Dynamic Tree View Plugin With Checkbox Support - jQuery Treejs

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License: MIT
Dynamic Tree View Plugin With Checkbox Support - jQuery Treejs

Treejs is a lightweight, extendable, and configurable jQuery plugin that provides interactive, AJAX enabled trees to show HTML & JSON data in a collapsible tree structure with checkboxes.

How to use it:

1. Import jQuery library and the jQuery Treejs plugin's JavaScript & CSS files into the html file.

<script src="jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="treejs.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="treejs.css">

2. Create a DIV container in which you want to present the tree view.

<div id="tree" class="tree"></div>

3. The sample JSON objects for the tree view.

var jsonObj ={  

4. You can initialize the TreeJS by using the below code:

  sourceType  : 'json',
  dataSource  : jsonObj

5. If you'd like to load external HTML data into the tree view via AJAX requests:

  url: 'data.php',
  sourceType: 'html'

6. Set the initial state of the tree view to 'Open' or 'Close'.

  url: 'data.php',
  sourceType: 'html',
  initialState: 'open'

7. API.

// Get all cheked parent nodes:

// Get all un-cheked parent nodes:

// Get all cheked child nodes:

// Get all un-cheked child nodes:

// Refresh tree:

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by pandeyz. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.