Animated Circular Progress Bar with jQuery and Canvas - Circle Progress
File Size: | 29.5 KB |
Views Total: | 69624 |
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Official Website: | Go to website |
License: | MIT |
Circle Progress is a jQuery plugin that makes use of canvas element to draw an animated circular gradient progress bar in your web page/app.
See also:
- CProgress - jQuery Circular Progress Bar Plugin
- Circular Percentage Loader Plugin with jQuery and Canvas - ClassyLoader
- Percentage Loader - jQuery Progress Bar Plugin
bower install --save jquery-circle-progress npm install --save jquery-circle-progress
How to use it:
1. Load the jQuery library and the jQuery circle progress plugin at the end of the web page.
<script src="//"></script> <script src="circle-progress.js"></script>
2. Create an empty container where you want to place the progress bar.
<div class="first "></div>
3. The Javascript to generate a basic progress bar with customization options.
$('.demo').circleProgress({ value: 0.35, fill: { gradient: ['#3aeabb', '#fdd250'] // or color: '#3aeabb', or image: '' }, });
4. All the default options.
$('.demo').circleProgress({ /** * This is the only required option. It should be from 0.0 to 1.0 * @type {number} */ value: 0.0, /** * Size of the circle / canvas in pixels * @type {number} */ size: 100.0, /** * Initial angle for 0.0 value in radians * @type {number} */ startAngle: -Math.PI, /** * Width of the arc. By default it's auto-calculated as 1/14 of size, but you may set it explicitly in pixels * @type {number|string} */ thickness: 'auto', /** * Fill of the arc. You may set it to: * - solid color: * - { color: '#3aeabb' } * - { color: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, .3)' } * - linear gradient (left to right): * - { gradient: ['#3aeabb', '#fdd250'], gradientAngle: Math.PI / 4 } * - { gradient: ['red', 'green', 'blue'], gradientDirection: [x0, y0, x1, y1] } * - image: * - { image: '' } * - { image: imageObject } * - { color: 'lime', image: '' } - color displayed until the image is loaded */ fill: { gradient: ['#3aeabb', '#fdd250'] }, /** * Color of the "empty" arc. Only a color fill supported by now * @type {string} */ emptyFill: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, .1)', /** * Animation config (see jQuery animations: */ animation: { duration: 1200, easing: 'circleProgressEasing' }, /** * Default animation starts at 0.0 and ends at specified `value`. Let's call this direct animation. * If you want to make reversed animation then you should set `animationStartValue` to 1.0. * Also you may specify any other value from 0.0 to 1.0 * @type {number} */ animationStartValue: 0.0, /** * Reverse animation and arc draw * @type {boolean} */ reverse: false, /** * Arc line cap ('butt' (default), 'round' and 'square') * Read more: * @type {string} */ lineCap: 'butt', });
Change logs:
v1,2,2 (2017-04-24)
- Update easing function declaration. Bump the next version.
v1,2,1 (2017-01-09)
- Fix UMD CommonJS export
v1,2,0 (2016-09-01)
- Feature: allow to append or prepend the <canvas> element
- AMD & CommonJS support implemented
- Add a new event that is triggered when the circle progress bar is inited or re-inited.
v1.1.3 (2015-06-15)
- you can specify any config option as HTML data- attribute.
- Version 1.1.2
- Minor fixes
- update.
- v0.7
- v0.6.1
- Added more options.
- v0.6
- Examples updated.
- Anti-aliasing provided for Chrome
This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by kottenator. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.