Dynamic Tree Selection Control In jQuery - ArtaraxTreeView

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Dynamic Tree Selection Control In jQuery - ArtaraxTreeView

ArtaraxTreeView is a flexible, configurable tree plugin to dynamically render a tree selection control from a JSON/JS array for selecting parent/child nodes.

The tree is collapsible, expandable and checkable. You can also update/delete specified nodes using callback functions.

How to use it:

1. Insert jQuery JavaScript library and the jQuery ArtaraxTreeView plugin into your html page.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/jquery.artaraxtreeview.css">
<script src="/path/to/cdn/jquery.slim.min.js"></script>
<script src="/path/to/jquery.artaraxtreeview.js"></script>

2. Create an empty HTML list for the tree.

<ul class="treeview"></ul>

3. Prepare your hierarchical data for the tree.

var treeViewData = [
    { 'Id' : 1, 'Title' : 'My Tree','ParentId' : null },
    { 'Id' : 2, 'Title' : 'JavaScript', 'ParentId' : 1 },
    { 'Id' : 3, 'Title' : 'HTML', 'ParentId' : 1 },
    { 'Id' : 4, 'Title' : 'CSS', 'ParentId' : 1 },
    { 'Id' : 5, 'Title' : 'AngularJS', 'ParentId' : 2 },
    { 'Id' : 6, 'Title' : 'ReactJS', 'ParentId' : 2 },
    { 'Id' : 7, 'Title' : 'HTML5', 'ParentId' : 3 },
    { 'Id' : 8, 'Title' : 'CSS3', 'ParentId' : 4 },
    { 'Id' : 9, 'Title' : 'CSS4', 'ParentId' : 4 }

4. Initialize the tree.

var artaraxTreeView = $.artaraxTreeView({
    jsonData: treeViewData

5. Render the tree inside the HTML list.

// for update mode

6. Set the pre-selected nodes (only workss on update mode).

var artaraxTreeView = $.artaraxTreeView({
    selectedIds: [7,8,9]

7. Decide whether to display children nodes.

var artaraxTreeView = $.artaraxTreeView({
    isDisplayChildren: true // default

8. Set the mode of the tree.

var artaraxTreeView = $.artaraxTreeView({
    mode: "deletable,updatable,autoSelectChildren"

9. Callback functions available.

var artaraxTreeView = $.artaraxTreeView({
    updateCallBack: function(obj){
      // do something
    deleteCallBack: function(obj){
      // do something

10. Get selected nodes.

var selectedIds = artaraxTreeView.getSelectedIds();

11. Remove all the chekced nodes.




  • Improvement.


  • JS Update

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by H-Moradof. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.