Multi Select With Checkbox Tree - jQuery treeSelector

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License: MIT
Multi Select With Checkbox Tree - jQuery treeSelector

The jQuery treeSelector plugin enables the user to select multiple options from a dynamic hierarchical tree structure with checkboxes.

The selected tree nodes can be deleted in a container just like the token/tag input.

How to use it:

1. Link to jQuery and the jQuery treeSelector plugin's files:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="jquery.treeSelector.css">
<script src="" 
<script src="jquery.treeSelector.js"></script>

2. The plugin also requires Font Awesome for the icons.

<link rel="stylesheet" 

3. Create a container in which you want to render the multi select component.

<div class="treeSelector"></div>

4. Define your own hierarchical data to be presented in the tree view.

var rootNode = [{
    "id": "1",
    "title": "Node 0",
    value: 1,
    "children": [
        "id": "1-1",
        "title": "Node 1-1",
        value: 11,
        "children": [
            "id": "1-1-1",
            "title": "Node 1-1-1",
            value: 111,
            "children": []
            "id": "1-1-2",
            "title": "Node 1-1-2",
            value: 112,
            "children": []
        "id": "1-2",
        "title": "Node 1-2",
        value: 12,
        "children": [
            "id": "1-2-1",
            "title": "Node 1-2-1",
            value: 121,
            "children": []
        "id": "1-3",
        "title": "Node 1-3",
        value: 13,
        "children": []

5. Render the tree structure in the container and specify the pre-selected nodes as follows:

$('div.treeSelector').treeSelector(rootNode, [11, 12])

6. Get the values you selected.

$('div.treeSelector').treeSelector(rootNode, [11, 12], function (e, values) {'onChange', e, values);

7. Override the default settings to customize the plugin.

$('div.treeSelector').treeSelector(rootNode, [11, 12], function (e, values) {'onChange', e, values);

  // children checked/unchecked if true
  checkWithParent: false,

  // title with 'title1 - title 2' if true
  titleWithParent: false,

  // when item click, only view leaf title if true
  notViewClickParentTitle: false,

  // disable the plugin
  disabled: false,

  // placeholder if empty
  emptyOptonPlaceholder: 'no options'



This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by shatle. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.