Customizable Dynamic Quiz Plugin With jQuery - quiz.js

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License: MIT
Customizable Dynamic Quiz Plugin With jQuery - quiz.js

jQuery quiz.js is a small, cross-browser jQuery plugin used to dynamically generate unlimited quizzes and surveys on the webpage.


  • Unlimited number of questions and answers.
  • Custom correct/incorrect responses.
  • Custom counter.
  • Custom controls.
  • Allows incorrect or not.
  • Callback functions.

See also:

How to use it:

1. Include the plugin's stylesheet in the header of the webpage.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/dist/jquery.quiz-min.css">

2. Create the HTML for the quiz.

<div id="quiz">
  <div id="quiz-header">
    <h1>Quiz Example</h1>
    <p><a id="quiz-home-btn">Quiz Home</a></p>
  <div id="quiz-start-screen">
      <a href="#" id="quiz-start-btn" class="quiz-button">Start Quiz</a>

3. Include jQuery library and the minified version of the jQuery quiz.js at the bottom of the webpage.

<script src="" 
<script src="/dist/jquery.quiz-min.js"></script>

4. Define your own questions, options (answers), correct index and custom correct/incorrect messages in the JavaScript.

const myQuiz = [
    'q': 'A smaple question?',
    'options': [
      'Answer 1',
      'Answer 2',
      'Answer 3',
      'Answer 4'
    'correctIndex': 1,
    'correctResponse': 'Custom correct response.',
    'incorrectResponse': 'Custom incorrect response.'
    'q': 'A smaple question?',
    'options': [
      'Answer 1',
      'Answer 2'
    'correctIndex': 1,
    'correctResponse': 'Custom correct response.',
    'incorrectResponse': 'Custom incorrect response.'
    'q': 'A smaple question?',
    'options': [
      'Answer 1',
      'Answer 2',
      'Answer 3',
      'Answer 4'
    'correctIndex': 2,
    'correctResponse': 'Custom correct response.',
    'incorrectResponse': 'Custom incorrect response.'
    'q': 'A smaple question?',
    'options': [
      'Answer 1',
      'Answer 2'
    'correctIndex': 1,
    'correctResponse': 'Custom correct response.',
    'incorrectResponse': 'Custom incorrect response.'
    'q': 'A smaple question?',
    'options': [
      'Answer 1',
      'Answer 2',
      'Answer 3',
      'Answer 4'
    'correctIndex': 3,
    'correctResponse': 'Custom correct response.',
    'incorrectResponse': 'Custom incorrect response.'

5. Generate a default quiz on the webpage.

  questions: myQuiz

6. Customize the quiz by overriding the following options.


  // allows incorrect options
  allowIncorrect: true,

  // counter settings
  counter: true,
  counterFormat: '%current/%total',

  // default selectors & format
  startScreen: '#quiz-start-screen',
  startButton: '#quiz-start-btn',
  homeButton: '#quiz-home-btn',
  resultsScreen: '#quiz-results-screen',
  resultsFormat: 'You got %score out of %total correct!',
  gameOverScreen: '#quiz-gameover-screen',

  // button text
  nextButtonText: 'Next',
  finishButtonText: 'Finish',
  restartButtonText: 'Restart'

7. Callback functions available.


  answerCallback: function(currentQuestion, selected, questions[currentQuestionIndex]){
    // do something

  nextCallback: function(){
    // do something

  finishCallback: function(){
    // do something

  homeCallback: function(){
    // do something

  resetCallback: function(){
    // do something

  setupCallback: function(){
    // do something




  • add amd support and refactor to allow multiple quizzes on one page


  • add quiz results container to custom results screen demo


  • Bugfix: quiz no longer fails if only one question


  • update dependencies


  • add setup and reset callbacks

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by jchamill. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.