Dynamic Drill Down UI Component In jQuery - BsDrillDown

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Dynamic Drill Down UI Component In jQuery - BsDrillDown

The BsDrillDown jQuery plugin helps you create a one-column drill down menu & tree structure from hierarchical data defined in JSON.

Clicking on an item in the drill down to reveal sub items and at the top you will see a breadcrumbs style navigator which represents the current node path.

How to use it:

1. To begin, include the BsDrillDown plugin's files on the webpage which has jQuery library loaded.

<!-- Required -->
<script src="jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="bsdrilldown.js"></script>
<link href="bsdrilldown.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<!-- OPTIONAL Icons -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/4.7.0/css/font-awesome.min.css" />

2. Create the HTML for the drill down interface.

<div id="divHerirachy">
  <div class="drildown-container">
    <div id="hp_header">
      <ul id="hp_body" class="hierarchy-custom">

3. Define your hierarchical data as follows:

var myData = {
    "Name": "Root",
            "Name": "A",
                "Name": "C",
                    "Name": "D",
                        "Name": "E",
                    "Name": "F",
                "Name": "G",
            "Name": "B",
                "Name": "I",
                "Name": "J",
            "Name": "H",

4. Initialize the drill down plugin with several options.

  headerSelector: '#hp_header',
  hpBodySelector: '#hp_body',
  keyField: 'ID',
  displayField: 'Name',
  ChildField: 'ChildData',
  levelField: 'Level',
  defaultState: [-1],
  empLevel: 3
}, myData);

5. Show the drill down on the page. That's it.


6. All possible plugin options with default values.

  mainSelector: '#divHerirachy',
  keyField: 'OrgId',
  displayField: 'OrgName',
  ChildField: 'ChildOrgEntity',
  levelField: 'OrgLevel',
  headerSelector: '#header',
  hpBodySelector: '#hp',
  empLevel: 5,
  defaultState: [-1],
  headerEleClass: 'hp-header-breadcrumb',
  manageLevelWiseData: true
}, myData);

7. Cancel the selection.


8. Get the current data & node.

// Returns hierarchical data structure.

// Returns hierarchical data by level

// Returns hierarchical data by level and key

// Selects hierarchical data by keys
// e.g. BsDrillDown.SelectHerirachyByKeys([-1,2,10]);
BsDrillDown.SelectHerirachyByKeys(topLevelKeys, empKey);

// Returns the current data object

// Returns the current hierarchical data

// Gives all child of current node till end in linear array format. It also calls the function (provided as input) so you may filter nodes.

// Returns detailed object against keys array.

9. Execute a function after selection.

BsDrillDown.doneSelection(function (currentNode, confirmFn)(){
  // do something



  • Added new option: manageLevelWiseData

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by bilalshahzad139. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.