Create A CRUD Tree Table With jQuery And Bootstrap - edittreetable
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License: | MIT |

edittreetable is a jQuery plugin used for rendering a hierarchical CRUD tree table from JSON objects using Bootstrap styles.
- Allows to add/remove/update as many nodes as you prefer.
- Delete confirmation.
- Collapsible and expandable.
Basic usage:
1. Download and include the jQuery edittreetable plugin into your project which has jQuery and Bootstrap included.
<script src="jquery.edittreetable.js"></script>
2. Include the Font Awesome 4 for icons.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/font-awesome.min.css">
3. Add nodes to the tree table as follows:
var data = [{ id:1,name:"JavaScript",pid:0 }, { id:2,name:"jQuery",pid:1 }, { id:6,name:"ReactJS",pid:1 }, { id:4,name:"AngularJS",pid:1 }, { id:5,name:"Zepto",pid:1 }, { id:3,name:"PHP",pid:0 }];
4. Render a basic tree table in the webpage.
$("#container).bstreetable({ data:data, maintitle:"languages", nodeaddCallback:function(data,callback){ alert(JSON.stringify(data)); // do something callback({id:18,,}); }, noderemoveCallback:function(data,callback){ alert(JSON.stringify(data)); // do something callback(); }, nodeupdateCallback:function(data,callback){ alert(JSON.stringify(data)); // do something callback(); } } );
5. Plugin's default options and callbacks.
$("#container).bstreetable({ container:window, data:[], extfield:[], nodeaddEnable:true, maxlevel:4, nodeaddCallback:function(data,callback){}, noderemoveCallback:function(data,callback){}, nodeupdateCallback:function(data,callback){}, customalert:function(msg){ alert(msg); }, customconfirm:function(msg){ return confirm(msg); }, text:{ NodeDeleteText:"Are You Sure To Delete This Node?" } });
This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by songhlc. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.