Easy Responsive jQuery Timeline Plugin - TimelineMe

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License: MIT
Easy Responsive jQuery Timeline Plugin - TimelineMe

TimelineMe is a simple-to-use jQuery plugin for rendering a fully responsive timeline on the webpage that works perfectly with most front-end frameworks such as Bootstrap, Foundation and Materialize.

How to use it:

1. Include the required stylesheet jquery.timelineMe.css in the head section, and the JavaScript file jquery.timelineMe.js at the bottom of the document.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/jquery.timelineMe.css">
<script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-2.1.4.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/jquery.timelineMe.js"></script>

2. Create an DOM element where plugin is applied.

<div id="timeline-container"></div>

3. Add your custom events to the timeline.

var events = [{

    // 'milestone' | 'smallItem' | 'bigItem'
    type: 'milestone',
    label: 'my label',
    shortContent: 'short desc MS',
    fullContent: 'big desc MS',
    showMore: undefined,
    showLess: undefined
    type: 'smallItem',
    label: 'my label',
    shortContent: 'short desc SI',
    fullContent: 'big desc SI <br> with more lines <br> than the short one. <br> <div style="text-align: center;"><img src="https://assets-cdn.github.com/images/modules/logos_page/Octocat.png" style="width: 50%;" /></div>',
    showMore: 'show more',
    showLess: 'show less'
    type: 'bigItem',
    label: '<span style="background-color: #7DD7DD;">my label</span>',
    shortContent: 'short desc BI',
    fullContent: 'big desc BI <br> with more lines <br> than the short one. <br> <div style="text-align: center;"><img src="https://assets-cdn.github.com/images/modules/logos_page/Octocat.png" style="width: 50%;" /></div>',
    showMore: 'show more',
    showLess: 'show less'

4. Initialize the plugin.

$('#timeline-container').timelineMe({items: events});

5. Public methods.

// initialize the plugin

// destroy the plugin

// return item corresponding to the passed index 

6. All possible options.

orientation             : 'vertical',
items                   : [],
// horizontal-orientation specific options
contentDimensionValue   : '400px',
labelDimensionValue     : '200px',
scrollBar               : true,
scrollZones             : false,
scrollArrows            : false,
leftArrowElm            : undefined,
rightArrowElm           : undefined

Change logs:


  • add a way to handle html templates


  • v0.1.7


  • allows to set custom arrows


  • Works with collapsible items


  • Continue horizontal mode implementation: work on scroll bar & zones


  • Change timeline thickness as sass variable


  • Change timeline thickness as sass variable


  • Delete buggy line for height check, and update version


  • Change label's point element from pseudo-element to a real element that could contain a pictogram. Enhance SCSS file to have a better control through variables.

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by mickaelr. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.