nested list.
Dynamic Tree View With Visual Connections - jsPlumbTree
- Chart & Graph - 18867 ViewsA jQuery plugin that renders a collapsible and expandable tree structure representing the hierarchical relationship between various nodes.
Semantic Tree View Plugin With jQuery - Simple Tree
- Other - 6082 ViewsA simple, SEO-friendly jQuery tree plugin which converts nested HTML lists into a collapsible and expandable tree structure. Ideal for representing your folders, files, menu items as a hierarchical tree.
Dynamic Drill Down UI Component In jQuery - BsDrillDown
- Menu - 6417 ViewsThe BsDrillDown jQuery plugin helps you create a one-column drill down menu & tree structure from hierarchical data defined in JSON.
Dynamic Tree List Plugin For Bootstrap - BSTreeView
- Other - 16196 ViewsA tiny (less than 2kb minified) tree view plugin that dynamically renders a collapsible/expandable tree list using Bootstrap 4 list group component.
Hierarchical Tree & Multi-level Accordion Plugin - mgAccordion
- Accordion - 9230 ViewsmgAccordion is a lightweight, SEO-friendly jQuery content toggle plugin to generate a hierarchical tree or multi-level accordion menu from nested HTML unordered lists.
Tree-style Multi Select Dropdown Plugin For Bootstrap - DropdownTree
- Form - 43515 ViewsDropdownTree is a jQuery plugin that utilizes Bootstrap dropdown component to create a dynamic, multi-level, multi-select dropdown with checkboxes similar to the tree structure.
Dynamic Tree View That Loads JSON Data On Demand - Tree.js
- Other - 28290 ViewsA dynamic, semantic, SEO-friendly jQuery tree view plugin for viewing hierarchical JSON data in a nested, collapsible/expandable HTML list just like a tree.
Dynamic Tree Dropdown Select Plugin - jQuery x-tree-select
- Form - 8817 ViewsA dynamic tree select jQuery plugin that allows the user to select an item from a multi-level dropdown list similar to the collapsible tree structure.
Display Hierarchical Data As A Searchable Tree - simpleTree
- Other - 8882 ViewsA simple yet full-featured tree view jQuery plugin which makes it possible to display your hierarchical data as a searchable, expandable and collapsible tree.
Generate A Hierarchical Tree From Staitc Elements - jQuery dataTree
- Other - 2993 ViewsThe dataTree jQuery plugin lets you generate an expandable/collapsible hierarchical tree from a group of any HTML elements.
Checkable Hierarchical Tree Plugin - jQuery sim-tree
- Other - 14097 ViewsThe jQuery sim-tree plugin lets you create a checkable, hierarchical tree with support for asynchronous data loading and indeterminate (tri-state) checkboxes.
Multi-select Treeview With Checkbox - jQuery TreeView
- Other - 30130 ViewsA lightweight, dynamic jQuery treeview plugin which enables the user to select multiple tree nodes with checkboxes.
Dynamic Hierarchical Tree Plugin For jQuery - BooTree
- Other - 6229 ViewsBooTree is an easy tree plugin that dynamically renders hierarchical tree structures with support for programmatical check, uncheck, collapse, expand, etc.
Multi Select With Checkbox Tree - jQuery treeSelector
- Form - 21313 ViewsThe jQuery treeSelector plugin enables the user to select multiple options from a dynamic hierarchical tree structure with checkboxes.
SEO-friendly Tree View Plugin For Bootstrap 4 - bstree
- Other - 10659 Viewsbstree is a simple-to-use jQuery/Bootstrap 4 plugin used to present hierarchical data in a semantic, collapsible tree view with checkboxes.
Dynamic Tree Selection Control In jQuery - ArtaraxTreeView
- Other - 4287 ViewsArtaraxTreeView is a flexible, configurable tree plugin to dynamically render a tree selection control from a JSON/JS array for selecting parent/child nodes.
Lightweight Folding Menu Plugin For jQuery - treemenu.js
- Menu - 20729 Viewstreemenu.js is a super light jQuery plugin that turns nested Html lists into a collapsible tree menu like the tree folder structure.
Simple Family Tree Generator With JavaScript - jQuery Tree.js
- Chart & Graph - 15574 ViewsA lightweight, simple and semantic jQuery family tree plugin which helps you to draw complex family tree diagrams from nested HTML unordered lists.
macOS Finder Like Tree View Plugin - jQuery simpleTreeMenu
- Menu - 3676 ViewssimpleTreeMenu is a lightweight and easy-to-use jQuery plugin used to render Mac OS Finder like folder tree, file browser or tree structure from nested HTML lists.
Flexible Dynamic Tree Generator With jQuery - Bonsai.js
- Other - 12946 ViewsYet another jQuery tree view plugin that lets you create a flexible, dynamic, expandable and collapsible tree control from nested html lists or hierarchical JSON data.
Horizontal Expanding Tree Plugin With jQuery - tsTree
- Other - 4539 ViewstsTree is a jQuery plugin used to render a dynamic, horizontal, expandable, multi-level tree for category lists, site navigation, multi-select tree lists and more.
Simple Plain Checkbox Tree Plugin - jQuery Checktree
- Other - 19864 ViewsJust another jQuery based checkbox tree plugin that displays your hierarchical data in a tree structure with checkboxes.
Easy Dynamic Checkbox Tree Plugin For jQuery - checkTree
- Other - 11397 ViewsJust another jQuery checkbox tree plugin which helps you dynamically render a hierarchical tree structure with checkboxes.
Collapsible Data Grid Plugin With jQuery - Treegrid
- Table - 25039 ViewsTreegrid is a jQuery plugin which converts a standard Html table into a collapsible data grid like the tree structure.
jQuery Plugin For Folding Tree Structures - file-explore.js
- Other - 19905 Viewsfile-explore.js is a minimal jQuery folder tree/file explorer plugin used to convert nested unordered lists into a hierarchical tree that is both expandable and collapsible.
Canvas Based Tree View Plugin For jQuery - ctree
- Other - 3296 Viewsctree is a dynamic, easy-to-use jQuery tree view plugin used to present your hierarchical data in collapsible, selectable, HTML5 canvas based tree structures.
Searchable Multi-selectable Tree Plugin For jQuery - SearchAreaControl
- Other - 5547 ViewsSearchAreaControl is a flexible, dynamic, user-friendly jQuery multiple select plugin which allows the users to search and select multiple items from hierarchical data in a modal popup.
File Explorer-like Tree View Plugin For jQuery - explr-js
- Other - 10403 Viewsexplr-js is a jQuery plugin that converts nested html lists into a File Explorer-like hierarchical tree with smooth animation and custom icons support.
Minimalist Folder Structure Plugin For jQuery - Filetree
- Other - 8615 ViewsFiletree is a really small, cross-browser jQuery plugin that allows to visualize your hierarchical data in a folder structure with collapsible folders and files.
Dynamic Tree View Plugin With Checkbox Support - jQuery Treejs
- Other - 11141 ViewsTreejs is a lightweight, extendable, and configurable jQuery plugin that provides interactive, AJAX enabled trees to show HTML & JSON data in a collapsible tree structure with checkboxes.
Create A Visual Folder Tree With jQuery - simpleTree
- Other - 7121 ViewssimpleTree is a lightweight jQuery plugin which generates a collapsible folder/directory/file tree from a nested html list.
Nice Tree View Plugin with jQuery and Bootstrap 3 - Easy Tree
- Layout - 116454 ViewsEasy Tree is a nice & powerful tree view plugin for jQuery and Bootstrap 3 that allows to select, add, edit or remove items/nodes to build your own tree view structure.
Searchable And Collapsible Tree View Plugin With jQuery - almightree
- Other - 9958 Viewsalmightree is an easy-to-use jQuery plugin for rendering a filterable and collapsible tree view interface from large nested html lists.
Minimal Collapsible Tree Table Plugin With jQuery - treetable
- Table - 8754 ViewsJust another jQuery tree table plugin which turns an html table into a tree, with expand/collapse buttons.
Create A CRUD Tree Table With jQuery And Bootstrap - edittreetable
- Table - 29416 Viewsedittreetable is a jQuery plugin used for rendering a hierarchical CRUD tree table from JSON objects using Bootstrap styles.
Flexible AJAX-enabled Tree View Plugin For jQuery - Flextree
- Other - 4342 ViewsFlextree is a simple, flexible jQuery plugin used for rendering a dynamic, highly customizable tree structure from external JSON data via AJAX request.
Checkable And Collapsible jQuery Tree View Plugin - Treeview
- Other - 7760 ViewsYet another jQuery plugin which converts a nested html list into an animated, collapsible tree structure with support for checkboxes and auto expanding.
Treeview Style Hierarchical Table with jQuery and D3.js - Treetable
- Table - 26813 ViewsTreetable is a jQuery plugin used to visualize your hierarchical table rows into a collapsible tree graph using d3.js JavaScript library.
Responsive Folder Tree Plugin with jQuery - Bonsai
- Other - 8294 ViewsBonsai is a very small (~3kb minified) jQuery plugin which turns a normal nested list into a responsive, mobile-friendly, collapsible, hierarchical folder tree.
Lightweight jQuery Plugin For JSON Beautifier and Viewer - jjsonviewer
- Other - 21906 ViewsA simple jQuery plugin which converts the JSON data into a collapsible hierarchical tree view to visualize your JSON data in a pretty way.
Beautiful Collapsible JSON Viewer with jQuery - JSONPanel
- Other - 4047 ViewsJSONPanel is a lightweight jQuery based JSON view that displays your JSON data by transforming them into a collapsible, more readable tree view structure.
Dynamic Tree View Plugin For jQuery Mobile - jqm-tree
- Mobile - 8683 Viewsjqm-tree is a jQuery tree view widget for jQuery mobile framework that helps you create a dynamic tree structure from JSON data.
jQuery Plugin To Format & Beautify JSON Data - jsonfrill
- Other - 3678 Viewsjsonfrill is a jQuery plugin that helps you render a collapsible, colored JSON tree view by formatting and beautifying JSON data.
jQuery Plugin To Create Checkbox Tree View - highchecktree
- Other - 24148 Viewshighchecktree is a jQuery plugin for making a collapsible checkbox tree that allows three check states.
Hierarchical Directory List with jQuery and Bootstrap3 - directoryTree
- Other - 9015 ViewsdirectoryTree.js is a jQuery plugin for displaying file paths as an interactive, hierarchical directory list (tree structure) in Bootstrap 3.
Smooth Collapsible Tree View Plugin with jQuery - TreeViewJS
- Other - 16389 ViewsA jQuery plugin that takes data from a big nested list or JSON strings and presents them in an expanding and collapsing tree view.
Lightweight File/Folder Tree Plugin with jQuery - Orange Tree
- Other - 8149 ViewsOrange Tree is a simple lightweight jQuery tree view plugin helps you create an expandable/collapsible folder/file tree structure.
jQuery Based Pretty Collapsible JSON Tree Viewer
- Other - 23799 ViewsA jQuery plugin for formatting JSON data that converts JSON strings to a pretty collapsible tree view structure with syntax highlighting support.
Tiny jQuery Tree View and Accordion List Plugin - Sapling
- Accordion - 6232 ViewsSapling is a simple yet customizable jQuery plugin that turns a standard Html list into a tree view interface or an accordion list with sliding animations.
Simple and Flexible jQuery Tree Grid Plugin - TreeGrid
- Layout - 35316 ViewsTreeGrid is a lightweight and flexible jQuery plugin to create a tree grid component that renders hierarchical, nested and flat data in a table.
Filterable Tree View Plugin with jQuery - Tree Filter
- Layout - 31992 ViewsTree Filter is a lightweight jQuery plugin that takes a big nested list and transform it into an expandable folder tree structure with live search.
Classic Animated Directory Tree Plugin with jQuery - dTree
- Layout - 13085 ViewsdTree is a simple lightweight jQuery plugin for creating a classic fold/directory/file tree view structure with smooth CSS3 transitions.
Collapsible Tree Menu Plugin with jQuery and CSS3 - Nxeed Tree Menu
- Menu - 29355 ViewsNxeed Tree Menu is a simple jQuery plugin to create an accordion-style vertical tree menu that is collapsible and expandable with smooth sliding effects.
Animated Vertical Accordion Menu with jQuery and CSS3 - mtree.js
- Accordion - 42423 Viewsmtree.js is a jQuery plugin that enables you to create an animated vertical accordion menu based on jQuery velocity.js and CSS3 transitions.
Nice File Tree View Plugin with jQuery and Bootstrap - File Tree
- Other - 65101 ViewsFile Tree is a small jQuery plugin that helps you build a nice clean, sortable and selectable file tree structure from a JSON object.
Animated Tree View Plugin For jQuery and Bootstrap 3 - MultiNestedLists
- Layout - 49900 ViewsMultiNestedLists is a jQuery plugin to create an animated & nice looking tree view structure using Bootstrap and nested Html lists.
Simple jQuery Plugin For Checkbox Tree View - Checktree
- Form - 36635 ViewsChecktree is a lightweight and simple jQuery plugin for creating a hierarchical list of check boxes.
Powerful jQuery Dynamic Tree View Plugin - dynatree
- Layout - 13430 Viewsdynatree is a powerful jQuery plugin for creating dynamic tree view controls with support for persistence, keyboard, checkboxes, drag and drop, and lazy loading.
Super Tiny jQuery Tree View Plugin - Good Tree
- Other - 6049 ViewsGood Tree is a tiny and easy-to-use jQuery plugin for quickly and easily create a tree view user interface widget for your project.
jQuery Flat Folder Tree Plugin - simplefolders
- Other - 8267 Viewssimplefolders is a simple jQuery plugin for easily create a flat folder tree on your website and web application.