jQuery Plugin For In-place Editing Of Table Cells - SimpleTableCellEditor

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jQuery Plugin For In-place Editing Of Table Cells - SimpleTableCellEditor

A simple, dynamic in-place table editor with jQuery that allows for table cells to be editable by clicking on them.

How to use it:

1. Include the minified version of the SimpleTableCellEditor plugin after loading jQuery library.

<script src="/path/to/jquery.slim.min.js"></script>
<script src="SimpleTableCellEditor.js"></script>

2. Initialize the table editor on your HTML table.

<table id="myTable">
    <td class="editMe">Alfreds Futterkiste</td>
    <td class="editMe">Maria Anders</td>
    <td class="editMe">Germany</td>
const editor = new SimpleTableCellEditor("myTable");

3. Specify the table cells to be editable.


  // method used to validate new value
  validation : null,

  // method used to format new value
  formatter : null,

  // key codes
  keys : {
    validation: [13],
    cancellation: [27]

// or

  // method used to validate new value
  validation : null,

  // method used to format new value
  formatter : null,

  // key codes
  keys : {
    validation: [13],
    cancellation: [27]

4. Available event handlers which will be triggered when the table cells are mofified.

editor.on("cell:edited", function (element, oldValue, newValue) {              
  // after editer

editor.on("cell:onEditEnter", function (element, oldValue) {              
  // on edit mode

editor.on("cell:onEditExit", function (element, oldValue) {              
  // on edit mode

editor.on("cell:onEditEntered", function (element) {              
  // exit edit mode

editor.on("cell:onEditExited", function (element, oldValue, newValue, isApplied) {              
  // exit edit mode

5. API methods.

/* tableCellEditorParams:
     inEditClass : class used to flag td in edit mode
      validation : method used to validate new value
      formatter : method to format new value
      keys : keys handling validation and cancellation. Default value : { validation : [13], cancellation : [37] }
editor.constructor(tableId, tableCellEditorParams)
editor.SetEditable(element, cellEditorParams)
editor.SetEditableClass(className, cellEditorParams)

6. Advanced usages (options).

// cellParams.behaviour 
behaviour: {

  // save the value when click outside the table
  outsideTableClickCauseCancellation: false,

  // save the value when click another cell
  anotherCellClickCauseCancellation: false




  • Added navigation toggle


  • Added toggling


  • Fixed bd 'this' usage


  • No formatting if value didn't changed


  • Added behaviour parameters


  • Added more events

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by unwild. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.