Visualize JSON Or XML Data In A Tree - Data Tree

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License: MIT
Visualize JSON Or XML Data In A Tree - Data Tree

Data Tree is an easy-to-use yet fully customizable jQuery tree view plugin used to visualize your JSON or XML data in a hierarchical tree structure.

More Features:

  • Loads data either from local or a web server.
  • Lazy-loads data in sub-trees.
  • Supports deep linking. E.g.,0;
  • Retains cross page transition state.
  • Automatic data caching for better performance.
  • Minimal clean UI design.

See Also:

How to use it:

1. Create a container to hold the tree.

<div id="tree"></div>

2. Load the Data Tree plugin's files in the HTML page.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="data-tree.css" />
<script src="/path/to/cdn/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="data-tree.js"></script>

3. Initialize the Data Tree and specify the path to the JSON or XML data source.

// XML
new DataTree({
    fpath: 'xml.xml',
    container: '#tree'

new DataTree({
    fpath: 'xml.xml',
    container: '#tree'
    json: true

// fetch data from a web service
new DataTree({
    fpath: 'web_service.php?level=root',
    container: '#tree'

4. Initialize the Data Tree and specify the path to the JSON or XML data source.

// XML
new DataTree({
    fpath: 'xml.xml',
    container: '#tree'

new DataTree({
    fpath: 'xml.xml',
    container: '#tree'

// fetch data from a web service
new DataTree({
    fpath: 'web_service.php?level=root',
    container: '#tree'

5. Full configurations to customize the tree.

new DataTree({

    // how attributes should behave in the resultant
    // 'show', 'hide', or 'ignore'
    attrs: 'show',

    // pass true to apply this to all attributes,
    // or an array of attribute names.
    attrsAsClasses: true,

    // identical to attrsAsClasses, except attributes will become jQuery data 
    // i.e. accessible via .data())on the element rather than classes.
    attrsAsData: true,

    // whether to allow caching on the root-level data request
    cache: true,

    // container to hold the tree
    container: '',

    // path to the JSON or XML data
    fpathL: '',

    // whether or not to show the names of nodes in the tree
    hideNodeNames: false,

    // a boolean, if you're loading data over a web service (via fpath), which tells DataTree to conver the JSON response to XML before output
    // or a literal JSON string of JavaScript object from which to generate the tree - the JSON equivalent to xml
    json: '',

    // pass XML string here
    xml: '',

    // pass true if you are loading your XML over JSON-P rather than locally
    jsonp: false,

    // if true, sub-tree request responses will be cached and not re-fetched from the server should the same sub-tree request be triggered again later
    noSubTreeCache: false,

    // if true, the steps taken navigating the tree will not be logged in the URL hash.
    // this means the tree returns to its original state on page refresh
    noURLTracking: false,

    // open the tree at a specific node
    openAtPath: '',

    // whether the tree should be fully expanded when the page loads
    startExpanded: false,

    // load more data when expanded
    subTreeBranches: '',

    // invoked when a user clicks the plus/minus link next to a node, i.e. expands or collapses it. Your callback function will automatically be passed 4 arguments:
    // event (event object) - a jQuery click event object.
    // li (jQuery object) - a jQuery reference to the node LI
    // li (jQuery object) - a string, either 'open' or 'close', depending on whether the corresponding node LI's children are currently visible or hidden
    // XPath (string) - the XPath of the node LI.
    plusMinCallback: function(event, li, li, XPath){},

    // click callback
    // it receives the same data as above, except the 4th argument.
    clickCallback: function(event, li, li){},

    // it is automatically passed a jQuery reference to the tree ul as its only argument.
    renderCallback: function(event){},

    // invoked when a sub-tree branch (see subTreeBranches) is expanded
    // return the URL to the XML to load into it
    // it is automatically passed a jQuery reference to the clicked LI as its only argument.
    subTreeRequest: function(){},

    // useful if you want to tweak the XML before tree output starts to be generated.
    XMLCallback: function(event){},


6. Get XML node/JS object relating to LI matching selector.


7. Jump to a specific branch of your tree, corresponding to passed jQuery selector.

instance.jumpTo(selector, closeOthers);



This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by mitya33. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.