Zoomable & Rotatable Image Viewer Plugin - jQuery Magnify

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License: MIT
Zoomable & Rotatable Image Viewer Plugin - jQuery Magnify

Magnify is a simple and lightweight jQuery image viewer plugin used to display images in a zoomable, rotatable, draggable, and navigatable lightbox popup.

More features:

  • Fullscreen view.
  • Cross browser.
  • Mobile friendly.
  • Allows to maximize and minimize the lightbox popup.
  • Responsive design.
  • Zoom on mouse wheel.
  • SVG icons.

How to use it:

1. Include the jQuery magnify plugin and other required resources on the web page.

<link href="dist/jquery.magnify.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="/path/to/cdn/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="dist/jquery.magnify.js"></script>

2. Insert your images to the image viewer using the following attributes:

  • data-magnify="gallery": required attribute
  • data-caption: image caption
  • data-group: used for multiple instance on the page
  • data-src: if you want to use <img> tag instead of <a>
<a data-magnify="gallery" 
   data-caption="Image Caption 1" 
  <img src="thumb-1.jpg" alt="">

<a data-magnify="gallery" 
   data-caption="Image Caption 2" 
  <img src="thumb-2.jpg" alt="">

<a data-magnify="gallery" 
   data-caption="Image Caption 3" 
  <img src="thumb-3.jpg" alt="">

<!-- OR -->

<img src="thumb-1.jpg" 
     data-caption="Image Caption 1" 

<img src="thumb-1.jpg" 
     data-caption="Image Caption 1" 

<img src="thumb-1.jpg" 
     data-caption="Image Caption 1" 

3. Call the function magnify() and done.


4. Possible plugin options and callback functions to customize the image viewer.


  // Enable modal to drag
  draggable: true,

  // Enable modal to resize
  resizable: true,

  // Enable image to move
  movable: true,

  // Enable keyboard navigation
  keyboard: true,

  // Shows the title
  title: true,

  // Min width of modal
  modalWidth: 320,

  // Min height of modal
  modalHeight: 320,

  // Enable the page content fixed
  fixedContent: true,

  // Disable the modal size fixed
  fixedModalSize: false,

  // Disable the image viewer maximized on init
  initMaximized: false,

  // Threshold of modal to browser window
  gapThreshold: 0.02,

  // Threshold of image ratio
  ratioThreshold: 0.1,

  // Min ratio of image when zoom out
  minRatio: 0.05,

  // Max ratio of image when zoom in
  maxRatio: 16,

  // Toolbar options in header
  headerToolbar: [

  // Toolbar options in footer
  footerToolbar: [

  // Customize button icon
  icons: {
    minimize: '<svg viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" class="svg-inline-icon">\
              <path fill="currentColor" d="M1024 749.714v109.714c0 50.286\
              -41.143 91.429-91.429 91.429h-841.143c-50.286 0-91.429-41.143\
              -91.429-91.429v-109.714c0-50.286 41.143-91.429 91.429-91.429\
              h841.143c50.286 0 91.429 41.143 91.429 91.429z"></path>\
    maximize: '<svg viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" class="svg-inline-icon">\
              <path fill="currentColor" d="M146.286 804.571h731.429v-438.857\
              h-731.429v438.857zM1024 164.571v694.857c0 50.286-41.143 91.429\
              -91.429 91.429h-841.143c-50.286 0-91.429-41.143-91.429-91.429v\
              -694.857c0-50.286 41.143-91.429 91.429-91.429h841.143c50.286 0 \
              91.429 41.143 91.429 91.429z"></path>\
    close: '<svg viewBox="0 0 804.5714285714286 1024" class="svg-inline-icon">\
            <path fill="currentColor" d="M741.714 755.429c0 14.286-5.714 \
            28.571-16 38.857l-77.714 77.714c-10.286 10.286-24.571 16-38.857 16\
            s-28.571-5.714-38.857-16l-168-168-168 168c-10.286 10.286-24.571 16\
            -38.857 16s-28.571-5.714-38.857-16l-77.714-77.714c-10.286-10.286\
            -16-24.571-16-38.857s5.714-28.571 16-38.857l168-168-168-168c-10.286\
            -10.286-16-24.571-16-38.857s5.714-28.571 16-38.857l77.714-77.714\
            c10.286-10.286 24.571-16 38.857-16s28.571 5.714 38.857 16l168 168 \
            168-168c10.286-10.286 24.571-16 38.857-16s28.571 5.714 38.857 \
            16l77.714 77.714c10.286 10.286 16 24.571 16 38.857s-5.714 28.571\
            -16 38.857l-168 168 168 168c10.286 10.286 16 24.571 16 38.857z"></path>\
    zoomIn: '<svg viewBox="0 0 950.8571428571428 1024" class="svg-inline-icon">\
            <path fill="currentColor" d="M585.143 457.143v36.571c0 9.714-8.571 \
            18.286-18.286 18.286h-128v128c0 9.714-8.571 18.286-18.286 18.286\
            h-36.571c-9.714 0-18.286-8.571-18.286-18.286v-128h-128c-9.714 0\
            -18.286-8.571-18.286-18.286v-36.571c0-9.714 8.571-18.286 18.286\
            -18.286h128v-128c0-9.714 8.571-18.286 18.286-18.286h36.571c9.714 0 \
            18.286 8.571 18.286 18.286v128h128c9.714 0 18.286 8.571 18.286 \
            18.286zM658.286 475.429c0-141.143-114.857-256-256-256s-256 114.857\
            -256 256 114.857 256 256 256 256-114.857 256-256zM950.857 950.857\
            c0 40.571-32.571 73.143-73.143 73.143-19.429 0-38.286-8-51.429\
            -21.714l-196-195.429c-66.857 46.286-146.857 70.857-228 70.857\
            -222.286 0-402.286-180-402.286-402.286s180-402.286 402.286-402.286 \
            402.286 180 402.286 402.286c0 81.143-24.571 161.143-70.857 228\
            l196 196c13.143 13.143 21.143 32 21.143 51.429z"></path>\
    zoomOut: '<svg viewBox="0 0 950.8571428571428 1024" class="svg-inline-icon">\
            <path fill="currentColor" d="M585.143 457.143v36.571c0 9.714-8.571 \
            18.286-18.286 18.286h-329.143c-9.714 0-18.286-8.571-18.286-18.286\
            v-36.571c0-9.714 8.571-18.286 18.286-18.286h329.143c9.714 0 18.286 \
            8.571 18.286 18.286zM658.286 475.429c0-141.143-114.857-256-256-256\
            s-256 114.857-256 256 114.857 256 256 256 256-114.857 256-256z\
            M950.857 950.857c0 40.571-32.571 73.143-73.143 73.143-19.429 0\
            -38.286-8-51.429-21.714l-196-195.429c-66.857 46.286-146.857 70.857\
            -228 70.857-222.286 0-402.286-180-402.286-402.286s180-402.286 \
            402.286-402.286 402.286 180 402.286 402.286c0 81.143-24.571 161.143\
            -70.857 228l196 196c13.143 13.143 21.143 32 21.143 51.429z"></path>\
    prev: '<svg viewBox="0 0 914.2857142857142 1024" class="svg-inline-icon">\
          <path fill="currentColor" d="M877.714 512v73.143c0 38.857-25.714 \
          73.143-66.857 73.143h-402.286l167.429 168c13.714 13.143 21.714 32 \
          21.714 51.429s-8 38.286-21.714 51.429l-42.857 43.429c-13.143 13.143\
          -32 21.143-51.429 21.143s-38.286-8-52-21.143l-372-372.571c-13.143\
          -13.143-21.143-32-21.143-51.429s8-38.286 21.143-52l372-371.429c13.714\
          -13.714 32.571-21.714 52-21.714s37.714 8 51.429 21.714l42.857 42.286\
          c13.714 13.714 21.714 32.571 21.714 52s-8 38.286-21.714 52l-167.429 \
          167.429h402.286c41.143 0 66.857 34.286 66.857 73.143z"></path>\
    next: '<svg viewBox="0 0 841.1428571428571 1024" class="svg-inline-icon">\
          <path fill="currentColor" d="M841.143 548.571c0 19.429-7.429 38.286\
          -21.143 52l-372 372c-13.714 13.143-32.571 21.143-52 21.143s-37.714\
          -52s8-38.286 21.714-52l167.429-167.429h-402.286c-41.143 0-66.857\
          -34.286-66.857-73.143v-73.143c0-38.857 25.714-73.143 66.857-73.143\
          -38.286 21.714-51.429l42.857-42.857c13.714-13.714 32-21.714 51.429\
          -21.714s38.286 8 52 21.714l372 372c13.714 13.143 21.143 32 21.143 \
    fullscreen: '<svg viewBox="0 0 1097.142857142857 1024" class="svg-inline-icon">\
                <path fill="currentColor" d="M365.714 329.143c0 60.571-49.143 \
                109.714-109.714 109.714s-109.714-49.143-109.714-109.714 49.143\
                -109.714 109.714-109.714 109.714 49.143 109.714 109.714z\
                M950.857 548.571v256h-804.571v-109.714l182.857-182.857 91.429 \
                91.429 292.571-292.571zM1005.714 146.286h-914.286c-9.714 0\
                -18.286 8.571-18.286 18.286v694.857c0 9.714 8.571 18.286 \
                18.286 18.286h914.286c9.714 0 18.286-8.571 18.286-18.286\
                v-694.857c0-9.714-8.571-18.286-18.286-18.286zM1097.143 164.571\
                v694.857c0 50.286-41.143 91.429-91.429 91.429h-914.286c-50.286 \
                0-91.429-41.143-91.429-91.429v-694.857c0-50.286 41.143-91.429 \
                91.429-91.429h914.286c50.286 0 91.429 41.143 91.429 91.429z"></path>\
    actualSize: '<svg viewBox="0 0 877.7142857142857 1024" class="svg-inline-icon">\
                <path fill="currentColor" d="M733.143 309.143l-202.857 202.857 \
                202.857 202.857 82.286-82.286c10.286-10.857 26.286-13.714 40-8 \
                13.143 5.714 22.286 18.857 22.286 33.714v256c0 20-16.571 36.571\
                -36.571 36.571h-256c-14.857 0-28-9.143-33.714-22.857-5.714\
                -13.143-2.857-29.143 8-39.429l82.286-82.286-202.857-202.857\
                -202.857 202.857 82.286 82.286c10.857 10.286 13.714 26.286 8 \
                39.429-5.714 13.714-18.857 22.857-33.714 22.857h-256c-20 0\
                -36.571-16.571-36.571-36.571v-256c0-14.857 9.143-28 22.857\
                -33.714 13.143-5.714 29.143-2.857 39.429 8l82.286 82.286 \
                202.857-202.857-202.857-202.857-82.286 82.286c-6.857 6.857\
                -16 10.857-25.714 10.857-4.571 0-9.714-1.143-13.714-2.857\
                -13.714-5.714-22.857-18.857-22.857-33.714v-256c0-20 16.571\
                -36.571 36.571-36.571h256c14.857 0 28 9.143 33.714 22.857 \
                5.714 13.143 2.857 29.143-8 39.429l-82.286 82.286 202.857 \
                202.857 202.857-202.857-82.286-82.286c-10.857-10.286-13.714\
                -26.286-8-39.429 5.714-13.714 18.857-22.857 33.714-22.857h256\
                c20 0 36.571 16.571 36.571 36.571v256c0 14.857-9.143 28-22.286 \
                33.714-4.571 1.714-9.714 2.857-14.286 2.857-9.714 0-18.857-4\
    rotateLeft: '<svg viewBox="0 0 877.7142857142857 1024" class="svg-inline-icon">\
                <path fill="currentColor" d="M877.714 512c0 241.714-197.143 \
                438.857-438.857 438.857-130.857 0-254.286-57.714-337.714-158.286\
                -5.714-7.429-5.143-18.286 1.143-24.571l78.286-78.857c4-3.429 \
                9.143-5.143 14.286-5.143 5.143 0.571 10.286 2.857 13.143 6.857 \
                56 72.571 140 113.714 230.857 113.714 161.143 0 292.571-131.429 \
                292.571-292.571s-131.429-292.571-292.571-292.571c-74.857 0\
                -145.714 28.571-198.857 78.286l78.286 78.857c10.857 10.286 \
                13.714 26.286 8 39.429-5.714 13.714-18.857 22.857-33.714 22.857\
                h-256c-20 0-36.571-16.571-36.571-36.571v-256c0-14.857 9.143-28 \
                22.857-33.714 13.143-5.714 29.143-2.857 39.429 8l74.286 73.714\
                c80.571-76 189.714-121.143 302.286-121.143 241.714 0 438.857 \
                197.143 438.857 438.857z"></path>\
    rotateRight: '<svg viewBox="0 0 877.7142857142857 1024" class="svg-inline-icon">\
                  <path fill="currentColor" d="M877.714 146.286v256c0 20-16.571 \
                  36.571-36.571 36.571h-256c-14.857 0-28-9.143-33.714-22.857\
                  -5.714-13.143-2.857-29.143 8-39.429l78.857-78.857c-53.714\
                  -49.714-124.571-78.286-199.429-78.286-161.143 0-292.571 \
                  131.429-292.571 292.571s131.429 292.571 292.571 292.571\
                  c90.857 0 174.857-41.143 230.857-113.714 2.857-4 8-6.286 \
                  13.143-6.857 5.143 0 10.286 1.714 14.286 5.143l78.286 78.857\
                  c6.857 6.286 6.857 17.143 1.143 24.571-83.429 100.571-206.857 \
                  158.286-337.714 158.286-241.714 0-438.857-197.143-438.857\
                  -438.857s197.143-438.857 438.857-438.857c112.571 0 221.714 \
                  45.143 302.286 121.143l74.286-73.714c10.286-10.857 26.286\
                  -13.714 40-8 13.143 5.714 22.286 18.857 22.286 33.714z"></path>\

  // Customize language of button title
  i18n: {
    minimize: 'minimize',
    maximize: 'maximize',
    close: 'close',
    zoomIn: 'zoom-in(+)',
    zoomOut: 'zoom-out(-)',
    prev: 'prev(←)',
    next: 'next(→)',
    fullscreen: 'fullscreen',
    actualSize: 'actual-size(Ctrl+Alt+0)',
    rotateLeft: 'rotate-left(Ctrl+,)',
    rotateRight: 'rotate-right(Ctrl+.)'

  // Enable multiple instances
  multiInstances: true,

  // Init trigger event
  initEvent: 'click',

  // Enable animation
  initAnimation: true,

  // Disable modal position fixed when change images
  fixedModalPos: false,

  // Modal z-index
  zIndex: 1090,

  // Selector of drag handler
  dragHandle: false,

  // Callback events
  callbacks: {
    beforeOpen: $.noop,
    opened: $.noop,
    beforeClose: $.noop,
    closed: $.noop,
    beforeChange: $.noop,
    changed: $.noop

  // Load the image progressively
  progressiveLoading: true,

  // Custom Buttons
  customButtons: {}



v1.6.2 (2021-03-18)

v1.6.1 (2020-09-19)

  • improve callbacks arguments
  • improve function name

v1.6.0 (2020-09-17)

  • rename headToolbar to headerToolbar
  • rename footToolbar to footerToolbar
  • add custom buttons option

v1.5.1 (2019-12-26)

  • improve setImgTitle function and formatting
  • refactor: format svg icons string

v1.5.1 (2019-12-24)

  • improve setImgTitle function and formatting

v1.5.0 (2019-10-09)

  • Add RTL support

v1.4.4 (2019-07-14)

  • Fix the zIndex issue when click close button.

v1.4.3 (2019-05-28)

  • Fix image vertical middle issue
  • Improve image loading code


  • v1.4.2


  • v1.4.0


  • Fixed image scale issue


  • Add svg icons & remove font-awesome


  • v1.1.0: Add IE8 rotating support


  • Fixed preloader icon bug on Firefox


  • v1.0.0: Fixed image z-index issue with other dialog; Added new callbacks


  • v0.8.1: Fixed image position issue when resizing modal


  • v0.8.0: Add dragHandle option


  • v0.7.0


  • change option ImgWithModalFixed to fixedModalPos


  • v0.6.4: update


  • v0.6.3: Fixed image numerical accuracy issue; Add fullscreen default background-color; code improvement.


  • v0.6.2: Add minimize btn & small fix


  • v0.5.0: Modified details when change images & small fix


  • v0.4.1: Add static constants


  • v0.4.0: Add mobile support; Fixed 'click' issue on mobile


  • Fixed overflow page bug


  • Fixed grabbing cursor issue


  • Add multiInstances option & Fixed cursor issue


  • Add initMaximized option & small fix
  • Add grabbing cursor


  • Bugfix


  • Fixed grab cursor issue when resizable & rotatable


  • Add grab cursor when modal resized


  • Add i18n support & small fix


  • Bugfix


  • Add error handling callback when image is failed to load


  • Add method to get scrollbar width


  • Optimize the content fixed


  • Improvement.


  • Added more options

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by nzbin. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.