Easy jQuery Plugin To Bind Keyboard Shortcuts - easykeyjs

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License: MIT
Easy jQuery Plugin To Bind Keyboard Shortcuts - easykeyjs

Yet another jQuery keyboard shortcut plugin which listens for keyDown and keyUp events and allows to assign custom shortcuts to any actions you want.

Supported keys:

  • "backspace":8,
  • "tab":9,
  • "enter":13,
  • "shift":16,
  • "ctrl":17,
  • "alt":18,
  • "pause_break":19,
  • "caps_lock":20,
  • "escape":27,
  • "space": 32,
  • "page_up":33,
  • "page_down":34,
  • "end":35,
  • "home":36,
  • "left_arrow":37,
  • "up_arrow":38,
  • "right_arrow":39,
  • "down_arrow":40,
  • "insert":45,
  • "delete":46,
  • "0":48,
  • "1":49,
  • "2":50,
  • "3":51,
  • "4":52,
  • "5":53,
  • "6":54,
  • "7":55,
  • "8":56,
  • "9":57,
  • "a":65,
  • "b":66,
  • "c":67,
  • "d":68,
  • "e":69,
  • "f":70,
  • "g":71,
  • "h":72,
  • "i":73,
  • "j":74,
  • "k":75,
  • "l":76,
  • "m":77,
  • "n":78,
  • "o":79,
  • "p":80,
  • "q":81,
  • "r":82,
  • "s":83,
  • "t":84,
  • "u":85,
  • "v":86,
  • "w":87,
  • "x":88,
  • "y":89,
  • "z":90,
  • "left_window_key":91,
  • "right_window_key":92,
  • "select_key":93,
  • "numpad_0":96,
  • "numpad_1":97,
  • "numpad_2":98,
  • "numpad_3":99,
  • "numpad_4":100,
  • "numpad_5":101,
  • "numpad_6":102,
  • "numpad_7":103,
  • "numpad_8":104,
  • "numpad_9":105,
  • "multiply":106,
  • "add":107,
  • "subtract":109,
  • "decimal_point":110,
  • "divide":111,
  • "f1":112,
  • "f2":113,
  • "f3":114,
  • "f4":115,
  • "f5":116,
  • "f6":117,
  • "f7":118,
  • "f8":119,
  • "f9":120,
  • "f10":121,
  • "f11":122,
  • "f12":123,
  • "num_lock":144,
  • "scroll_lock":145,
  • "semi_colon,":186,
  • "equal_sign":187,
  • "comma":188,
  • "dash":189,
  • "period":190,
  • "forward_slash":191,
  • "grave_accent":192,
  • "open_bracket":219,
  • "back_slash":220,
  • "close_braket":221,
  • "single_quote":222

Basic usage:

1. To use this plugin just include the easyKey.js script after jQuery JavaScript library.

<script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-1.12.1.min.js"></script>
<script src="easyKey.js"></script>

2. Do some cool stuffs when a specified key is pressed.

  .onBackspaceKeyDown(onKeyUpHandler, options)
  .onTabKeyDown(onKeyUpHandler, options)
  .onEnterKeyDown(onKeyUpHandler, options);

3. Possible plugin options.

onKeyDown : 1,
onKeyUp: 2,
withShiftPressed: 4,
withControlPressed: 8,
withAltPressed: 16

Change log:


  • Fixed spelling of Bracket

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by ruidfigueiredo. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.