Sticky Navigation With Scrollspy And Smooth Scroll - jQuery Tacky

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Sticky Navigation With Scrollspy And Smooth Scroll - jQuery Tacky

Tacky is a simple and easy-to-extend jQuery sticky site navigation plugin that supports scrollspy and smooth scroll functionalities.


  • Always stays on the top of the page when scrolling.
  • Auto highlights the nav items when you scroll past their sections.
  • Smoothly scrolls between content sections as you click nav items.
  • Easy to extend to work perfectly on mobile devices using CSS media queries.

Basic usage:

1. Create a nav element that contains anchor links pointing to their sections.

  <a href="#first">First</a>
  <a href="#second">Second</a>
  <a href="#third">Third</a>
<ul class="panes">
  <li id="first">
    <h3>First Pane</h3>
  <li id="second">
    <h3>Second Pane</h3>
  <li id="third">
    <h3>Third Pane</h3>

3. Style the navigation and make it sticky using CSS position: fixed property.

nav {
  background: black;
  color: #FFF;
  height: 70px;
  line-height: 70px;
  width: 100%;

nav.tacked {
  position: fixed;
  top: 0;

4. Style the nav items and set the styles when an item gets active.

nav a {
  color: white;
  display: inline-block;
  padding: 0 28px;
  text-decoration: none;

nav, nav a:hover {
  background: rgba(159, 182, 223, .4);

5. Include the latest version of jQuery library and the jQuery Tacky plugin at the bottom of the web page.

<script src="" 
<script src="jquery.tacky.js"></script>

6. Activate the sticky navigation with default options.

$(function() {

7. Config the sticky navigation by overriding the following option values.


  // item selector
  itemSelector: 'a',

  // parent selector
  parentSelector: null,

  // if is floating
  floating: false,

  // default CSS classes
  tackedClass: 'tacked',
  activeClass: 'active',
  toggleClass: 'toggle',
  openClass: 'open',

  // animation speed
  scrollSpeed: 500,

  // easing function
  scrollEasing: '',

  // breakpoint for mobile menu
  closeMenuSize: 700,

  // offset
  markerOffset: .4

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by McPants. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.