Dynamic Menu List Generator With jQuery And JSON - renderMenu.js

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Dynamic Menu List Generator With jQuery And JSON - renderMenu.js

The renderMenu.js jQuery plugin helps you dynamically generate multi-level menu lists from nested JSON data. Compatible with most menu enhancement plugin such as Smart MenusmetisMenu, and more.

More Features:

How to use it:

1. Include the rederMenu.js jQuery plugin after the latest version of jQuery JavaScript library.

<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.12.4.min.js" 
<script src="renderMenu.js"></script>

2. Create nested JSON strings for the multi-level menu list.

    "icon":"fa fa-book",
          "text":"My Blog"

3. Generate a menu list with the following parameters:

  • data: Json String
  • active: window.location.href  Current URL
  • activeClass: active class
  • ulParentClass: Css Class for ul tag (with submenu)
  • aParentClass: Css Class for a tag (with submenu)
  • dropdownIcon: Html code for dropdown icon
  data: null,
  active: window.location.href,
  ulParentClass: '',
  aParentClass: '',
  dropdownIcon: null



  • Add settings: activeClass


  • Optimize the plugin


  • use var instead let (browser compatibility)

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by davicotico. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.