Free jQuery Filter Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'Filter' are listed here.
Filter Collections By Tags Or Input - jQuery AutoFilter
- Other - 5449 ViewsA simple, lightweight jQuery live filter plugin that enables you to filter a collection of items (such as products, list items, grid items) by tags or input.
10 Best JavaScript Plugins To Filter Content Based On User Input
- jQuery Script Blog - 8096 Views10 best filtering JavaScript plugins that enable users to dynamically filter any HTML content based on user input or by one or more properties you provide.
Create A Sortable and Filterable Grid of Items - Shuffle
- Layout - 35341 ViewsShuffle is a responsive jQuery plugin for categorizing your grid of items to make them sortable, searchable and filterable.
Filter Anything With jQuery - easyfilter
- Other - 3568 ViewsA lightweight jQuery filter plugin that provides an easy way to filter any HTML content with fade or slide animations.
Fast Profanity Filter Plugin For jQuery
- Text - 882 ViewsThis jQuery profanity filter plugin censors bad language on the webpage and replaces bad words (offensive words, swear or cuss words) with custom characters you specify.
Fast Filter/Search List jQuery Plugin - lookingfor.js
- Form - 1636 ViewsA tiny and blazing fast live fitler/fuzzy search jQuery plugin that allows your users to quickly filter long HTML lists.
Highlight Matching Content As The User Types - jQuery filteringHighlight
- Text - 858 ViewsA jQuery Plugin to target and highlight matching keyword terms as the user is typing in a search field.
Filter Elements With Checkboxes And Data Attributes - Demano
- Other - 9448 ViewsDemano is a simple jQuery filtering plugin to filter a group of elements with checkboxes and HTML data attributes.
jQuery URL Parsing, Filtering and Monitoring Plugin - jurlp
- Other - 898 Viewsjurlp is a jQuery Plugin that allows you for parsing, manipulating, filtering and monitoring URLs in "href" and "src" attributes within arbitrary elements , as well as creating anchor elements from URLs found in HTML/text.
Fast Realtime Content Filtering Plugin - jQuery liveSearch
- Other - 1558 ViewsA lightweight, fast and AJAX-enabled jQuery plugin that can be used to filter out any kind of content like plain text, list items, table rows, and many more.
Filter A Group Of Elements With Fade/Slide Animations - jqSearch
- Other - 890 ViewsA tiny jQuery plugin to filter a group of elements on your page.
Search Data With Advanced Filter Criteria - Structured Filter
- Other - 4537 ViewsAn advanced jQuery & jQuery UI filtering plugin that can be used to filter complex data using structured search conditions.
Tiny Flexible Fuzzy Search jQuery Plugin - fuzzy.js
- Form - 1489 ViewsA lightweight and flexible fuzzy search jQuery plugin used to search for text in a data set using the approximate string matching technique.
Responsive Bootstrap List Filter Plugin With jQuery
- Other - 10717 ViewsBootstrap List Filter is a lightweight jQuery plugin for filtering long Bootstrap list that supports both static and dynamic content.
jQuery Plugin To Create An Alphabetical Navigation Filter - listnav
- Other - 33829 Viewslistnav is a jQuery plugin for creating an alphabetical navigation that allows you to filter a list of DOM elements with alphabets and numbers.
Filter Items Based On User Selection - Filterbucks
- Other - 2234 ViewsFilterbucks is a high-performance jQuery filter plugin that enables the user to quickly filter through flat or hierarchical data categorized by CSS classes based on user selection.
Filter HTML Elements By Data Name & Value - data-filter
- Other - 11787 ViewsA tiny and performant data filtering plugin that makes it possible to filter through a list of entries by data names or data values you specify.
Dynamic List Filter & Search In jQuery - Search Filtering
- Other - 4987 ViewsA super tiny jQuery filtering script that provides collection (category) filter and instant search functionalities for a long dynamic list on the webpage.
Table Rows Filter Plugin - uiTableFilter
- Table - 3629 ViewsuiTableFilter is a simple jQuery plugin for filting table rows.
Simle Html List Filter Plugin with jQuery - listfilter
- Form - 2714 Viewslistfilter is a extremely simple jQuery plugin that create a html list filter to quickly filter out what you need.
Filter & Sort A Group Of Elements Using jQuery Drizzle Plugin
- Other - 1940 ViewsDrizzle is a small, fast, high-performance jQuery sorting & filtering plugin for narrowing and resorting larget sets of data on the webpage.
Filter And Search Entries In List View - JsLocalSearch
- Other - 6139 ViewsJsLocalSearch is a small and fast jQuery client-side filter plugin which can be used to filter and search a list of elements you provide. Supports both plain text and HTML content.
Impressive Galleries With CSS Effects - Filterizr
- Gallery - 30099 ViewsFilterizr is a lightweight jQuery plugin for sorting, filtering and shuffling your responsive gallery with smooth CSS3 transition effects.
Filter Any Block Of Content Through Data Attribute - LingGalleryFilter
- Other - 2153 ViewsLingGalleryFilter is a generic jQuery filtering plugin to filter any block of contents (e.g. products, services, portfolios, galleries, etc) grouped by HTML data attributes.
Filter A List Of Links With jQuery - filterList
- Other - 2453 ViewsfilterList is a small (6kb minified) and fast jQuery in-page filtering plugin which allows filtering of a list of links by typing keywords in an associated search field.
Live Search Select Options With An Input Field - Select Search
- Form - 5418 ViewsSelect Search is a lightweight yet useful jQuery plugin that enables an input field to live search your select element and automatically selects the matched option while typing.
In-page DOM Filtering With jQuery - QjSearch
- Other - 3050 ViewsQjSearch is a very small jQuery in-page filtering plugin that enables a search field to hide non-matching items inside a given container as the user types.
jQuery Plugin For Filtering and Sorting Html Elements - MixItUp
- Layout - 29756 ViewsMixItUp is a flexible and useful jQuery plugin for filtering and sorting a group of html elements with CSS3 transition effects.
Create A Filterable Accordion List With jQuery
- Accordion - 4140 ViewsA jQuery based accordion-style data list/data grid that allows the user to filter list/grid items using anchor links.
Fast List Filter With Smooth Transitions - jQuery Search Filter
- Other - 3621 ViewsThe jQuery Search Filter enables the live search functionality on an HTML list that allows the user to dynamically filter long lists through a search field.
jQuery Plugin To Toggle HTML Table Columns - columnFilter
- Table - 4732 ViewscolumnFilter is a super tiny jQuery plugin for automatically generating checkbox based filter controls to toggle the visibility of your html table columns.
Live Filter For Select Box - jQuery sel_filter.js
- Form - 3869 ViewsThe jQuery sel_filter.js plugin adds an inline search field to the select box that allows the user to filter select options in real-time.
URL-aware Large List Filtering Plugin With jQuery - filterList
- Other - 2846 ViewsfilterList is a fast, URL-aware and easy-to-style jQuery element filtering plugin which allows you to filter through a large data list by links and/or select list.
Interactive Search Filter Plugin For jQuery - ckFilter.js
- Other - 2563 ViewsckFilter.js is a small and easy-to-use jQuery plugin that provides an interactive search filter functionality on any block of content.
Filter Photo Gallery By Tags - jQuery filter-tags.js
- Gallery - 13023 ViewsThis is a dead simple gallery filtering plugin which automatically generates category buttons to live filter a group of images by tags separated with comma.
jQuery Plugin To Order and Filter Items With Shuffling Animation - Quicksand
- Layout - 8004 ViewsQuicksand is a jQuery plugin that provides a simple and nice way to filter and reorder sets of items with useful and eye-pleasing shuffling effects.
Tiny HTML5 Live Search Plugin With jQuery - e-search.js
- Other - 9380 Viewse-search.js is a super tiny jQuery live search plugin which enables an input field to dynamically filter through large datasets using HTML5 data attribute.
Live Searching & Filtering For Large Data Sets With jQuery Quick Search Plugin
- Other - 24713 ViewsQuick Search is an useful and high-performance jQuery plugin for live searching/filtering large data sets from data tables, lists, JSON data, etc.
Smooth Data Filter Animation In jQuery - filterData.js
- Animation - 11264 ViewsJust another in-page data filtering plugin for jQuery that uses CSS classes and HTML5 data attributes to filter a group of web contents on the page.
Responsive & Filterable jQuery Portfolio Gallery Plugin - Elastic Grid
- Layout - 126747 ViewsElastic Grid is a powerful, responsive, interactive, filterable jQuery & CSS3 image gallery plugin designed for portfolio websites.
jQuery Plugin For Dynamic Filtering Of Gallery Items - categoryGallery
- Gallery - 4048 ViewscategoryGallery is a jQuery filter plugin that allows you to perform a DOM filter manipulation using CSS classes and fadeIn and fadeOut elements via jQuery animate() method.
jQuery Text Live Search & Filter Plugin - HideSeek
- Text - 8938 ViewsHideSeek is a jQuery plugin for live search that allows you to search & filter text (or title/alt attribute) from a data list using an input field.
Minimal In-page Content Filter Plugin With jQuery - Category Filter
- Other - 7128 ViewsCategory Filter is a simple, lightweight jQuery library which categorizes and filters a group of html elements using CSS classes and HTML data attributes.
Minimal jQuery Live Search Plugin With Fade Effect - jSearch
- Other - 4100 ViewsjSearch is an ultra lightweight (1kb) jQuery live search plugin which enables an input field to filter through a large data set by fading out the unmatched entries.
Create An Alphabetical List Index Using jQuery - Alphaindex
- Other - 4255 ViewsThe Alphaindex jQuery plugin makes it easy to generate an alphabetical index that enables the user to quickly filter through you long list by clicking on the alphabets (A-Z).
Minimalist Client-side Live Search Plugin For jQuery - Search.js
- Other - 8826 ViewsAn ultra-light and fast jQuery live search plugin that provides a fast, client-side, case sensitive live filter functionality on your large data sets like lists and tables.
jQuery Plugin To Sort & Order HTML Lists - sdFilterMe
- Other - 2591 ViewssdFilterMe is a simple yet robust jQuery plugin which allows for sorting and re-ordering of html lists with custom animations and several useful options.
jQuery Plugin For Sorting, Paginating, Filtering Any Content - jplist
- Other - 49718 Viewsjplist is a powerful and flexible jQuery plugin that enables you to sort, paginate, filter any Html content like tables, lists, div elements etc...
Minimal Filterable Gallery Plugin For jQuery - Liquo
- Gallery - 5210 ViewsLiquo is a super light jQuery plugin that lets you create a filterable photo gallery with a subtle shuffle effect using HTML5 data attributes.
Minimal jQuery Filter Plugin For Various Types Of Content - Search it
- Other - 3481 ViewsSearch it is a jQuery live search plugin which enables a text field to fast search through large element sets such like html lists, tables and even collapsible content.
jQuery Plugin To Filter DOM Elements Using URL Parameters - filterjitsu
- Other - 1559 Viewsfilterjitsu is a really simple jQuery plugin which allows you to filter through a set of html content using URL parameters (search query string) and HTML5 data attributes.
Fast Client-side List Filter Plugin For jQuery - listFilter.js
- Other - 2032 ViewslistFilter.js is a lightweight jQuery filtering plugin that provides a fast way to filter through an html list by using data attribute or children element.
jQuery Plugin To Filter DOM Elements By Tags - Tagsort
- Other - 4074 ViewsTagsort is a lightweight, flexible jQuery plugin that provides a client side filtering on a grid of DOM elements categorized by tags.
jQuery Plugin For Fast In-page Filtering - filter_plugin.js
- Other - 566 ViewsYet another jQuery in-page filtering plugin which allows to hide the unmatched elements as the user types in an associated input field.
Fast Data Live Seach And Filter Plugin With jQuery - Nozzle
- Other - 1083 ViewsNozzle is a lightweight and easy-to-use jQuery plugin that creates multiple filter controls to filter your large data sets on client side.
Minimal jQuery In-page Filter Plugin - easySearch
- Other - 2297 ViewseasySearch is a jQuery filter plugin which allows the user to filter/search through child elements of a specific dataset (html list or table) based on text input values.
Full Text Search Plugin For jQuery And Bootstrap - full-search.js
- Text - 4626 Viewsfull-search.js is a jQuery & Bootstrap plugin for full-text searching with support of keyword highlighting and smooth anchor scrolling.
Easy jQuery Input Filter For Bootstrap Dropdown List
- Other - 17328 ViewsBootstrap Dropdown Filter is a small and simple jQuery plugin which adds an input based live filter capability to your Bootstrap dropdown list.
Simple Rich Text Autocomplete Plugin For Input Field - richAutocomplete
- Form - 2097 ViewsA simple to use jQuery rich text autocomplete plugin which populates a select dropdown with suggestions as you start entering something in a text input field.
Gallery Content Filter With jQuery And CSS3
- Gallery - 18384 ViewsA jQuery based content filter which allows you to filter through a gallery of images with smooth CSS3 transition effects.
Bootstrap Plugin To Filter DOM Elements with User Input - Quick search
- Other - 3544 ViewsQuick search is a simple, lightweight jQuery plugin built for Bootstrap framework that enables you to search through large tables, lists and any data sets with user input.
jQuery Plugin To Create Filterable Accordion List - Accordion Live Filter
- Accordion - 3296 ViewsAccordion Live Filter is a very small jQuery plugin which enables the user to filter a hierarchical accordion list through a text field.
Tiny jQuery Plugin For Long List Filtering - Type To Filter
- Other - 1062 ViewsType To Filter is a very small jQuery plugin which allows the user to dynamically filter / search long html lists through an input field.
jQuery Plugin For Fast Customized In-page Filtering - instaFilta2
- Other - 1311 ViewsinstaFilta2 is a 2nd generation of jQuery instaFilta plugin that provides fast customized in-page filtering on a group of elements based upon user input.
Create Basic Product Filters using jQuery
- Other - 15703 ViewsA basic jQuery implementation of product filters that allow you to filter html elements inside a container using Html5 data-* attributes.
Dynamic Client-side Filter Plugin With jQuery - oozer
- Other - 2237 Viewsoozer is a jQuery plugin helps you create radio button-based filters to reorder and filter a list of elements with a subtle shuffling animation.
jQuery Plugin To Search, Filter and Sort Html Table - pbTable
- Table - 18035 ViewspbTable is a jQuery table manipulation plugin styled with Bootstrap3 that enables the visitor to search, filter, select, and sort an Html table.
jQuery Plugin To Filter List Based On User Input - filterThis
- Other - 1869 ViewsfilterThis is a really simple jQuery plugin which enables you to dynamically filter a long html list through an input field.
jQuery Plugin To Filter Responsive Grid Of Items - jPortilio
- Other - 16799 ViewsJPortilio is a JQuery plugin which allows you to categorize, sort, and filter a responsive grid of items by tags.
Lightweight jQuery In-page Filtering Plugin - instaFilta
- Other - 2138 ViewsinstaFilta is an ultra-light (~2kb minified) jQuery plugin that enables you to filter & narrow a list of DOM elements through live text search.
jQuery Plugin To Filter Items Using Data-attributes - Content Filtering
- Other - 3099 ViewsContent Filtering is a lightweight, simple to use jQuery plugin to create dynamic filters for any content grouped by Html5 data-* attributes.
Flexible Generic Filtering & Sorting Plugin For jQuery - JFilter.js
- Other - 1579 ViewsJFilter.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin which allows you to filter Html elements (e.g. table rows/columns, list items, etc) through live text search.
Simple jQuery Sorting & Filtering Plugin - simpleSort
- Other - 2647 ViewssimpleSort is a simple lightweight jQuery plugin for sorting & filtering elements depended on Html5 data-* attributes.
Animated Searchable List View with jQuery and CSS3
- Other - 2462 ViewsAn animated filterable list that allows you to dynamically narrow a list of DOM elements with live text search.
Simple Grid List Filter Plugin with jQuery and CSS3 - xFilterList
- Layout - 6473 ViewsxFilterList is a simple lightweight jQuery plugin used to categorize, sort, and filter a grid of items with CSS3 powered transitions.
Creating A Dynamic List Filter using jQuery
- Layout - 5603 ViewsA minimal jQuery script that utilizes jQuery's filter() function to create a live filter on a list of grouped items, with smooth slide up/down filter animations.
jQuery and CSS3 Based Gallery Filter with Blur Effects
- Gallery - 3111 ViewsA jQuery plugin allows you to filter a gallery of images by blurring the unnecessary images using CSS3 transitions and blur filter.
Filterable Portfolio Wall with jQuery and CSS3
- Layout - 16905 ViewsAn amazing jQuery portfolio wall which allows the visitor to filter & shuffle a grid of images with cool CSS3 based image hover effects.
Filter & Shuffle A Grid Of Items with jQuery and CSS3
- Layout - 2766 ViewsA filterable grid that allows you to categorize, filter and shuffle a grid of items with CSS3 transform & transition based effects.
jQuery Plugin For Reordering and Filtering Html Elements - filter.js
- Layout - 3433 Viewsfilter.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin that allows to dynamically filter and reorder sets of html elements with fade-in and fade-out aniamtions.
jQuery Plugin To Filter Html Table with Multiple Criteria - multifilter
- Table - 25583 Viewsmultifilter is a dead simple yet useful jQuery plugin that allows to filter your table columns using multiple filter inputs.
Creating A Responsive & Filterable Image Gallery with jQuery
- Gallery - 36173 ViewsFilterable jQuery Gallery is a jQuery plugin helps you categorize, reorder and filter a responsive grid of photos with a basic shuffling animation.
Input Based Table Data Filter With jQuery - multifilter
- Table - 8639 Viewsmultifilter is a lightweight (~2kb) and user-friendly jQuery plugin that enables you to filter table data using jQuery and multiple input fields.
jQuery Plugin For Data Table Filting and Selecting - checkit
- Table - 8567 Viewscheckit is a jQuery plugin for advanced data filtering and selecting tool to improve the manipulation experience of the data table with huge data.
Tiny Filterable Accordion List Plugin For jQuery - Collapsable List
- Accordion - 2105 ViewsCollapsable List is a simple jQuery plugin which turns standard html unordered lists into a searchable and collapsable list with smooth accordion animations.
jQuery Plugin For Manipulating Tabulated Data - Zentable
- Table - 3112 ViewsZentable is a powerful jQuery tabulated data manipulation plugin for creating an editable, sortable, filterable and draggable table that can be used with or without AJAX.
jQuery Plugin For Replacing Unwanted Words - Blacklist.js
- Text - 1282 ViewsBlacklist.js is a small yet useful jQuery plugin for creating a blacklist of words on content to filter or replace unwanted words with your pre-defined characters.
jQuery Plugin For Sorting and Filtering Html Lists - listplus
- Layout - 1891 Viewslistplus is a lightweight jQuery UI widget based on jQuery library that enables you to sort, group, and filter an html list on client side.
jQuery Plugin To Filter A Table Based On Input Field - Table Filter
- Table - 2977 ViewsTable Filter is an extremely simple and lightweight jQuery plugin that automatically generates an input field to filter table rows.
User Friendly Table Handler With jQuery and PHP - advtable
- Table - 6610 Viewsadvtable is an user-friendly jQuery plugin that enables you to handle table content using javascript and PHP.
Pretty Table Filter Plugin With jQuery and Bootstrap - Filterable
- Table - 45439 Viewsfilterable is a beautiful and powerful jQuery plugin that allows you to create per-column filters for an HTML table, based on Bootstrap and jQuery X-editable plugin.
jQuery Plugin For Interactive and Filterable Portfolio
- Layout - 25244 ViewsAn awesome jQuery gallery plugin that enables you to create a Interactive & Filterable Portfolio website.
jQuery Content Filter For Mobile Device - filterbar
- Mobile - 1627 Viewsfilterbar is a jQuery plugin that enables you create a generic filter widget for mobile website based on the listview filter extension.
Minimal jQuery Table Sorter and Filter Plugin - table.js
- Table - 3714 Viewstable.js is a super simple yet useful jQuery plugin for sorting, filtering and formatting your html tables.
jQuery Plugin For Interactive Search Filter - sieve
- Other - 3172 Viewssieve is a useful and powerful jQuery Plugin that adds an interactive search filter to any block of content for quickly filtering out the content without any server-side script.
Text Highlighting and Filtering Plugin with jQuery
- Text - 4436 ViewsAn useful jQuery Plugin that allows your visiters to highlight and filter text by the keywords they need.
Html Elements Sorting and Filtering Plugin - List.js
- Layout - 3690 ViewsList.js is a lightweight javascript library that makes makes your plain HTML lists and tables super flexible, searchable, sortable and filterable.
Advanced tag filtering with jQuery - filtrify
- Menu - 4083 Viewsfiltrify is a powerful jQuery plugin that you can search tags within tags and filter items by multiple tags from different categories and get a live feedback on the number of items containing related tags.