jQuery Loading Plugins
Download Free jQuery Loading Spinner, Lazy Load, Loading Overlay, Progrss Bar, Image Preload, and other content loading plugins at jQueryScript.Net. Page 3 .
Execute Function Before AJAX Call Ends - jQuery Just Wait
- Loading - 1219 ViewsA tiny jQuery plugin that adds a wait() callback to AJAX requests.
jQuery Plugin To Lazy Load Youtube Videos Until Needed - LazyTube
- Loading - 4369 ViewsYet another jQuery Youtube video lazy load plugin that displays the thumbnail images of Youtube videos on the webpage and then plays them when clicked.
Unobtrusive Loading Screen & Loading Bar - JQLoader
- Loading - 2455 ViewsA lightweight and simple-to-use jQuery plugin to create a fullscreen loading indicator or a bottom loading bar on the page.
Load Content Synchronously Via AJAX - jQuery Reload
- Loading - 2903 ViewsA jQuery plugin for dynamic content loading that fetches data from your server and reloads/updates the content of a specific component synchronously via AJAX(XHR).
Load External Page From Link - jQuery AJAX Actualizer
- Loading - 1159 ViewsActualizer is a dynamic AJAX content loading plugin that enables the user to load an external page into the current page by clicking a link.
Cross-browser Animated Progress Circle - circleProgressBar.js
- Loading - 4810 ViewsAn ultra-light (~1.1kb minified) jQuery plugin to generate a smooth, animated, cross-browser, circular progress indicator by using SVG (VML) paths.
Display Loading State In Bootstrap 4 Buttons - Button-Loader
- Loading - 8566 ViewsA small jQuery plugin to create Stateful Buttons that display an inline loader inside Bootstrap 4 buttons to show the state of processes like AJAX requests.
Customizable Load More Button - jQuery showMoreItems
- Loading - 2473 ViewsshowMoreItems is a jQuery plugin to simulate the load more feature by collapsing part of your content in a customizable Show More button.
Elegant Image Lazy Loader & Lightbox Plugin - jQuery GazeImg
- Loading - 1714 ViewsGazeImg is a lightweight, elegant, full-featured images lazy loader & lightbox plugin to improve page load and image viewing experiences on the webpage.
Speedometer Style Progress Gauge With jQuery And CSS3
- Loading - 5601 ViewsA speedometer style circular range (value) slider to represent the current progress in percentage. Written in JavaScript (jQuery) and CSS/CSS3.
Simple Pull To Refresh For Desktop & Mobile - mkPullFresh
- Loading - 1670 ViewsmkPullFresh is a small and easy jQuery pull/swipe to refresh plugin to load more content into the current page just like the native mobile app.
Minimal Circle Loading Indicator - jquery-spinner.js
- Loading - 6267 ViewsA minimal, animated circle loading indicator plugin for jQuery projects. The loading spinner is written in pure CSS/CSS3.
Custom Animated HTML5 Progress Bar In jQuery
- Loading - 2269 ViewsA small script to create a custom animated progress bar component using jQuery and the native HTML5 progress element.
Speed Up Google reCAPTCHA With Lazy Load - Async Google reCAPTCHA
- Loading - 9746 ViewsA simple JavaScript solution to make Google reCAPTCHA human verification system load faster and improve page load experience.
Google Like Slim Progress Bar Plugin - NProgress
- Loading - 22292 ViewsNProgress is a tiny jQuery plugin for creating a slim and nanoscopic progress bar which features realistic trickle animations to convince your users that something is happening.
Speed Up Google Maps With Lazy Load - Async Google Maps
- Loading - 7127 ViewsThe Async Google Maps jQuery plugin defers the loading of a Google Map (embedded into your page via iframe) until it is scrolled into view.
Lazy Load Scripts To Speed Up Webpages - jQuery lazyloadscripts
- Loading - 2078 ViewsA lightweight yet useful jQuery plugin for lazy loading a single or multiple scripts to speed Up your websites and improve the user experience.
Simple Flexible Loading Overlay Plugin With jQuery - loadingoverlay.js
- Loading - 45986 Viewsloadingoverlay.js is a simple, flexible jQuery plugin which shows a highly customizable loading overlay with custom spinners while loading some data within a specific container.
Load More Content On Scroll Down - Infinite Scroll Pagination
- Loading - 43021 ViewsAutomatically or manually loads more content from server via AJAX when continuously scrolling the content area to the bottom of the page.
Animated Circle To Represent Percentage - jQuery jCirclize
- Loading - 9443 ViewsjCirclize is a small yet customizable jQuery percentage/progress gauge plugin that draws an animated circle/ring on a canvas element to represent percentage data.