Responsive Data-driven Timeline Plugin For jQuery - simpleTimeline

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License: MIT
Responsive Data-driven Timeline Plugin For jQuery - simpleTimeline

simpleTimeline is a simple yet configurable jQuery plugin used to render a responsive, dynamic, horizontal timeline from an array of data elements (horizontal bar groups).

Basic usage:

1. Load the necessary jQuery library and the jQuery resize plugin in your html document.

<script src="//"></script>
<script src="resize.js"></script>

2. Load the jQuery simpleTimeline plugin's files in the document.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="simpleTimeline.css">
<script src="simpleTimeline.js"></script>

3. Create a DIV element that will be served as the container for your timeline.

<div id="timeline"></div>

4. Define an array of data elements to be presented in the timeline.

/* [ // array of layers (horizontal bar groups)
  [ // array of data elements
    { // data element (bar)
      id: string, // unique identifier          
      start: number, // start < end
      end: number, // end > start
      label: string, // optional (if empty, id is displayed)
      css: object, // optional, passed to jQuery css() method
      className: string // optional CSS class name(s)
    ... // optional: more data elements
  ... // optional: more layers
var data = [
  [{ id: 'Dingo', start: -50000, end: -32000, className: 'styleA' },
   { id: 'Ringo', start: -3000, end: 0, className: 'styleA' }],

  [{ id: 'Looong', start: -42000, end: -1492, className: 'styleB' },
   { id: 'Hoko', start: -980, end: -332, className: 'styleB' }],

  [{ id: 'Wunz', start: -4700, end: -2000, className: 'styleC' },
   { id: 'Inzi', start: -2000, end: -1000, className: 'styleC' },
   { id: 'Misi', start: -2000, end: 1500, className: 'styleC' }]

5. Define an ordered array of phases (left to right, oldest to newest).

var options = {
    phases: [
      { start: -50000, end: -30000, indicatorsEvery: 20000, share: .2 },
      { start: -30000, end: -5000, indicatorsEvery: 25000, share: .07, className: 'timeline-unused-phase' },
      { start: -5000, end: 2000, indicatorsEvery: 1000, share: .73 }

6. Render the timeline inside the DIV element you created.

$('#timeline').simpleTimeline(options, data)

7. All default options.

var options = {

    // ordered array of phases (left to right, oldest to newest)
    phases: [ 
        { // phase object
          start: number, // start point
          end: number, // end point
          indicatorsEvery: number, // interval of indicator lines
          share: number, // ]0;1] must sum up to 1 over all phases
          className: string // optional: CSS class name
        ... // optionally more phases

      // margin of the timeline box within the container
      boxMargin: 5, 

      // height in pixels, at least 2 * borderWidth + fontSize
      barHeight: 16, 

      // font size in pixels
      fontSize: 12, 

      // border width in pixels
      borderWidth: 2, 

      // space between bars in pixel
      verticalBarSpacing: 3, 

      // min width of timeline box,
      minWidth: 500, 

      // height of indicator labels in pixels
      headerHeight: 20, 

      // formatting of indicator labels
      formatHeader: function(v) { return v; },

      // optional, if false, then not possible
      toggle: { 
        collapseTooltip: 'Collapse Timeline', // tooltip text for collapse symbol
        expandTooltip: 'Expand Timeline' // tooltip text for expand symbol

Change log:


  • bugfix


  • allows binding popup html to individual bars



  • fixes.

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by eScienceCenter. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.