Context Popup Menu Plugin With jQuery - Popup Menu

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License: MIT
Context Popup Menu Plugin With jQuery - Popup Menu

The Popup Menu jQuery plugin lets you create and display an animated, customizable context popup menu when you click or hover on a specific trigger element.


  • Custom positions: top, right, bottom, or left.
  • Custom themes: default, blue, red, green, custom.
  • 4 animations: default, flip, grow, bounce.
  • Dynamic menu items.

How to use it:

1. Download and import the jQuery Popup Menu plugin into the webpage.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles/Popup-plugin.css">
<script src=""></script>
<script src="scripts/Popup-plugin.js"></script>

2. Use either Font Awesome icons or Google Material icons with these links:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

3. Create a trigger element the popup menu will be attached to.

<div id="myPopUp" name="demo" class="popupTheme">
  <i class="fa fa-cog"></i>

4. Define your menu items.

var myMenu =  '<div>\
      <a href="#"><i id="v-hap" class="material-icons">sentiment_very_satisfied</i></a>\
      <a href="#"><i id="hap" class="material-icons">sentiment_satisfied</i></a>\
      <a href="#"><i id="neut" class="material-icons">sentiment_neutral</i></a>\
      <a href="#"><i id="unhap" class="material-icons">sentiment_dissatisfied</i></a>\
      <a href="#"><i id="v-unhap" class="material-icons">sentiment_very_dissatisfied</i></a>\

5. Enable the popup menu with default settings.


  content: myMenu


6. Possible options to customize the popup menu.


  // Where the popup will show by default- top. 
  // Other options: right, bottom, or left
  position: "top",  

// Menu Element theme. Defaults to popupTheme, but custom class can be set instead theme: "popupTheme", // Default no style, will revert to default colours. // Other options: blue, red, green, custom style: "", // Standard animation by default. // Other options: flip, grow, bounce animation: "standard", // Default set to "click". // Can also be set to hover event: "click", // When true, clicking off the menu closes it. When false, only clicking on the menu closes it. hideOnClick: true, // z-index can be set for each menu for layering if necessary zIndex: 100, });

7. The plugin also provides a function to handle actions when clicking on popup menu icons.


  popItemClick: function(){} 




  • Minor changes.

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by ChrisMuster. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.