Add Favicons To External Links Using jQuery - faviconize

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License: MIT
Add Favicons To External Links Using jQuery - faviconize

faviconize is a super small jQuery plugin that adds favicons to external links on your webpage, with a fallback to a specific image when there's no favicon.

See also:

How to use it:

1. Add the faviconize-min.js script to the webpage, after you've added jQuery library.

<script src="//"></script>
<script src="faviconize-min.js"></script>  

2. Call the function on the links and the plugin will do the rest.


3. Place the favicons at the end of the links.

  position: "after"

4. Makes the favicons linkable.

  linkable: true

5. Specify the default image that will show next the link when there's no favicon found.

  defaultImage: "external.gif"

6. Add an extra CSS class to the favicons.

  className: "faviconize"

7. Specify an array of links to exclude.

  exceptions: ['LINK 1', 'LINK 2']

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by bradmontgomery. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.