Filter Elements With Checkboxes And Data Attributes - Demano

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License: MIT
Filter Elements With Checkboxes And Data Attributes - Demano

Demano is a simple jQuery filtering plugin to filter a group of elements with checkboxes and HTML data attributes.

How It Works:

  • The plugin adds On or Off CSS class to matched or unmatched items in groups depending on the check state. 
  • Then you can highlight or hide matached/unmatched elements using your own CSS styles.

How to use it:

1. Add the CSS class filterable to elements and group them using HTML data attributes:

<div class="items">
  <div data-category="Group 1" class="filterable">
    Group 1 - Chrome

  <div data-category="Group 1" class="filterable">
    Group 1 - MS Edge

  <div data-category="Group 2" class="filterable">
    Group 2 - Safari

  <div data-category="Group 2" class="filterable">
    Group 2 - Firefox

2. Create checkboxes to filter through your elements.

  • data-attribute: Name of data attribute
  • data-value: Value of data attribute
  • data-group: Logical OR/AND filters
<div class="filters">
  <input class="filter" type="checkbox" data-attribute="category" data-value="Group 1" data-group="categories" /> Group 1
  <input class="filter" type="checkbox" data-attribute="category" data-value="Group 2" /> Group 2

3. Attach the function demano to the top container.

  // options here

4. Style the matched and unmatched elements.

.off {
  background-color: #F9A39A;

.on {
  background-color: #A3F99A;

5. Options and defaults.


  // CSS class for checkboxes
  filter_class: "filter",

  // CSS class for filterable elements
  filterable_class: "filterable",

  // customize the data attributes here
  attribute_name: "attribute",
  value_name: "value",
  group_name: "group",

  // CSS classes added to matched/unmatched elements
  toggle_class_matched: "on",
  toggle_class_nomatched: "off",

  // output debug info to this element
  debug_element_id: null


v1.1.4 (2022-06-29)

  • Support space separate data attributes

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by mikebski. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.