Dynamic Checkable Tree View Plugin - jQuery Flex Tree

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License: MIT
Dynamic Checkable Tree View Plugin - jQuery Flex Tree

The jQuery Flex Tree plugin presents hierarchical data in a dynamic, interactive, collapsible tree structure with checkbox and radio button support.

More features:

  • Collapsible and expandable.
  • Slide and fade animations.
  • Supports indeterminate checkboxes.
  • Cross browser.

How to use it:

1. Insert jQuery library together with the flex tree plugin's files into the html page.

<!-- Main Stylesheet -->
<link href="dist/flex-tree.min.css" rel="stylesheet">

<!-- Minimal Skin -->
<link href="dist/flex-tree-minimal.min.css" rel="stylesheet">

<!-- jQuery Library -->
<script src="/path/to/cdn/jquery.min.js"></script>

<!-- Main JavaScript -->
<script src="dist/flex-tree.min.js"></script>

2. Create a container to place the tree view.

<div id="flex-tree-container"></div>

3. Define your own hierarchical data in an array or JSON object.

const myData = [
    label: 'Item 1',
    childrens: [
        label: 'Item 1.1',
        value: 'item_1_1',
        checked: true 
        label: 'Item 1.2',
        value: 'item_1_2',
        childrens: [
          label: 'Item 1.2.1',
          value: 'item_1_2_1',
          childrens: [
              label: 'Item',
              value: 'item_1_2_2_1' },

              label: 'Item',
              value: 'item_1_2_2_2',
              id: 'foo' }

4. Render a basic tree view inside the container element you just created.

  items: myData

5. Add input controls (e.g. checkboxes or radio buttons) to the tree nodes.

  items: myData,
  type: 'checkbox',

  items: myData,
  type: 'radio',

6. Possible options to customize the tree view.

  • buildTree: Build html structure.
  • targetElement: jQuery target element object.
  • debug: Debug mode.
  • type: Type of <input>. 
  • name: Name of <input> elements.
  • className: Class name widget.
  • collapsable: Make tree collapsable.
  • collapsed: Collapsed tree on load.
  • addControlOnParent: Add controls to parent nodes
  • threeState: Enable three state behavior on checkboxes.
  id: undefined,
  targetElement: $( this ),
  type: undefined,
  debug: false,
  name: 'flex_tree',
  items: {},
  className: 'flex-tree',
  buildTree: true,
  collapsed: false,
  collapsable: true,
  addControlOnParent: true,
  threeState: true


v1.2.2 (2022-06-21)

  • Added flex-tree-minimal.css skin.

v1.2.1 (2022-06-19)

  • Added CSS padding for ul flex tree elements.
  • Removed duplicated line code.

v1.2.0 (2020-08-20)

  • Added addControlOnParent and threeState constructor arguments.

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by enrico-sorcinelli. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.